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Android N Secrets and iPhone 5se Design

what's going on everybody jon rettinger from technobuffalo it is a gorgeous day in sunny Southern California makes me want to be outside and talk some rumors today it's all about Android n and the next new iphone it's not the iphone 7 the very silly seemingly named iphone 5s e or something along those lines let's start with Android n a good friend android police unearth a few images of a seemingly innocuous bluetooth settings screen and if you look at it it looks like every other bluetooth settings for that we've seen but Steve that delicious looking a hamburger icon what that is supposedly going to do is open up a side menu that let you access the other settings instead of jumping back going to settings and running back again make things a little bit simpler but it's a sign of things to come with Android and other things I expect to see with Android and split view multicast and finally and Google's even hinted that they might get rid of the app drawer in a way to streamline the UI I'm hoping that just a vicious horrible disgusting rumor we don't know yet when and rihanna's going to be called with CEO sundar Pichai said they might open up to a poll that people vote on what android ends going to be but i'm just saying it right now nutella it's delicious goes on everything kind of like android we shouldn't have more about android end though at Google i/o towards the end of May next let's jump over to Apple and the iphone 5s seems at this point is like taxes no it's coming we don't quite know what it's going to be let's add two more rumors to the mix coming from on leaks himself from shared schematics of two alleged design options that Apple was supposedly considering for the iphone 5s see both look eerily similar to the current gen iphone 6 and 6s which conflicts with other rumors we've seen I say the phone's gonna look like an iPhone 5s Annie schematic you can see it's are the curved rounded edges of the iphone 6 and success you can expect a pretty powerful a 9 chip touch ID to being bored I will not expect though to see 3d touch on there so no force touch for you folks of course support for apple pie and the rest of the things you can expect from a modern gen iphone what we do kinda know at least have a better idea but when we're gonna see this guy and that date is March fifteenth but we'll see debut alongside the next gen ipad air the appropriately named ipad air three so what do you guys think iPads iPhones Android and what are you excited about up to your thoughts on it and does anybody even care about a lower price iphone at this point the iphone 5c was not the hit Apple expected but perhaps this one will be the home run that the company needs I know what do you guys think video a thumbs up we always appreciate it the next time i'm jon rettinger hey guys next to you okay
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