what's up everyone jon rettinger from
TechnoBuffalo here and i want to talk to
you about the ps3 vs the xbox 360 it's
the debate that I've seen going on in my
videos on other people's videos and on
numerous websites it's a very polarizing
topic and I want to let you know where I
stand see if we can sort of come to a
consensus about really what's the best
advantage and what's the best value as
far as the consoles are concerned so
both come in now thanks to price cuts at
299 Microsoft's Xbox 360 elite and
Sony's new ps3 slim so let's talk about
Sony first in the pros and cons whether
the PlayStation 3 first launched it was
a whopping six hundred dollars it's
really unheard of for the time but
you're getting a lot of value with that
secona dollar console you were getting
really a fantastic blu-ray player which
is firmware upgradeable essentially
means that you can get new features bug
fixes and support directly from Sony if
you buy a blu-ray player from from
Samsung or another vendor you're going
to get a solid boo typewriter that works
but you're not always going to get new
features of patches Sony is definitely
going to always be supporting the
PlayStation 3 through its lifetime since
it has such a large install base they'll
make sure that really that particular
console always gets the newest features
on a side note I went and visited a
professional video production house that
makes blu-ray discs and they were using
a ps3 for their test blu-ray players to
show you how much they believe in the
quality of player on the PlayStation 3
you're also getting access to a great
really library of games back when the
ps3 first launched you were getting
backwards compatibility with the ps2 and
ps1 you were getting card readers and
four USB ports well flash forward to now
those four USB ports or two and those
carpenters are gone but you are getting
a very slim console you're getting still
a great blu-ray player you're getting
again access to a great cache of games
and you're also getting really a very
nice home theater and media system so
those are some of the pauses about the
playstation 3 i think that it's a
good-looking console graphics are
fantastic and i think it really is now a
fantastic value with three hundred
dollars in if you want to buy a standard
odds are probably cost you maybe 200 or
just a little bit less than 400 bucks
morgue can get access to some fantastic
games and some features you wouldn't get
otherwise so it's very hard to ignore
the PlayStation now a lot of people were
saying the ps3 is too expensive $400 was
too much in the course six hundred
dollars was a lot Sony was having a
little bit of trouble to moving consoles
despite the fact that PlayStation is a
great brand and game developers really
starting to develop for it more so on
the downside of the ps3 I think the
online experience the PlayStation
Network really is not up to par with
that of the xbox 360 now I know people
are always going to say that you know
you get what you pay for playstation
network is free but I do have to say I
really don't think that it stacks up you
know evenly with Xbox Live that's just
you know my personal take on I think
you're not getting some of the features
that you get on other consoles you're
not getting the access to let's say
netflix streaming but there are
certainly you know other aspects that
the PlayStation 3 has that the Xbox
doesn't you know those really the only
big negatives that I can see with the
playstation 3 certainly console title
exclusivity is a deal but they really
aren't that many more negative with the
ps3 my big concern earlier was priced it
was just too expensive for a lot of
people so what he was pricing out a
really large portion of their user base
so the question that I'm really thinking
now is is this too little too late is
everybody that would have bought a
PlayStation 3 maybe jump ship to two
hundred fifty dollar we or a
two-hundred-dollar xbox arcade because
it was just what they could afford and
you know if they already bought a
console odds are they're probably not
going to buy another one so let's jump
over to the xbox 360 I should preface
that I own both these consoles I've got
the older ps3 fatty version and I have
an xbox 360 elite so price now is 299 I
think a very reasonable 299 I think one
of the biggest selling points of the
xbox is its video game catalog there are
just some fantastic exclusive games that
are available for xbox 360 that you're
not going to find on
PlayStation certainly PlayStation has
its own exclusive titles resistance and
you know what was metal gear solid there
really are a lot of exclusive titles on
the Xbox think that there are more I
think that there are more games on the
Xbox more games Lisa I would want to
play you know I think that it looking
for kit titles you want to look at the
we certainly for the more mature gamer
the xbox 360 xbox and the PlayStation
rather are competing for really the same
demographic so you're getting now not a
blu-ray player but you are getting you
know a standard DVD player you're
getting access Xbox Live which I really
think is the build a big key to the Xbox
think it's a fantastic experience you
definitely have to pay for it which is a
little bit on the unfortunate side but
integration with now Twitter and last.fm
and netflix on demand it's amazing sort
of the features that you get that aren't
even gang related for the xbox certainly
I think graphics wise the PlayStation 3
has more power and is capable of really
high resolution graphics but as far as
what game developers have able to use
really graphics wise i think that
they're on a fair fair playing ground so
kind of want to cut this a little bit
short if i have to pick a console and
let me preface what I'm going to say
with I really like the Xbox the xbox is
my console of choice if I go to gamestop
where I go to order gain from amazon and
they're available for both platforms i'm
going to order it for the xbox and I
have both consoles but if I was buying
one right now if I didn't have either I
gotta say the PlayStation 3 is now a
better value you're getting much more
for your money you might lose out on
some of the exclusive titles that you
don't get with the xbox you know the
halos and such in the world I don't
think you're going to get the best
online experience but you are getting a
fantastic blu-ray player you're getting
a great upscaling DVD player you're
getting access to Sonia fantastic
library of games and you are still
getting a very usable online experience
it's now very hard to ignore the
PlayStation 3 where it wasn't before so
what do you guys think do you agree
disagree on my so off topic that you
can't even believe it you're pissed or
do you completely a fall in line with
what I'm saying video response text down
I love to hear what you guys have to say
any wait for exclusive content check me
out a twitter twitter com / john for
lakers and to learn more about
TechnoBuffalo check out technobuffalo
com see you guys next video
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