thanks to Squarespace for making today's
video possible well a Stephan thanks to
us welcome to setup was ever so once HT
where you submitted that set up a get
features not a challenge because when I
participate make sure watch the video
link down below with that side ladies
and gentlemen a set of words begin
kick-starting the episode we got my
homie Anthony and his YouTube set up he
does create tech videos like me so make
sure you guys check him out I'll drop a
link below to his channel so he's got
the new LG 34 UC 89 G that was just
released by LG and this thing can be
overclocked to 166 Hertz features G sync
and as they curved ultrawide monitor
make sure you guys check out my video on
it in case you missed it last week it's
currently one of the best ultra wide
gaming monitors you can buy right now so
it's got that hooked up to the human
scale m2 arm which is attached to the
human scale float desk and wow this
thing starts at 1750 and it's an
adjustable desk personally for you I
would have saved a lot of money going
with an adjustable face by itself and
then picking up a tabletop separately
not only would I have saved a lot of
money but also I can go with any
tabletop I want to match my set up
perfectly I did exactly that in my vlogs
my recent vlog actually check it out in
case you guys missed it but anyways back
to this setup so for audio he's rocking
a pair of bose companion 5 speakers and
his blue yeti blackout microphone for
voiceovers he's also using the corsair
k70 rapid fire and the saber RGB mouse
but that xbox controller is kind of out
of place maybe put that there just to
take pics but I feel like you can find a
better place for that and for the watch
as well that's just laying flat in the
middle of the desk I personally think a
watch stand as a bit unnecessary but
maybe it's something you guys might like
on your desk I'll double link to one
with a clear stand that I found on
Amazon just in case for gaming he's got
the avoid wireless headset as well as
the oculus for VR gaming it's
interesting what he did with the cable
management so there's a Raceway that's
holding up majority of the cables and we
also have a cable sleeve coming out of
the subwoofer and basically tied
everything together using zip ties I
believe and he's even got a holder for
as a PC
on the right side it's very smart of him
to mount it like that because of the
nature of the desk if you were to adjust
the height of the desk the UPC would go
along with it I'll also give you a
points for looking up your router
underneath the desk and finally the PC
that's powering the setup is rocking in
4790k and an msi gtx 970 if they black
and red themed PC with RGB lights okay
so it's a pretty decent setup now
there's a few things that I would
personally have changed like cleaning up
the keyboard and mouse wires if you
don't want to drill a hole on the table
then that's fine but at least route the
mouse wire underneath the keyboard and
wrap it together so that way it looks
like there's only one wire going across
your table also your youtube banner
isn't exactly centered with your monitor
and there isn't any real consistency
across your setup now here's the thing
if you're going to pick up some RGB
lights and build a custom PC with a sir
- the color scheme in mind I would put
in some more effort and try to spread
that around your setup I feel like a
black and white setup with red accents
would be perfect for this you already
have some red accents on your mousepad
and you got your PC hell even the banner
on the wall has some red on it the first
thing I would do is replace that green
Angela figurine with a white one or you
can even custom paint your own and I
would replace that black teacher with a
white one as well for that added
contrast and finally the icing on the
cake would be to switch up all the LED
lights to red which will give it the
perfect balance for your setup normally
I want to recommend this many things for
just one setup but I figured if you can
afford an $1,800 desk then these would
be nothing for you I see lots of
potential to improve Thank You Anthony
for entering and good luck on your
channel man here's an interesting setup
from anger and every time I see a giant
screen like this I ask how how do you
guys do it it's a forty three inch 4k TV
from Sony and just look how small the
icons are on the screen you guys can
barely see it this guy must have some
special glasses to be able to see all
that but I bet gaming is awesome on it
though so the best key is using is the
famous IKEA Mom and he's covered it with
a tablecloth for some reason he's also
using the k70 RGB keyboard and
Starro to RGB mouse at sitting on top of
the Firefly mousepad oh so looks like he
put the tablecloth on the desk so that
he can drill a hole in it and route the
cables underneath it so that way he
doesn't damage the actual desk that's an
interesting way to do it I don't see a
single source of audio no headphones or
speakers so I'm assuming he's using the
speakers from the TV which is
interesting this got me thinking how
many of you guys actually use the
speaker's built inside your monitors
I made a straw polling just for that
make sure you guys click on and vote if
you want I'm very curious so the PC
that's powering this massive 4k TV is a
custom luke rocking a new 1800 X rise in
CPU and to vbg a gtx 1080s
and SL eyes I think this is our first
official horizon 7 build on setup Wars
very nice even though you're using the
stock PSU cables you did a great job on
the wire management props on that what's
also cool about this build is that you
synced his RGB lights to a smart phone
and he was able to change the color very
easily very nice the rest of the cables
from the setup love geared
they're off the ground so no major
complaint here it's actually a pretty
straightforward gaming setup the only
thing that strange about it is the fact
that he's not using speakers or
headphones but thank you in your for
entering jeb is up next with a dual
setup we have one for productivity and
one for gaming we don't have much of
these since most people build a PC for
both gaming and productivity and they
use the same monitor but sometimes it's
necessary to split them up for example I
know for a fact that a Mac is far better
than a Windows PC when it comes to
editing video on Adobe or Final Cut Pro
the optimization you get with Mac is
something that Windows just can't
compete with it really pains me to say
that but it's true so on the left side
is the productivity setup being powered
by 13-inch MacBook Pro and that hooked
up to a samsung TV along with his ps4
it's sitting on a custom-made riser that
he built using the ikea capital eggs and
an ikea shelf so very nice job there on
both sides you got a pair of yamaha HS v
studio monitor speakers and a MIDI
keyboard on the other side we got a
Samsung monitor
hooked up against the wall and below
that he's using the iBUYPOWER keyboard
with cherry red switches and Razer Naga
Mouse he does have a pair of those
containing five speakers as well as a
logitech g930 three gaming headsets the
pc isn't exactly custom-built since he
picked it up for my buy power but it's
rocking a 77 and decay and an asus
tricks gtx 1080
it's sitting on carpet though so I would
definitely recommend picking up a PC
stand that way it's not sucking up all
the dust and dirt from the ground and
it'll be a lot easier to move it around
in case you need to access the back to
plug things in and as a bonus that
actually matches your setups color
scheme so that's always a nice plus the
cable management is very clean for the
most part I love the use of the wall
channel raceways you've got throughout
the setup all the cables are hidden very
nicely there are a few wires sticking
out from places depending on what angle
you look at the setup from so it's not
perfect but you still did a really good
job Jeb you got two awesome setups thank
you for entering next up on the list is
K and his impressive black and red
gaming setup featuring the 29 inch
ultrawide monitor from LG that sucks up
to the NB f ng mount which he painted in
white the keyboard he's got is an
interesting one so this is the Tesoro
Lovera spectrum with magic forest retro
key caps it kind of gives off this
typewriter feel and it actually looks
pretty cool the mouse he is using is the
armageddon g11 and he's also rocking an
expanded mousepad from Corsair
okay so check this out Anthony this is
exactly what I was talking about earlier
see the way that King routed his
keyboard and mouse wire something like
this looks a lot cleaner instead of
running the cables across the table like
you did even though I is behind the
audio Technica's are managed very well
the rest of the cables throughout the
setup are hidden very well and I don't
have major complaints the PCs God has
the 4460 and two gtx 960 s in sli
there's definitely a lot of personality
in this setup I don't get that empty
vibe there are a few extra things on the
desk then I prefer but overall this is a
solid gaming setup
thank you Ken for entering last not
least we got the return of Locke from
episode 84 and it looks like he made
some very impressive upgrades since then
so this is a dual setup for him and his
brother I believe the first major
differences I noticed are the monitors
and the PC that's sitting right smack in
the center the PC on top is actually
powering the setup on the left side and
it's equipped with a 68 50 K and an asus
strix 1080p eye with 64 gigs of ram that
is a beast right there the PC under the
desk Alvar has a 70 70 K and an asus
strix 1080 with 16 gigs of ram it's not
as overkill as the first one but it's
still pretty beefy I also get this vibe
that both of you guys are fans of AC so
I'm not sure why I feel that way though
and as if the pcs aren't enough they
also share an Asus GX 800 gaming laptop
and this thing is packed with a 7820 HK
64 gigs of ram and a GTX 1080 I'm sorry
two gtx 1080s and sli who are you people
we also upgraded both of their monitors
and it looks like they joined the ultra
white team I'm gonna have to give you an
applause for that
very nice upgrades to they are both
using the ACS rog PG 3 for 8q this
entire room is decked out with asus
logos RGB lights and even asus care we
got the asus rog claim or keyboard rog
centauri on headset and the ology
Gladius mouse I'm not even mad that you
didn't go with the asus rog spatha mouse
and picked up the logitech g930
'even though the asus shriek ended here
i completely agree with your decision
the g 900 is a much better Mouse I have
to say aside from all that Asian stuff
you got to my favorite part about this
gaming room is still the ceiling with
the ology logo I love how you can
control the lights around it and it's
built really well I can't even see the
RGB strips there's a crap ton of stuff
to connect but you guys did an awesome
job keeping all the cables hidden behind
the back board of your custom made desk
which by the way was designed by lot
himself a phenomenal gaming rooms setup
definitely still one of the best I've
seen on the channel thank you guys for
entering again and please feel free to
send in any more updates that you guys
do to this before I head out and give
you huge thanks to Squarespace for
making the
video possible I've personally been
using their platform for the past four
years now but more recently two years
ago I created my very own website deal
source tech which I'm sure a lot of you
guys already heard of but how easy it
was to create the website I didn't know
anything about coding and I still don't
know anything about coding and I was
able to create such a clean looking
website that's because most of the
things are drag-and-drop it's very easy
trust me guys if I can do it you can do
it too they just come up with 16 new
really awesome looking templates that
you guys can choose from or you can
start from scratch kind of like what I
did with my website but just more
subscribers out there you guys can get
10% off your first order if you visit slash tech stores so
that is a bit of episode offset of
hordes as always comment down below on
who you think has the best desk setup
allows the winners on Twitter and
Instagram accounts they can get so much
for watching
I love your fingernails and I'll see you
in the next video
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