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OnePlus 3 and Baby Chewbacca

I feel like it's time to answer some questions was asked to Buffalo i'm jon rettinger let's get started first question comes from at hits vara 51 who asks what's going to be the next big thing in tech next big thing attack and mark this down right now live streaming 360 video but I think we're about two generations away from seeing smartphones have 360 cameras built into the phone I think that's going to be the next big giant thing that we're going to see some might say vr DVR is going to be a huge part of that but I think 360 cameras or things are really going to change I think the optics inside of smartphone cameras are going to really start to rival DSLRs in a few years at bigness developer asks what are you do in your free time Oh in my free time I've got a two and a half year old and a three month old so I'm a dad I love being a dad I'm at home at the park usually pushing Nate in the swings up to get out to movies like to work out when I can go for a run we have a look to go up the house that I don't use nearly as much as I should be I don't want to get back into building pc's again I just wanna start building some custom rigs like start putting video games again to my fingers are itchy and I want to play at a fits G asks what are the best areas to study in college to be a tech journalist I'm interested in a career similar to yours to be any kind of journalist tech or otherwise take a writing intensive course anything writing intensive English comparative religion philosophy whatever just write a lot also video is being a huge part of journalism it's going to be even bigger I think moving forward so anything you can get you more comfortable speaking in public I did speech and debate and is gonna get you talking try out for a play try to get a radio show whatever you can do on campus that gets you speaking in public when the early things I did was necessarily in college but just to get more comfortable speaking was recording myself actually reading dr. Seuss books they're very wry me you can sometimes stumble over yourself trying to do it that was really helpful to get more comfortable if you watch how it was my earlier videos versus the later videos I started to feel more confident on camera and that's because I was hos reading dr. Seuss at haizen badge asks the rumored specs the one plus three exciting or unnerving are they wet and rainy to say zippy long term whoo the one plus three makes me makes me happy and my smartphone loving a heart so the rumors are snapdragon 820 six gigs of ram qhd which is insane and really high spec that sounds more like the note 6 line specs than a one plus but the killer for me is supposedly a price point under four hundred dollars so yes super jazzed up about the one plus 3 1 plus 2 less so but 33 is the key for me you see too much dr. Seuss last question comes from the awesomely named Jill acha focka who asks for John how'd you get started getting those TV appearances Oh sarah has don't know myself and some of the other folks second Buffalo will do CNBC will do fox business talking about tech and earnings that kind of stuff it happened a long time ago you brought on a publicist try to help get us out there more their relationships with some of the producers at these networks that's kind of what started I had to do some regional stuff to try and get a real people could be familiar with me and how I sounded on camera then I got one cmec appearance and it kind of went from there thank you guys for asking questions thank you guys for watching and reading thank you guys for overall just being awesome hope you guys enjoy keep asking questions and you guys want to know just shoot it my way you can set it to me on Twitter on Instagram on snapchat whatever they're a lot of ways to get a hold of me until next time John render from TechnoBuffalo see you guys next one
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