secret bracelet secret bracelet as a
fitness tracker style band that turns
your arm into a touchscreen the bracelet
comprises a pico projector and a row of
eight proximity sensors that point
towards the users forearm the proximity
sensors detect where the user's fingers
are and allow them to interact with the
interface as they would with any
ordinary device
the bracelet is activated with a flick
of the wrist I can even be used to
answer phone calls
it features an accelerometer and a
vibration module along with an LED for
notifications it does not contain its
own SIM card suggesting the gadget has
to be used alongside a smartphone
connectivity is provided by Wi-Fi
Bluetooth and a microUSB port the
applications for the bracelet are vast
it'll be able to do anything a phone or
tablet can do but without the need for
hard screen 1x your skin antioxidant
status constantly changes in response to
your diet and lifestyle habits 1x is the
world's first real-time nutritional and
health sensor that measures your skin
antioxidant level instantly from the
palm of your hand
1x understands how your lifestyle
variables impact your body nutrition
exercise sleep stress alcohol and sun
exposure are among critical factors
the amount of antioxidants that you
maintain in your body is proportional to
how long you will live and is also
associated with better health and higher
attractiveness simply activate the
device by touching a button and hold
this in your hand for 20 seconds
1x automatically synchronizes with a
mobile app enabling you to check
previous antioxidant levels and track
your progress
chest when it comes to interacting with
a computer your options are either a
mouse or a keyboard tools that have been
around for 20 years with almost no
change meets Jessica loves a device that
lets you control your PC by clicking
fingers in midair just features a main
band around the frame of the hand and
finger extensions that are designed to
fit like a glove each hand controller is
packed with 15 different sensors
including accelerometers gyroscopes and
magnetometers just lets you work with
your hands in a more intuitive way
switch between apps just by twitching
your finger point at your screen to move
the mouse around the best part is you
get to decide which gesture corresponds
to which action that means you can
actually program custom gestures for
actions you need each controller is
packed with a 500 milliamp hour battery
giving you eight hours of active use per
charge you can also use gest from up to
150 feet away from your computer which
comes in handy for presentations and
much more
Oh dip Odin is the first laser
projection Mouse in the world its design
has been inspired by Nordic myth of
spear-throwing Odin only instead of
throwing spears the gadget throws laser
after hearing Odin you may think that
this Mouse is extra huge with a
dangerous look but actually it only
weighs 40 grams and it's so portable you
could easily put it in your pocket
Odin consists of a robot module the
perches on your desk and projects a
trackpad onto it that you can manipulate
with your fingers to control your
computer now you don't have to grip a
physical Mouse all day these more
natural hand movements reduce your risk
for carpal tunnel problems the
cutting-edge Odin detects reflection
signals with infrared sensors instead of
traditional cameras so that Odin can
have a higher resolution simply connect
the mouse to a USB port on your computer
or laptop and you're good to go
target 2.0 dargah 2.0 is a bike
specifically designed to address the
needs of the modern family it combines
the fun of a cargo bike with the
functionality of a premium stroller
every ride is a joy to be shared with
your child Targo 2.0 is three wheels so
it's inherently stable its large steel
reinforced cargo box includes two kids
seats that can face forwards or
backwards and can be covered with either
a light sunshade or an all-weather full
coverage canopy it also has an optional
accessory bar for the cargo hold the
lets you attach things to keep the
children entertained
your baby wants to take in that recline
the seat to a sleeping position Tiger is
adaptable to your changing family needs
the modular design and accessories let
you use it with newborns six year olds
two children at once groceries and more
targa is perfect for leisure time with
your kids in the park shopping school
drop-off carrying stuff or just staying
active Jam stick learning guitar isn't
easy in fact ninety percent of people
who start guitar lessons quit in the
first year jam stick was created to help
you break through that barrier jam stick
is a portable digital guitar that
connects to your iPad iPhone or Mac it's
built to the specifications of a real
guitar so be sure you'll be pressing
real strings to real frets and use real
picking technique to play as you do so
the device uses light to scan your
fingers and gives you real-time
on-screen feedback once set up the free
Jam chooser app contains a series of
interactive lessons that walk beginners
through everything from plucking strings
to playing chords Jam stick makes no
sound of its own but once paired with an
appropriate software it opens up a well
of sounds and creative possibilities all
in all the jam stick is an excellent
learning tool and in the right hands a
fun stage instrument in its own right
adaptive savor parts adaptive savor
parts are a modular system that lets
anyone build their own custom saber from
the ground up you don't need any tools
or training the parts are intuitive and
user-friendly a novice can put a
gorgeous saber with electronics together
in just a few minutes the parts are made
of aircraft aluminium which makes a
fully assembled handle solid and heavy
enough not to be confused the plastic
toy the blade is a clear polycarbonate
tube about one inch in diameter the
walls of the tube are frosted which
allows the LED color to fill the blade
completely the blade is sturdy enough to
be used for sparring with other weapon
wielders you can get all sorts of colors
for the blade portion of your weapon and
you can even add in other components
like sound and motion
detection mode Oh bag moto bag is the
first hybrid luggage it's a part
carry-on suitcase and a part motorized
vehicle the motor bag is a standard
airline carry-on bag so you can keep it
with you onboard
keep in mind though that you'll lose
about 20 percent of the luggage space to
the battery's motor control stick and
other pieces required to motorize it the
bags travel at up to 8 km/h in indoor
mode and 13 km/h in outdoor mode the
suitcase is lithium battery has enough
juice to travel at least 10 kilometers
and features 2 USB outlets so you can
also use it to charge two devices at
once little foot rests fold out from the
side of the bag to make riding easier
and the sturdy wheels similar to those
on skateboards are strong enough to take
on any airport surface in their stride
and of course it can be used as a
traditional wheeled bag just extend the
handle and pull it along on its wheels
wiki wiki is the slimmest and lightest
portable keyboard for the tablet
smartphone and laptop only 2.5
millimeters thick and weighing 160 grams
the gadget was designed to be extremely
portable and to fit into your tablet
case like a bookmark
unlike other wireless keyboards Weeki
bluetooth keyboard has been developed on
the basis of nanomaterial engineering
and semiconductor technology apart from
the key buttons
it features convenient built-in Mouse
and wheel functions for Windows and
Android devices the weekiy keyboard is
extremely flexible yet it withstands
being driven over by a car or being
dropped from five meters high the
keyboard is also guaranteed to be
waterproof against accidental water or
coffee spills with a 600 milliamp
battery you'll need to charge it only a
few times a year provided you use the
device only four hours a day
there you go compressor world travelers
that are looking to save a little space
in their suitcase for a few extra gifts
may be interested in a new USB clothes
compressor called the vago according to
the research carried out by its creators
clothes and other soft materials
occupying most of the space in our
the device is capable of providing up to
50% additional space in your suitcase by
compressing soft clothes into a
vacuum-sealed bag vago has a smart
sensor to detect pressure and is
therefore able to automatically stop as
soon as the compression is complete
available in four different colors they
go is highly portable with 70
millimeters in length and 85 grams in
weight the compressor is powered through
a USB cable from portable battery or a
wall socket ring developments in smart
home technology look to provide the user
with the convenience of controlling
everything without the need to lift a
finger the concept of ringer comes very
close to that ideal the device resembles
an ordinary if slightly chunky ring
filled with sensors and electronics to
give it the ability to control your
devices it enables gesture control as
well as text input by drawing letters in
the air each application is it sound
unique just your mark
so when you want to use it simply
perform the designated action you can
also customize gestures from your
smartphone or tablet with ring you'll be
able to control the lights in your home
with the flick of a finger change the
song on your iPhone turn up the music or
even snap a photo it also allows just
your based authorization for finalizing
payments and transmits alerts from
connected devices Vaughn built-in
vibration motor and onboard LED rain
comes in four sizes and as a
transmission range of about five meters
both those of you don't want to put up
with instant coffee on a train or when
hiking maybe interested in oomph
a portable coffee maker and Cup in one
bumf works in a very similar fashion to
the Aeropress
though with more portability pour coffee
grounds and hot water into the inner
chamber attach the outer shell and
plunge it down in order to brew the
coffee under pressure the umph brews a
fresh cup of coffee in 30 seconds and
keeps it warm for hours thanks to the
air barrier insulating the liquid inside
you can add milk and sugar as desired
and either pour the coffee into your
favorite mug or drink is straight from
the umph
the oomph has an elegantly simple design
which makes bring the perfect cup of
coffee easier than ever before
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