quietens sleep the Finnish company quiet
on presented these sleeping earplugs
quiet on sleep which can block any
snoring sound the anti noise active
earplugs are specially designed for
comfortable sleeping the device is
compact and it was designed specifically
for long-term wearing it's also possible
to quickly switch off the noise
reduction system inside each ear plug
there is a processor a speaker and a
microphone registering any noise the
device is made of a safe soft material
that does not harm the ear the ear plugs
weigh one point seven grams and entirely
fill the ear canal without causing
discomfort during sleep in any position
on a single charge quiet on sleep can
work for up to 20 hours the device is
charged using a special case and you can
buy this artifact for a hundred and
fifty dollars
Ilia this modern and effective
alternative to using Braille is easy to
learn it takes only three hours to learn
how to recognize letters written with
alia Alia uses easily recognizable
symbols which are based on the
traditional lassen alphabet each letter
consists of an outer frame and interior
elements that combine to form the basic
characteristics of standard letters the
creators of alia are giving out the
device in exchange to different
donations for example for $25 you can
get a keyboard with special silicon
letters for the visually impaired
Auto Water pro this device replaces your
usual aerator allowing you to not touch
the tap thus stopping the spread of
microbes the auto Water Pro has built-in
infrared sensors one on the bottom and
another one on the left side this allows
you to activate two different modes a
short and a long stream of water
the device has a built in carbon water
filter making tap water suitable for
drinking and improving its taste the
device is suitable for almost any house
since it comes with six different
adapters the gadget works for 12 months
after one magnetic charge also the auto
water pro has a nightlight illumination
system and two possible forms one is a
continuation of the tap and the second
is placed on the side the latter is a
little more massive and is considered by
the creators as a suitable option for
the bathroom it's also worth noting that
according to the manufacturers the use
of the device reduces water consumption
by 60 percent you can buy this device
for $70
neck's avium mini this simple and
compact device made of rigid foam can
gently stretch the cervical vertebra to
reduce pain it can also be used as a
solution for migraines and to align the
spine you have to bend the device and
place it under the neck while in a
horizontal position because of its form
the device tries to return to its
original position thereby effectively
stretching the neck muscles improving
blood circulation and relaxing lean uses
backbone the next savior mini will cost
tooth's our according to the creators
this is the world's first comprehensive
solution for oral care that eliminates
the need of brushing your teeth the
normal way to the shower is easy to use
and cleans out 100% of the surface of
the teeth including the space between
them the device consists of three
different elements for optimal care it's
worth noting that the tooth shower
significantly saves time and the whole
process of cleansing takes no more than
ten seconds the cost of this innovative
product is $85
core Narva this eco-friendly water
bottle where the built-in filter allows
you to drink water even from the tap
greatly improving its taste and quality
the convenient bottle cap opens with a
single click of a button a replaceable
charcoal filter provides additional
water purification in line with the NSF
42 standard reducing the taste of
chlorine and eliminating unpleasant
odors one filter can be used to fill the
bottle 300 times which is about a
hundred and fifty liters of water or two
months of everyday use the filter is
made from activated carbon from coconut
shell which is a renewable natural
resource the drinking water can be
consumed through a tube and the cost of
this bottle is $22
q son this small device attaches to your
clothes and tracks the sun's movements
to help the owner prevent skin damage
and maintain a healthy level of vitamin
D Q Sun monitors the owners status in
real-time and tells him or her if the
sun's power is beyond the allowable
limit it should be noted that the device
can work both independently and then
conjunction with a special application
for a smartphone you can buy this useful
gadget for $60
fit snack doctors and professional
trainers work together to create this
posture correction device according to
the creators this is the only device
that strengthens the muscles of the neck
straightening the vertebra and
retraining the user to keep his or her
head straight you just have to use fit
neck for one or two minutes a day to
prevent injuries relieve pain and
fatigue caused by neck deformities in
addition the device makes you feel
better and helps you look better and be
more confident the cost of fit neck is
purists ooh
this sports water bottle and filter
doesn't take up much space and allows
you to always carry a small stock of
clean water the triple purification
system lets you drink water from any
natural source pure su consists of three
main elements the built-in filter base a
hand pump at the top and to contain it
for purified water in the middle the
water is clean when it's being poured
into the bottle by pumping it through
the filter a few pump movements and the
bottle is filled with clean water which
you can drink directly or pour into a
fancy glass the fills are purified water
killing harmful bacteria and eliminating
rust heavy metals and other contaminants
the filter can clean a thousand liters
of water and the capacity of the
built-in tank is four hundred and ten
milliliters this sports filter will cost
you $70
Google contact lens the Google smart
contact lenses in the first place are
intended for people with diabetes they
can provide real-time information about
the level of sugar in the blood
without piercing the skin it analyzes
the teardrop liquid of the user also the
device will be able to regulate vision
using an advanced technology however
details of this functionality are not
disclosed to date the creators continue
to test different prototypes and it's
unclear when the lenses will go on sale
therefore the approximate price of this
innovative development remains unknown
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