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HTC One M9 Leaks and CES 2015 Wishlist

this episode of techno buffalos brought to you by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration what's up everyone John render from TechnoBuffalo here and welcome back my friend to another episode of ask the Buffaloes to show you can ask me any question you've gotten from the technology and sometimes outside but this week it's all about tech we're going to talk about the upcoming HTC One m9 what I want to see from CES and what could be coming very soon and a lot of other tech questions in between this is s the Buffalo so I get started first question comes from Twitter ads person singing s at John for lakers what you want to see during CES 2015 what I want to see these big Park announcement start coming back but I doubt we're going to see that like the old days I like to see trends in the industry that are actually going to be relatively useful we've seen trends like curved TV is that I still have yet to see utility behind I'm hoping we're gonna say things like battery technology is going to be showcased wireless charging technology is going to be showcased next generation of home connectivity will be showcase things like that they're going to sort of dictate sort of help us live our tech lives of the next five to ten years what I'd love to see come out of it next one comes from at nick's Cal underscore GE underscore at john for lakers the new HTC I'm aspects being leaked is a 1080p screen resolution surprise you or just for better battery life so let me just recap here the French blog nowhere else revealed they're claiming are the specs for the upcoming HTC One m9 codenamed kima or hi MA so the specs according to them and again just rumors this point 5-inch 1080p screen snapdragon 810 three gigs ram and lolli pop right out of the box most surprising though is that they could come early next month so different some guess the question is 1080p which is qhd i know i'm in the minority here but I've yet to see a qhd screen that looks better than a good 1080p screen a lot of people disagree with me on that so it's not surprising but certainly are two schools of thought and again I know I'm in the minority on if you're looking at sort of the next generation specs phone I think anything's got a Snapdragon 810 can be sort of qualified at this point as next-gen you want next-gen specs from top to bottom and that includes qhd whether or not I person it's a utility behind it consumers are going to want that in a device and I can understand that if I was buying a phone that's gonna last me another you know 12 18 24 months I would probably want that qhd screen in there so I think it's going to hamper it we are creating rooms oh there might be a prime burge that will presumably have all that kind of stuff crammed into it we don't know HTC's going to do it the camera of ultrapixels are gonna stick around if they're going to go just for a 12 14 16 megapixel shooter built right in so we don't know a lot of things about this device coming should have next generation of sense built-in of course we're just sitting on top of now Android lollipop so we should see some more information though hopefully the next couple weeks in couple months stop the questions real fast just to give an important notice I'm not talking about bones or tablets here and talking about your safety with New Year's coming up do not drink and drive that's doesn't selling something that you should even need to say it should be just as innate and you like breathing and going to the bathroom because I know you do but if you've had anything to drink do not go in a car and also friend said something to drink don't go to car with him or her it is not worth it call a cab call an uber call a lift call your parents call your friends call her grandma somebody will come pick you up that has not been drinking it is a stupid thing to do you see thousands and thousands of lives every year just foolishly lost from that especially again with new years coming up just be safe next question comes from my friend David DeFranco who asks at John for lakers what are your top three goals for TechnoBuffalo 2015 David first thank you for asking happy New Year to you hope you and your family had a nice holiday so I posted a video last week about the state of TechnoBuffalo few haven't seen that video check it out put a link down below I served you a very candid look about how our business was run where revenue comes from we did right and more importantly I think what we did wrong in 2014 like to see a few things happen for technobuffalo first and see our growth continued from the video side we see a subscriber growth around 500 per day my goal is to get back to 700 subscriber growth poor debt per day this brings a new people youtubing second largest search engine in the world people that come to YouTube the more people I go technobuffalo com so that is sort of goal number one we've increased our traffic on TechnoBuffalo com by about a hundred fifty percent each year since we existed that number gets harder and harder to hit as the numbers get larger and larger sets they like us to see one hundred percent growth in 2015 versus 2014 I also like to see us branch out our covers a little bit more we've done some sort of entertainment coverage as far as how that overlaps the tech world primarily in the comic book realm I like the serve I know it's kind of strange is how comic books and tech overlap sure the geek culture I would say it's like the seizure of some more coverage grow from that standpoint I like to be able to hire more people so be able to sort of have the revenue to do that over the next 12 months are sort of my goal thank you for asking next one comes from at the dattara 214 at java for lakers do you think there's a market for high-end Chromebooks like the pixel the very simple answer to that question is no there is a very finite amount of consumers I think are looking to purchase a Chromebook upwards of twelve hundred dollars I do not think that's going to be a mass-market appeal you can buy many tablets that can do very similar things for much less I think we're Chromebooks are going to find their niche where they are funding the niche is in the lower cost market may be a two to four hundred dollar possibly six hundred dollar at a max realm where you can get access or the great service that Chromebooks can offer they're having to pay a lot of money a lot of people trying to use them now as laptop replacements so I can see why the thought then getting more expensive might be there but they're still missing poor features of mainstay OS like Windows or like OS 10 then I think about people would need to justify spending that money so nice screen aside that pixel definitely add a gorgeous screen I do not see that getting any sort of mainstream penetration anytime soon you guys for watching hope you enjoy it we take a hiatus from acid buffalo for next week we're going to be at CES covering all kinds of technologies of course check us out for all that coverage coming up soon so next time i'm jon rettinger from technobuffalo you guys next video thank you guys for watching I hope you enjoyed we love making tech videos here if you like watching as much as we love making them and just enjoy playing with the latest consumer electronics gear check us out hit the big subscribe button we got new videos coming out almost every single day we also have a channel on twitch where we play games sometimes not so well at twitch TV / technobuffalo
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