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Reddit AMA - Join Jon Rettinger on May 18!

what's up everyone John Rechy from technobuffalo here and today we take your first look at nothing we're not we're not looking at anything but I do want to tell you that I'm doing my very first reddit AMA I'm really excited about it I'm doing it over on the official Android reddit it's reddit the calm / r / android i will be there this coming monday the 18th of May at two p.m. pacific time or five PM eastern standard time put a link to it down below check it out come ask me any question you might have whether it be personal about technology whether there's how we work at technobuffalo or how you can get into online reviewing social media questions whatever it might be just come and ask i will stay there for as long as you were asking questions i'm really excited about I'm also really nervous about it so just come say hi ask a question we can have a talk and I'm you know we can just chat anyway thank you guys for watching and get link will be down below see you guys next one bye
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