okay how the hell am I supposed to get
this downstairs by myself
it'll be struggled dragging the
histogram here all the way to years so
should I even try if I just wait for
I just hate not finishing projects I
gotta get this done worst-case scenario
I fall down and the desk squishes me so
it's actually not a bad scenario
you know what I'm gonna lower this thing
flat and then I'll slide it down let's
try that actually
well at least it fits there we go Oh
oh my god oh my god I almost fell
Oh God okay guys do not attempt
something this stupid by yourself please
I seriously almost slipped and this
would have cut me right and looking
growing Wow alright one more flight of
stairs to go and I think we should be in
the clear
all right so The Stand esque is in one
piece and I bought it downstairs I
scraped up my walls and stuff but I'll
add some paint later that's fine now my
next step is to bring up my actual
tabletop upstairs and assemble it the
only difficult part is this thing is
about I think 84 or 85 inches in width
so it is massive
alright so the desk is finally put
together it was honestly a pain in the
ass trying to get that hex rod from one
end to the other you have to use a
wrench and adjust the angle for it to
slide in and it took me literally about
30 minutes just for that segment so your
ass elation was a pain and also one
little thing the desk came cracked if
you guys can see that over here I'm
hoping the other side is not cracked I
pretty sure it's not because I did check
it before I flip it over but anyways the
desk also came with these two little
panel raceways but honestly I'm not
gonna use these because I'm gonna order
my usual long one I think it's about 48
inches that one's across the back of the
desk and I'm gonna use that to do the
cable management instead of these two
tiny ones
yep I wasn't kidding when I said it was
long guys this is a very long desk so
here is the dilemma right now okay
here's a question I asked you guys
should I put the PC on the desk or
should I put it on the Alex your unit
and put it on the side over here
honestly I don't know let me know what
you guys think in the comment section
I feel like I do have space though the
table is right now centered but if I
push it to the left a bit there's still
some space in the corner over there if I
move the entire desk to the left side
there's definitely gonna be space for
the ideology or unit in here actually
it's even now it's got plenty of space
for it but I don't know let me what you
guys think again in the comment section
I would love to hear your feedback
so yeah guys there you have it this is
my current set-up with a new desk this
is the level gaming adjustable desk I'll
leave a link below if you guys want to
check it out there is no automated
control there's no memory basically just
up and down
there's no pre-configured settings that
you can program kind of like all my
other desk is and also it's kind of loud
here's a quick demonstration I mean it's
not that loud but I want to compare it
to the other desk that I did a video on
it's actually there's a big difference
but anyways do it all quality of it I
like I like the red accents that they
put over here looks really nice they do
have a few other options color options
you guys can check out once again link
is down below if you want to give a huge
thanks to level gaming for sending out
the desk
honestly the PC on the desk doesn't look
that bad guys but the only issue that I
have is I told you guys I do want to get
capital eggs IKEA capital eggs and put
them on the IKEA lack shelves and put
the speakers on the lack show it's kind
of like what I did with the Wolverine
setup and the cell setup I think it
would look really nice with the white
and red contrast but the thing is if I
put the show up over here it's gonna
intervene interfere with the case that
is why I want the PC on the IKEA drawer
unit but anyways until I read your
feedback I won't have a final decision
I'm also gonna pick up a second ultra
light and put it on top of my current
one and the reason why is I love my 38
you see 99 it's a 38 inch ultra wide
3,800 by 1600 resolution it is beast
when it comes to productivity but it
sucks when it comes to gaming guys 60
Hertz is all it has and it's it's I
experienced so much screen turning and I
just I'm looking for a better gaming
monitor with somewhat close to a 3k
resolution so you know 34 40 by 1440 P
would be nice I'm gonna ask issues and
see if they can send and they're awesome
PG 384 q but in the meantime I'm gonna
be using this and I might even mount
both of the ultra lights on the wall so
that mount there is also temporary a lot
of things on here gonna be temporary the
mousepad is gonna be temporary
the keyboard might be temporary I give
you I might be hitting a new one and of
course the cable management I'm waiting
on the channel Raceway to arrive so I
can do that I'm not gonna work on it now
and then take it apart and do it again
when it comes it doesn't make any sense
but anyways guys I'm gonna wrap up the
vlog here I hope you guys enjoyed it I'm
pretty sure it dragged on for a long
time we've got a lot of work done and as
you can see it's already nighttime so
it's actually 8 o clock it's 7:50 - and
I started this in the afternoon around 2
o'clock I think so yeah a lot of work I
am sweating like crazy home I go take a
hope you guys enjoyed the video if you
did drop a like if you didn't feel free
to dislike as well let me leave feedback
in a comment section and as always I
will see you guys in the next one peace
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