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Note 5 or S6 Edge+ and Thoughts on NFC! (Ask the Buffalo)

this episode of technobuffalo is brought to you by what's up everyone jon rettinger from technobuffalo here and welcome dear friend back to the episode of ask the buffalos the show where i answer whatever questions you've got one of the technology things that are going on in the world don't know what phone to get question about a new tech this is where you ask it let's go ahead and jump right in the first question comes from victor PS one who asks at john for lakers NFC deal breaker or not and you could see the big like subtext of 1 plus 2 there I'm not gonna lie I was shocked when the oneplus 2 was announced without NFC I had a chance to talk to their co-founder Carl pay who essentially said we don't think people are going to care until the following year why don't you agree to screw with that will turn whether or not probably you buy the phone for me though personally it's not a deal breaker but it's definitely an annoyance especially with Android pay coming sometime in the next few months hopefully becoming more mainstream I like to have the option to use it without I do or not think it should be my choice I not having you two certainly annoying I wouldn't buy or not buy a phone based on NFC but that's just me our next question comes from jl 363 who asks at john for lakers will you have anyone else do on camera videos that is not you or mark probably not next our friend Alex underscore sanchez 241 ass at john for lakers which phone are you most excited about note 5 or s6 edge+ we're sure the s6 edge plus i love the galaxy s6 edge I thought it was too small a bigger version of that would make me a very happy fellow I love the curve a detailed way the phone felt I cannot wait for that phone to get an ounce I'm so excited about the note 5 but it's definitely Danford by what I think the s6 edge+ is going to be but what about you guys are you more like edge purists you care more about the s pen and perhaps longer battery life or you just all about the style you couldn't tell clearly all about the style we stop real fast and thank our peeps at it's a place to go when the next great idea hit you like in the middle of the night to one-stop shopping for all your domain name and web hosting email leads the main comm wants to hook you up with a pretty sick aw for say twenty percent on domain names and web hosting would use coupon code technobuffalo it's all one word and caps at domain comms check out when you think domains think all things gizmo asks at john for lakers what do you think about apple trying to bring their own phone service to the public this is a rumor that hit earlier this week we heard kind of grumblings about it for the past few years the story goes like this Apple is looking to develop an apple sim which is sort of seen in the iPads right now but if she what that's going to do or the idea behind it is you can choose what carrier you want to be on and you'll just pay apple a set fee at the month or Apple will determine it for you that's similar what Google is doing with project x so you probably use your phone and using the best experience from what you expect to be TNT t-mobile Verizon and Sprint without you really knowing even what carrier on Shelly the best experience matter where you go they'll pay apple a set fee and you're on your way and apple and turn pay the cure for the network being used I don't necessarily see this happening for AT&T or Verizon but for tmobile explain it makes sense so way to get people on their network that maybe aren't right now let's get revenue streams those people that might already be on 18 tea or verizon we saw that sort of transpire with Google product by I think it's gonna be the same thing with Apple if it ever comes to market although I would love to be able to have the best of all four major US carriers I would be quite a very happy fellow if you want to know what cure I'm on h2 the whole video about my past 12 months switching between AT&T Verizon and t-mobile to find the best one for me i will link that over here and down below if you guys want to change hey thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed i love answering your questions please keep them coming it's one of my favorite parts of the week we just get a chance to talk tech until next week i'm joe anderson technobuffalo dr. guys soon Oh you
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