
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Surface Pro 3 and YouTube Tip Jar

this episode of technobuffalo is brought to you by audible what's up everyone welcome back there pisode of ask the buffalo or mascot shia labeouf flows out this week's gotta deal with this guy's mug I am jon rettinger up this week we're to talk about the surface pro 3 iphone 6 questions our new office patreon and youtube tip to our questions and whether or not charging your phone is really damaging your precious electronic baby this is that the buffalo let's start asking first question comes from twitter user add two will was watching asks at john for lakers should i buy a surface pro 3 instead of a laptop listen I love the surface pro 3 I gave it a raving review I know some reviewers were kind of down on it but I absolutely loved it yes by instead of a laptop had your cave and use it as a laptop you can get the type cover or get an external keyboard if you want and you also get a tablet when you need it beyond the shadow of doubt for you guys going to college just want something they can do the best of both worlds and you like the pc side of things i would absolutely unabashedly recommend the surface pro 3 it's a little more expensive than others or less expensive laptops obviously it's less expensive but you do get it when i considered to be the best of both worlds and the best windows 8 experience that is available for my money though i would go for that mid spec surface pro 3 i go for the i5 with 256 gigs of solid states and eight gigs of ram be really really nice machine hopefully up ain't your question next question comes from twitter user at gaby underscore BB who s at john for lakers with all the great flagships coming out this year is it worth it to wait on the iphone 6 or to go an android hashtag ask to be and thing with phones is you can always wait for something new with something like the iphone 6 that you know is going to be annual release date you can plan sort of accordingly when it's going to come out the android though it's kind of a crapshoot but just because the phones might have already been out doesn't mean they're bad phones heck I have access to every phone out there and I'm happily using a nexus 5 will you be happily and i love the device so newer doesn't always mean better for my money i would say though if you're sort of thinking about going to the iphone side of things that you should definitely for supposing big differences from the iphone 5s with the iphone 6 is going to be Android though it's a little bit more fluid if you want to wait something maybe the next Nexus device it might be coming you have great devices like the LG g3 which you gave the highest ranking of any Foley of a review to you've got great devices already out at a previous kind of price like the Nexus 5 32 gig was about 400 bucks off contract it's a total steel so ask yourself that question you know are you set on going iOS if you want to go android I wouldn't even bother waiting there some awesome devices out the s5 HTC m8 you know this guy and the g3 and a ton of others out there I'm pretty much every carrier hoof it helped inter questions x question comes from at the Red Sox 2009's at john for lakers how's the progress on a new office going at technobuffalo last week we showed a few pictures of construction on our new technobuffalo office we're going to be moving sometime in September or october they are totally gutting this office space it looks like a generic office space we're gonna try and make it look a little newer a little more modern you're probably saying John why you guys moving your space looks fine well we've got a good problem first we're kind of outgrown routing your staff members it's a smaller office we need more space and probably more pressing is our lease is up so want to get something a little bit larger and but i think is most awesome part of new office we're building out a full studio inside of the office be able to dress kind of six different sets of different shows so we want to keep looking at you know the logo behind this in every video bill to sort of mix it up and add a new sets and be able to control of our lighting too right now we've got some natural light coming in from over there and actually coming over there then we've got sort of our control plate right in front of it you guys Kansas again just sort of a lighting nightmare so be able to sort of control all that stuff and hopefully will help make youtube videos look even better we always want to sort of improve and you know sort of be fun to have our own set anyway so hopefully look for that come september-october of course will do a full office where once we're all moved in maybe even one before it's me too it looks like before we move all our stuff in then once we're all sort of set up it will give you guys a full tour of the space fit up ain't your question take a quick second to thank our friends at you know you love them they are the best place to get spoken word book the meeting to sound smart a cocktail party and click oh yes I also read dusty of S key now you don't spend the time to them stupid pages you can listen to the when you're in your car with your at the gym at work whatever it might be go to audible slash tech gonna get your free audio book download of your choice again that's audible podcast techno it's your free audio book when you sign up next question comes from our friend Dave at geek annoyed to asks at John for lakers what is your opinion of the patreon and YouTube tip jar so if you don't know patreon is a site that lets you sort of give in monthly increments or smaller amounts to you know really whatever you want but youtubers using it to help generate funds to create videos buy equipment whatever it might be as your pretty popular and YouTube's jumped on ship as well are all going to be offering something called a tip jar which can give just tips to your failure youtubers not tips like you should shave your face looks gross but tips like actually giving them money they could give 200 waiter or waitress so I don't know how I stand on this so when I first heard a patreon it sort of seems like people asking for money for me but then sort of more and more youtubers got on board any shard to see a trend happening the trend is happening people don't always realize is a lot of youtubers you know me included rely on ad revenue to sort of fund our livelihood and through my case our business more people are viewing these videos on mobile additionally doesn't have advertising on it thank you have ads then they're usually lower CPMs so the money is gone sort of way down by about twenty to thirty percent decrease despite serve audience we worship kind of rising across the boards I think about if your job you know you lost twenty-three percent of your job you know what would you do so a lot of people they would leave their job and try and find a new one but Casey YouTube can't always do that sort of asking the audience would give money I don't know where I stand on it I haven't done it I can see why people are doing it I certainly understand why people would do it I don't know I just I just haven't sort of I haven't done it you don't need to do it I'd only do it if I thought actually necessary means something big I don't know but the YouTube tip track something that's kind of cool essentially if you like a video you can sir just give a quick to a shin give a buck if two bucks you know YouTube is free always continues to be free so it's nice way to sort of back a little bit to the videos that you like but you know i watch the videos too i don't know if i would give money to youtubers i really just go back and forth on the side undulate if you will which I the fence I'm on but it's looking like this convene learn more of a thing you know perhaps it becomes more main to more tools become available you know maybe it'll sort of sway me one direction or another but what do you guys think about this patreon in the YouTube tip jar I reckon would really love to hear your thoughts on it leave it down below i'll make sure that i read them x squared comes from is molly ollie a sketch on for lakers are charging your phone overnight damage of battery that sir does not exist anymore not a problem modern lithium-ion technology not an issue charger battery all you want every night i can advance review at all in fact you should charge your battery of your night because you want to have a full charge don't worry about d charging all the way then cherry all the way back up to calibrate that really is not an issue anymore it'll be totally fine no matter what you do with your battery just plug it in charge of you need to and don't worry if you're going to keep your phones maybe like eight years you might be some battery left aggregation but Judea would not sweat it at all hopeful that help answer all of your questions guys hope you enjoy rental of these asked the Buffalo questions keep them coming so I have a question feature an upcoming episode every Tuesday I technobuffalo calm we put up a call for questions leave in the comments down below although I said it to me anytime I had John for lakers just use hashtag ask the bees so I know that it's for asked the Buffalo until next time I am jon rettinger talk to you guys next video goodbye thank you guys for watching if you have yet please subscribe would be the first one snow and every upload new content we've got new stuff coming every single day we want to make sure you see what's new in the world of consumer electronics
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