edge desk the group of American
designers led by Mark Rosenberg
launched a crowdfunding campaign on
Kickstarter for their foldable edge desk
the all-in-one desk chair and easel
comes fully assembled folds to six
inches for easy storage is incredibly
comfortable and promotes good posture
all this is possible thanks to the
absence of the seat back and it's
kneeling chair that keeps you from
slouching the edge desk weighs 24 pounds
and it's easily storable under the bed
or in a closet the construction is fully
adjustable so it will be comfortable for
anyone under 330 pounds and 6.5 feet
thanks to modern technologies engineers
managed to create an ultra solid desk
perfect for working in a sitting
position wherever you want at home in
the office or even in the park besides
you can turn the tabletop by 90 degrees
turning it into an easel
also the authors equip their invention
with a couple of accessories like a cup
holder a Bluetooth speaker an LED light
powered by USB and noir buddy this
robots not only can be your favorite pet
but it's also a great family companion
to bring you things is not its only
ability you can move on his own
initiative to and avoid obstacles it
moves using three motorized wheels with
a top speed of 27 inches per second you
can control buddy from the display which
happens to be at the same time its face
expressing different emotions depending
on its mood the robot is equipped with
60 gigabytes of local memory can operate
eight or ten hours and has Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth it's fitted with several
detectors a camera and ultrasound
infrared and heat sensors and it has a
microphone speakers and audio output
the smart robot can recognize familiar
faces and objects understands language
and answers to your questions
body is perfect for families for
children it can play hide and seek check
homework and introduce the world of
electronics to them
buddy is also very friendly towards the
developers since it has open-source
software which allows to create
applications for it
thus buddies possibilities are
continuously expanding cascade wallet
cascade wallet is made for those who
like the mechanical masterpiece roland
item are cdat - mark - but do not have
an extra ninety thousand three hundred
dollars to buy it these two accessories
are obviously very different in terms of
mechanics but still they're very similar
essence they both protect smart cards
from remote reading and have a card
ejection mechanism that allows your cars
to spring to life in a cascade fashion
with a sleight of a button
cascade wallet also has a special clip
for banknotes and a polyurethane leather
cover the anodized aircraft-grade
aluminium has exceptional strength
properties to prevent any physical
damage to the cars house as compared
with flexible wallets more importantly
the cascade wallet secures your credit
debits and identification cards from
wireless identity theft the aluminium
walls act as a firewall preventing
unauthorized access to your personal and
financial information plug and plant
mexican company vertical green followed
the latest trend of the vertical gardens
and introduced its own planting system
plug and plant the modular eco system
allows you to cultivate flowers herbs
and veggies without any complication and
a smart system reports the state of your
plants to your phone via bluetooth the
vertical garden system consists of the
main panel attached to the wall
preferably in a room with natural light
pods with plant seeds in nutrients
plugins modules
nutritional substrate is made of
biodegradable polyurethane starch foam
and is called smart biopharm also every
module has indicators of temperature
humidity and light there's a smart cloud
shaped water tank that attaches
separately to the main panel so you
install a panel plug in the modules
attach the water cloud download the app
and you're good to go the smart system
controls temperature humidity and
lighting when something's not enough the
app will notify you when the system runs
out of water the smart tank will tell
you how much water you need to add so it
would keep plants water for 30 days more
this way an ordinary wall turns into an
indoor garden
the company offers seeds of 36 different
plants to choose you can mix flowers
herbs and veggies
you can always have something fresh on
your kitchen for a salad and more
important those who don't like digging
and taking care of a real garden but
still want to green it up now you know
where your solution is Scalli though it
is not an ordinary automated wheelchair
this is a vehicle that can deal with any
of an obstacle this wheelchair won't be
stopped by curbs or even stairs and
doesn't require any extra effort in
order to climb stairs scale Evo is
equipped with a rubber track that
resembles the treads of a tank apart
from the main wheels when there's a curb
the passenger activates the alternative
mode with the press of a button the user
lowers the tracks which grip onto the
first step of the stairs and slowly move
the whole chair upward as it gets
further up the stairs a small set of
wheels appear to ensure that it doesn't
tip over the top speed to the wheelchair
is 6.2 miles per hour
the vehicle is controlled by a couple of
buttons and a joystick the back and the
arm rests are adjustable but the
greatest thing about this invention is
that it makes people with disabilities
more autonomous and independent heat a
sleeping bag this is actually a long
jacket fitted with a heated core and
feet elements it has sleeves pockets in
a hood like an ordinary jacket and apart
from having electrical heating it has
one more cool feature it can turn into a
sleeping bag
it also has removal charges 7800
milliamp hours for $79 and 15,600
milliamp hours for 89 the small one will
provide constant heating for two or
two-and-a-half hours or 15 hours of only
heating your feet the big 14.5 and 30
hours respectively
besides the charger has a USB output so
you could charge a smartphone the jacket
sleeping bag is made of water resistant
durable material which is breathable and
can stay dry on the surface at the same
time heated sleeping bag is the perfect
solution for camping defender American
company Gotham bicycle defense came up
with a fortified waterproof theft
resistant bike headlamp Defender weighs
232 grams and has quite simple
construction waterproof lightweight
aluminium frame holds six bright LED
lights and three double A batteries that
provide 100 hours of working all this
stuff is packed in a fatass six-shooter
Gunbarrel design so it looks pretty cool
the unusual fastening of the head light
makes defender almost impossible to
remove complicating it for the thief so
nobody will steal it from you in order
to open the lamp if you want to change
the battery for example you need a
special tiny key included in the kit if
you want to remove the headlight from
the handles that will also require a key
the headlight costs about $50 every baht
every housewife has this dream where she
comes home and finds it perfectly clean
or where she can let her baby play
recklessly in the house without worrying
that he can make a mess
every bot makes these dreams come true
this little fellow will keep your floor
absolutely clean what you need to do is
only push one button this robot is
provided with powerful engines and a
unique rotating dual spin mop which can
remove and capture even the smallest
particles such as dust off your floor
and leave it shiny clean thanks to its
compact design every bolt can get even
to the most remote places such as under
the bed or the couch where there's
always a lot of dust the robot is packed
with two water tanks and a convenient
auto water supply system for moist
mopping patented microfiber mops and it
has seven cleaning modes four different
floor conditions it's also equipped with
smart sensors that can detect obstacles
and avoid Falls
so this smart robot will stay away from
clips and corners besides every bot has
a handy cleaning mode so you can clean
manually any horizontal or vertical
surface like desks tables glass floors
and glass windows the basic package cost
$199 and includes three mop heads and
the device itself ecozy nowadays gadgets
for increasing energy efficiency are
needed more than ever so in Europe where
the price for heating depends mostly on
heat consumption thermostats are very
popular created by Ukrainians in Germany
ecozy company launched smart thermostat
for water radiators which has no
analogues regarding its design and
usability as they say the benefits of an
eco see smart heating solution is that
it empowers you with advanced smart home
features greatly improves your
energy-saving looks modern and is
extremely easy to use besides with the
Eco Z app you can access your home
heating no matter where you are you can
adjust the perfect temperature for each
of your rooms by the way Apple watch
support will also be provided as well
thanks to the system you can turn off
the heating when there's nobody home or
for example from 11 p.m. till 6 a.m. you
can adjust the temperature on plus 18
degrees which is considered the most
comfortable for sleeping Eco Z is a
self-learning heating solution which
creates a mathematical model of the
environment whereupon the temperature
curve with each cycle gets more
more accurate and thus reduces heating
costs and increases energy saving the
basic case includes one thermostat and
one control hub and cost a hundred and
seventy nine euro every next thermostat
will cost 69 euro easy macro lens
Adam Hicks engineer from New Hampshire
develop the second generation of the EZ
macro smartphone lens highly appreciated
by macro photography enthusiasts the
gadget is designed for iPhone iPad and
other devices with back or front camera
essentially easy macro lens as an usual
lens attached to a rubber band you wrap
the band around your device adjust the
lens to the camera and voila you're
ready to make your first masterpiece in
spite of its simplicity easy macro could
compete with other devices which are
more high-tech and quite expensive the
lens provides four times zoom and the
rubber band goes equally well with the
smartphone or 10-inch tablets with or
without a case no matter what form it
has or where the flash is the benefits
of easy macro lens are is universality
compact design and small weight and the
price which is only $15
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