what's up guys it's that from tech
source and in this video we're going to
be taking a look at five really awesome
budget microphones under $50 but before
we get into that video I'm gonna give
you huge thanks to the great courses
plus for sponsoring this video the are a
subscription on demand video learning
service where you can enjoy lectures
from top professors from around the
world but more on that later I've also
done a top-five budget microphone video
on there $50 with five different
microphones about six months ago so if
you guys want to check that out as well
I'll drop a link to it down below along
with all the microphones you see in this
video so first up is the CAD u1 USB
microphone coming in at $19 please keep
in mind that these prices change
constantly so this is the price at the
time of making this video it's a simple
and straightforward plug-and-play
microphone that comes with a tiny tripod
which you can use to adjust the angle of
the microphone and a mute switch right
on the mic next up is the key box BM 800
Pro condenser microphone which is pretty
much a generic rebrand microphone from
the BM 800 line up for only $33 you get
an entire setup which includes the mic
itself a pop filter shock mount
windscreen and an XLR to 3.5 millimeter
cable this is technically also
considered a plug-and-play since all you
need is a 3.5 millimeter jack on your PC
or device but I strongly recommend using
a two-way XLR cable with an audio
interface but more on that later
at number three we have the popular
Samson meteor mic which goes for $39
this is also a plug-and-play microphone
that comes with a base which allows you
to move around the microphone in just a
little bit we do have another CAD
microphone on the list and this one is
the U 37 USB microphone once again it is
a plug-and-play that starts at $40
depending on which color you go with it
can range from forty to fifty dollars so
this microphone comes with a mini tripod
which allows you to adjust the angle and
height also on the microphone itself is
a bass reduction switch which basically
reduces room noise and finally we have
the cat
Zoe orzo that is the most expensive mic
on the list but it's still under $50
coming in at forty seven dollars and
sixty six cents like all the other ones
this is also a plug-and-play microphone
that comes with a simple tripod however
there is no adjustment available which
is kind of lame considering that this
goes for almost 50 dollars
let's just hope the sound quality makes
up for it alright so here's how I'm
going to be doing testing guys I'm not
going to be doing any editing on the
audio so what you hear is going to be
the raw audio file four out of five mics
are considered plug and play actually
all five and are considered plug and
play so I'm going to be doing is
plugging the microphones in the PC and
recording the audio now the BM 800
microphone also has an XLR input which
means I can hook that up to my audio
interface so I'll be showing you guys an
example for that as well just so you
guys can kind of hear the difference so
according to the audio samples this is
the order of the best sounding
microphone to the worst so now I'm
talking directly at the u 37 microphone
this is with the minus 10 decibel option
enabled on the microphone and once again
this is done without any editing and the
microphone is about 1 feet from my mouth
so this time I'm talking directly at the
BM 800 microphone and this time I am
using the XLR cable and plug that
straight into the Focusrite audio
interface both of which are sold
separately and once again this is
without any editing so this is what it
sounds like talking directly at the
Samson meteor mic again this is on the
desk about the same distance as the
other microphones and this is without
any editing so now I am talking directly
at the Zoe orzo plug-and-play microphone
this is without any audio interface and
without any audio editing alright so now
I'm talking to the BM 800 microphone and
this is using the XLR to 3.5 millimeter
cable that I hooked up straight to my PC
alright so now I'm talking directly at
the CAD u1 USB microphone and again it
is the same distance as the other
microphones and this is without any
editing so obviously the worst
microphone is also the cheapest no
surprise there
the Cadieux one it kind of has a static
background if you guys paid attention to
it I did everything I can to try and get
rid of it but apparently it's coming
from the microphone itself so unless you
are on a very tight budget and plan to
use some background music in your videos
or even screaming I would advise going
with this microphone
pick up the next best option which is
the key box PM 800 microphone now if you
guys already own an audio interface like
I do then this mic will give you the
best value since it provides much better
audio when hooked up via XLR cable to an
audio interface if you guys are
interested in the audio interface I use
for this video as well as the one you're
listening to right now then I'll drop a
link to that down below so with that
said the best sounding microphone that
is plug and play without any editing
goes to the you 37 it's actually decent
ly price to only around $40 and the best
part is they do have a bunch of colors
to choose from so I'm sure you guys will
find one that fits your setup so before
I end this video I have an awesome deal
to share with you guys especially since
Black Friday and Cyber Monday are right
around the corner right now until
November 28th you guys can get a free
Roku Express device plus $20 off your
annual plan from the great courses plus
as I mentioned in the beginning of this
video the great courses plus is a
subscription-based video learning
service with top-notch lectures and
courses from top professors from Ivy
League and other great universities
globally and even experts from places
like National Geographic and Culinary
Institute of America you get a limited
access to a huge library of 7,000 video
lectures about anything that interests
you guys whether that's science math
history literature or even how to cook
and become a better photographer you can
even stream them from your TV tablet
laptop or even phone through any browser
or by using any of the available apps
I'm sure a lot of you guys know this but
before I started making YouTube videos I
had zero experience and cameras I kind
of just picked one up and went with it
sometimes I wish that I would have read
something or watched a tutorial on the
cameras before I started making videos I
feel like that would really help with
the quality of the videos that I
produced that's one of the reasons why
my older videos are so bad
surprisingly enough the great courses
Plus has an entire catalog on the
fundamentals of photography and there's
a lot of great info to learn from here
as I mentioned before because of the
holidays guests can get a free real ku
Express device and also $20 off your
plan so make sure you guys visit the
great courses plus comm slash tech
source or click on the link down below
then you guys so much for watching as
always I will see you in the neck
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