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Better than Project Ara?

anytime I talk about modularity or show any phone with you impartial modularity the comments are riddled with project ara project ara project ara don't hold Project ara in such high esteem don't put up on a pedestal right now because it doesn't exist it's a concept that we may see come to market dealing with modularity you have to sort of look with what's available now and the best options available now is from Motorola with the Moto Z and the Moto Z force and their moto mods so let me show you what all three can do so let's start with the Moto share instant projector which cost a staggering 200 in $99 I would stay far away from it at that price point but chances are give it a few months it'll probably be thrown in with one of the phones if you do decide to give three Benjamin to this projector it's gonna project up to 70 inches and it works really well I liked how it oriented itself to look flat no matter which way you tilted the flow on a really cool feature it also has a built-in eleven hundred million power battery I gave you an extra hour so about your life on your phone you can charge it up to it its own built-in USB seaports two relatively bright to at 50 lumens it's got aluminum kickstand built into the back which you can use with it's manual focus to make sure everything you're looking at is in focus but what you're looking at is only gonna be 480p it's not the bulkiest pico projector that I've ever seen it's not small by any means either it's definitely usable if you want to show a friend a YouTube video or maybe watch a movie it's a nice way to do it don't expect incredible movie theater quality from something this small for you audio files alpha a let's move into the more reasonably priced JBL sound boost this is $79.99 it's got a built-in kickstand a thousand milliamp hour battery it's got two speakers at three watts each so my keen math tells me six watts and it's kind of chunky at 135 grams but the audio coming out of it sounds really good and if you rely heavily on speakerphone which I know there's probably a secondary feature of this thing it sounds really nice it's not too bass heavy it sounds like a decent speaker it even more than what the phone can provide out of the box it's a nice option and moving to the third mode on mod you notice I kept mentioning that the other two have their own USB C port for charging but the one that really needs a port for charging is one of the power pack there are a few different options here there's an incipio one if you want to get fancy there's a to me or Kate Spade designer edition we've got the to me one here sexual battery pack that's gonna add a digital 22 hours of battery life it's got a twenty two hundred million power battery in case you keep track of that stuff not the lightest in the world about seventy nine ish grams it'll sit almost flush the camera there's also a wireless charging version but we haven't checked it out because this guy will not charge wirelessly on its own out of the box and again glaring omission all the way to charge this thing is through your phone so the more with the mod as it exists right now they all work and they work exactly as advertised so is this truly modular I don't know maybe it's case modularity but it's actually the best version of the modular dream that we have to date and I really like the direction that Motorola is headed but what do you guys think any three of these something you would want is there a magical mystery my iPad in your head that you're dying in from Motorola to put out let me know what it is down below in the comments until next time I'm John Reddington TechnoBuffalo back to you guys next video
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