geoweb some technologies can
significantly simplify road construction
and extend its lifespan
among them is geoweb it's a
two-dimensional or three-dimensional net
made of strips of polyester or
polyethylene fabric by stretching the
grid on the ground in front of the
asphalt a stable frame is formed the
spaces are filled with soil gravel or
sand and then the asphalt is laid from
the top this technology is widely used
in road and rail construction due to the
fact that the weight load is distributed
more evenly cracks in the road surface
are reduced this significantly increases
the time between repairs geoweb
reinforces the base of the road
stabilizing the terrain the use of Geo
webs in places with weak bases makes it
possible to build roads in places where
at first glance it seems impossible
smart crossing to reduce the number of
pedestrian traffic accidents on UK roads
it was decided to use the modern smart
crossing technology it was first tested
in the streets of London on October the
5th 2017 special cameras are hung on the
roads to identify people cyclists and
cars analyzing and tracking their
movements the road has special panels
that react instantly to the movements of
people creating additional pedestrian
paths warning drivers if a person
accidentally strays off the pedestrian
walkway and enters the road a luminous
area forms that attracts the attention
of drivers allowing them to stop their
car and tell him intuitive Road lighting
with different colors also helps to
remind you of road rules
rumble strips many traffic accidents
occur every year because drivers are
distracted from the road or fall asleep
behind the wheel rumble strip technology
can solve this problem and significantly
reduce the number of accidents these
furrows on the road are located on the
dividing strip and in front of the road
the depth of the grooves as well as the
distance between them are adjusted in
such a way that the casters to vibrate
and produces a loud sound warning the
driver this technology was used for the
first time on Minnesota's highways the
reduction in accidents proved effective
overall the number of accidents
decreased by 29% the number of fatal
accidents decreased by 51% it should be
noted that rumble strips not only save
lives but it's also an economic system
in the coming years a similar system of
slots will be installed on an even
greater number of new or upgraded roads
where the speed limit is 88 km/h or more
dancing traffic light researchers have
shown that people don't like to wait and
that very often traffic accidents occur
when pedestrians try to cross the street
with the red light the task of the
creators of the dancing traffic light
was to cheer up the pedestrians and make
the waiting less boring when the red man
at the traffic light suddenly starts
dancing people's attention are drawn to
him and they stop to look
however this little man's dance moves
are not a recording near the traffic
lights there's a special booth where
anyone can enter and dance to the music
a special program captures the dance
moves records them and then in real time
transmits them to the traffic light in
total 81 percent more people stop at the
crosswalk and wait for the green light
to appear
tactile pavement the installation of
tactile plates in the city streets makes
the movement of blind and visually
impaired people simpler and safer these
plates have a very different appearance
the differences which may seem
insignificant to the average person are
in fact of great importance each element
in the pathway is related to a certain
pattern which gives the blind person
information about what is in front of
them for example a trellis with parallel
joints to each other means that there's
an inclined curb and a pedestrian
crossing ahead if the grid is red people
with visual impairment can distinguish
the basic colors traffic stops at the
press of a special button first the
grids are installed in a narrow strip to
indicate the approach to the crosswalk
in front of the road the number of grids
increases showing the size of the
pedestrian route as well as the start
and the end grating with beveled points
is used on railway platforms the lines
on the other side of the road point to a
staircase or steps in front of you lines
along the road mark a safe way to move
intelligent speedbumps the disadvantage
of speed reduces is that even if the
driver slows down to cross there is a
jot and the car receives a small but
additional load smart speed reducers
don't have that problem the secret is a
special filling the liquid that's placed
inside the speed reducer contains solid
particles that react to pressure if the
car passes through such a structure at
low speed the filling remains liquid and
the reducer bends under the weight at
the car without causing excessive
shaking however if the car passes
through the structure at high speed the
liquid hardens and the speed reducer
becomes an obstacle that cannot be
drones repair roads in recent years the
use of drones in road construction has
increased in 2017 a model that helps to
repair roads faster by reducing human
participation was presented the creator
assures that in the future this
technology will work in the following
way first the road is blocked after
which the unmanned plane rises into the
air and scans the road the air vehicle
is capable of automatically identifying
damage on the road after that the drone
lands at the damaged site and fills the
pothole or pit with pre-prepared
material such as asphalt or tar in
addition the drones sprays the patch
with special chemicals that extend the
life of the asphalt and delay the need
for further repair in addition to the
road these drones can analyze the soil
surface as well the machine flies over
the designated area collecting spatial
data and information about how stable
the soil is
3d printed bridge in October 2015 the
company MX 3d launched an innovative
project for the construction of a bridge
using 3d technologies in Amsterdam the
protagonist of the project is an
industrial robot typically this robot is
used on assembly lines in the automotive
industry however this model was equipped
with a welding machine and special
software the finished steel bridges 12
meters long and designed exclusively for
pedestrians the creators say this design
is just the first step in creating more
complex 3d construction projects
load stabilizing contractor Australian
companies are working on ways to
maintain and repair roads economically
and environmentally friendly the
solution they offer is low-cost highly
effective and eco-friendly instead of
throwing away the old asphalt the SP a
company devised a special way of
processing it so that after installing
it a second time it can be used and
continued working for another 20 years
the video shows the reconstruction of
Mitchell Road in Cronulla in the suburbs
of Sydney the company's representatives
say they carefully control the work of
the device on the road right down to the
final touch in order to obtain a dense
smooth coating at a low price and of
high quality guys it's time to recharge
your brain visit the channel brain time
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