this episode of technobuffalo is brought
to you by the national campaign against
drunk driving welcome back to another
episode of renter's rants I'm your host
Jon wrenches to show where a rant and
rave on anything through all the
technology and sometimes outside world
technology this one falls right in
between up this week we're gonna rant
about terms of service to refresher my
mind hole from Instagram and it is very
important something that most of us
don't even read to scroll down and hit
accept this is renders rants go and get
rantin so early last week Instagram kind
of under the radar put out new terms of
service and listen I'm not gonna lie
most of the times I don't read him
anyway scroll to the bottom so let's
make it except I had accept and I go on
my way I always remembered the south
park episode when the happen with Apple
if you never got a chance to see that
it's pretty funny little human centipede
action but Terms of Service is super
important so Instagram put out new terms
of service of course they were just
acquired by Facebook and especially what
they said was we own your pictures and
we might sell them know what integrand
meant to say was we might put as your
pictures and they're interpreted that as
selling and listen I've been married for
a while I know sometimes I don't know we
say what I mean and it gets me a lot of
trouble and Instagram gotten a lot of
trouble because of that everybody's
saying I don't want you doing my
pictures I don't know what you're gonna
do it that I get freaked out you're
gonna sell my pictures Instagram I'm
going to see my photo of my food and an
airplane wing on a billboard somewhere
or in some sleazy magazine I don't like
it Instagram you're gross with your
selling of pictures so I think it got
blowing a little bit out of proportion
I'm the Instagram ever intended to take
your photos of your dessert or photos of
you and your friends out whatever you're
doing with your cool filters and borders
and tend to actually sell them for a
profit what Instagram intended to do was
put ads in image an image ads certainly
a new upcoming thing for those of us
that run website you guys run a blog in
text ads or big thing as well anything
in something is the next frontier of ads
static ads aren't performing to do they
used to and turn the instagrams looking
away too
monetize what they do so I sort of fall
on both sides of the fence on one hand
instagrams of free service so I feel
like I don't have ended the biggest of a
right to complain because it's a free
service now if I was paying for it
that'd be a whole other ball of wax on
the other hand you just want to tell
Instagram dude be cool you know you get
that friend that just acts up but he
looks smack him across the head so I
feel like with Instagram they should
have spent more time worried things away
they intended and there was a huge
backlash but we're gonna say we're gonna
shut down her Instagram accounts
National Geographic one of the biggest
Instagram accounts out there said we're
suspending our account until it gets
resolved and the same day a new tomb the
service came out integrand was like whoa
hey hey sorry guys well we didn't mean
that calm down and then two days later
they change the terms of service to say
they're not going to sell the images
essentially so quick couple cool things
here first the freaking power the
internet was proven yet again with
enough outrage we can change it's a good
lesson for for everything whatever cause
you believe in on the other hand average
maybe could have been better service for
other things so the moral here it's
always important to read Terms of
Service and I say it and deep down I
know I'm probably not going to do it for
everything but there are some things
that are very important things you're
putting up personal information things
like Facebook Twitter Instagram people
might see your face Mike's your address
or a phone or might be revealed actually
important to know where those privacy
things are going to go one of those
things that you might not want to be
released to the public are going to go
especially relevant if you have children
children repose day pictures to facebook
or instagram you can sometimes get exif
data that can use geolocation and
pinpoint exactly we took that picture
all which can be very dangerous if you
don't want people to know we left over
your children are or where you are so be
very aware some advice that I get for
people is turn off geolocation on your
phone taking pictures and uploading them
oftentimes i get rid of the whole
problem the geolocation stuff you don't
they're worried about it on the other
hand maybe you want to track your
pictures and where they are but just
either way just be careful and be smart
and read Terms of Service see what
you're getting yourself into and if it's
a free service maybe you don't have
necessary the biggest right to complain
if you're paying for it you should be
able to
your head off because you're their
customer and they should do what you
want customers always right at least
that's I like to tell him myself ray
really works out that way so thank you
guys for watching another episode of
retinas rats i'm jon rettinger sure to
check out TechnoBuffalo calm for the
ladies and greatest tech news I will see
you in the next video so in a lot of our
videos we put up we got sponsors that
have awesome products or features that
they're trying to let people know that
they have this week though we've got a
really important message we want to
share with you don't drive drunk pushy
with the new years and the holidays
coming up stay far away from a car if
you using to anywhere near alcohol it is
never ever work that the police are out
there looking for you you might not see
the cops but the cops are trained to see
you years and years of training have
meant to find drunk drivers it's not
worth it addition to the pain and
monetary house are gonna have to go
through it's not worth risking your life
your passengers life or somebody else's
innocent life that you may damage on the
way it's just not worth it guys always
think twice before you get in a car call
your parents call a friend call a cab
take a bus take a train take a plane
take a helicopter whatever you want
telecon trip pretty cool find any other
way to get home with set of getting into
your car it's just never worth it
remember guys drive sober or get pulled
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