
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The TechnoBuffalo Show Episode #012

and welcome to the 12th episode of the TechnoBuffalo show I am I of your three host for today Sean ani editor-in-chief of the site i'm joined by executive editor mobile Todd Hazleton everybody an executive editor of gaming joey davidson what's up guys how are you all doing today yes doing things yes things I'm doing them things are getting done doing things he is rude uh-oh we got a couple topics that we want to go over today and of course the first one is the big news of the week the finally and I stress that finally the announcement of the LG g3 finally finding story Todd I said something to my mother the other day about there was we are having this LG event on tuesday and she goes oh where they announce i go the LG g3 and she goes isn't that already out you guys write about it every day yeah one would think and that's kind of like what we're saying finally because everything every last detail on this phone was leaked every picture every I mean we knew what we what we had coming into it and I think that was kind of just like okay so now we're going to this event where they're going to spend an hour and a half talking about a phone we've already been seen for two weeks well now what's funny though is you know we did think everything I had never once seen anyone say that there were going to be two different versions with different amounts of RAM yeah that's weird well I mean I know I know they make like some hardware changes like that going international you know like different markets yeah like that so but but it was kind of cool to finally hear like we already knew that that laser on the back was for focus and stuff but then they kind of explain why it was there and and like learning that there's an adjustable keyboard and stuff was kind of neat i mean there's small software things that aren't really huge but there were some things we learned yesterday yeah i did think the adjustable keyboard was kind of a nifty little trick yeah it seems cool so yeah so well of course we already have a couple questions because we announced that we were going to discuss the LG g3 and which is so much fun to say three times fast from Sasha Mahal who I am now going to refer to as Jeff yeah he tweeted me last night and asked if I was ever gonna pronounce his name correctly and I simply replied well change your name to Jeff and we'll see what happens so hey Todd how does the LG g3 compared to the LG g2 um the design aesthetic is sort of similar in the sense that it's very curved and nice like that but it's better obviously the hardware is better everything about the phones better I know there are some YouTube commenters yesterday who seem to disagree that there actually is a metallic layer used in the back which is then coated with a matte layer so but that actually helps get rid of the fingerprint problem at the g2 that on the back displays way better you've got quad HD camera is better they use the OIS plus optical image stabilization plus that was first employed in the g pro 2 which we saw back in World Congress overall I mean it's an upgrade in every single way so it's a better phone ok well we will of course have our our full review coming in a probably next week well actually do we know when we're getting reviewing yeah we don't know when we're getting your units yet so my feel a little while ok well then then I won't say next week cuz well first we need to actually get a phone okay yeah i mean we could just start reviewing and you know see what happens yeah but I mean it's available globally today so we could theoretically just buy one maybe we'll do that we'll see right now I saw Hall Raja asks and I think this is off of one image in the presentation yesterday do you think the LG g3 will come with a SmartWatch running Android wear well I don't think it's going to be in the box but there was one quick slide in the whole presentation that showed the LG G watch next to the LG g3 which seemed to imply that they're going to be close and release dates yeah I wonder well we'll release date for the phone is today in like 170 countries but um Android wear we'll probably see it at Google i/o later next month and I wouldn't be surprised to like a bundle package but I don't know we haven't spent icing for that yet or anything but maybe you know US release and Android wear maybe that'll work together I mean we've seen carriers offer discounts on the Samsung gear 2 neo and stuff like that with the galaxy s5 so well I unfortunate i mean we can't talk a whole lot about the phone BK you got to spend what with it Todd 15 minutes yeah we I mean we had it and then we gotta run and try to get the video uploaded so you know I don't remember you know you're elbowing everybody in the world to try to get these things so so if you all do have some more LG g3 questions we will come back to them but honestly right now we we don't have a whole lot to say about it because we simply not have much time to play with it yet but it's just nice that it's finally out there and we're not going to be dealing with rumors forever but that it kind of ties into the second topic we wanted to touch on today which is when is it too early to announce a release date we've seen several instances recently of games being pushed back well beyond their initial release date said just last night the order 1886 was pushed back the steam controller was pushed back what was the other game of those push back this week even within evil with it yeah so and this also goes from phones don't tend to miss the release dates quite as much as games do but right you know the this led to a conversation Joey and I were having this week about when is it too early to start the hype machine wash dogs we were just talking about that a little bit before the show oh that's my answer to you know what guys I think I'm just gonna say watch dogs again and again for the rest of the show and let's hope that it answers all questions that ask we don't want to imply that it's a good game well I I wasn't going to bring up watch dogs because I didn't know if you wanted to save things for the review who well I mean I don't you know I mean it's not like I'm under embargo here I we didn't get a review copy of the game um a lot of it's odd a lot of places didn't get review copies and I don't know some places did some places didn't places like polygons they didn't even get a review copy which that to me says a lot well it says it says that the publisher is lacking confidence in their product typically when you get a sony and nintendo in particular really good about getting out early copies i remember uncharted two came like four weeks early like they were just like this games good check it out mario kart 8 showed up like the release date is this friday so it's May thirtieth and and we got that like May second like that's crazy and its really compelling when they do that but then other companies they either do Activision is notorious for release day review copy arrival for things like call of duty and if if you don't want to get it on release day the only other thing that they'll do is they'll whisk you away to a resort and make you review it under their scrutiny so they'll like sit there and they'll say okay you have eight hours of the campaign here's a developer to help you and then after that we got a little multiplayer party will will put you through like six hours of multiplayer downstairs in this event room and it's it's really tightly controlled conditions for review so I don't know that's a tangent a half but what it's it's odd to me that that watch dogs either people were skipped I mean I still got copies of assassins creed 4 even like after it was released and then when the when the DLC the was that freedom cry dlc came out they sent me another copy of assassins creed 4 like just in case you lost the other six that gave you here you go it's just so weird to me that the Ubisoft has such like a disparity in confidence between the two where were we with this I don't even know if we were talking about happy I'm too early to announce something and it it's sort of a heightened machine but sometimes it's not like in the case of the asuste padfone X which we just got the release date and pricing today it's a june six for 199 on contract ATT that phone tablet hybrid was announced in january well yeah insane and it's not even like a flagship right and i think our launch launch an announcement gaps for phones are much more narrow than games which is like you know a phone will be announced in and see their like sometimes it's available that day sometimes it's available a couple months later or weeks with games and the reason why I said watch dogs there is because watch dogs was unveiled like to III s ago 13 I don't need my brains kind of typing better to I think but yeah so two years ago they unveiled it and then it suffered the layout of the holiday season and it was pushed in the May now undoubtedly it'll sell very well because it's it and Mario Kart are like the games this month um you know and and and good for Ubisoft I think that was a smart decision for them and ever having played the game I don't I think if watch dogs release next to grand theft auto 5 the perception of it will be very different than it is right now grand theft auto 5 was it and I've only had a six hours with watch dogs maybe five hours with watch dogs but I can tell you that in those five hours I have been more impressed with grand theft auto 5 is initial five hours than those of watchdogs and i think that's that's part of of the the reason why it's being victimized there is because of how early it was announced and this is a game that was announced and promised two years ago and then it we waited and waited and waited and now that it's here I don't necessarily think it's living up to that that time frame yeah that's gonna be tough yeah cuz I mean they're building hype a lot differently than phone makers I think you like phone makers are sort of like here it is now we got a hypothetic here are some screenshots and art stuff like that is you movable don't even get me started on man I I showed them to you Sean Ubisoft has become notorious with bull shots as they're called these these rocks that are that I mean Shawn you can what did I show you this morning oh it was amazing that the official Ubisoft screenshot that he showed me was crisp and clear and gorgeous and then he showed me a picture he had taken off his copy which by the way what system are you playing it on we were being asked ps4 he took a screenshot it's like two completely different games really they don't order the rendering it on like a computer or something or just like photoshopping it oh I think that that I think they're being rendered and polished supposedly uh Eurogamer host the digital foundry articles and if you are a big nerd about like resolutions and frame rates I suggest you look at a google search digital foundry and then watch dogs for instance they're there performance analysis of watch dogs is actually up and out there based on their analysis the ps4 version is the better one it runs it at smoother frame rates than the pc version which is just it's asinine this is a game that that should be pushing my next-gen hardware to its limits and it's not it just it looks very much like a slightly crisper version of last year's games which is odd that is weird kinda reminds me of when crisis came out and like I guess it looked good but even on when I was working at laptop magazine at the time so we had like the latest alienware computers and it was sluggish on those he was just poorly coded or something on it well what about it I think the thing about crisis Todd was that it it really really really really demanded a PC well beyond its contemporary age in order to run to perfection huh you can if you have a build a pc today and you max out everything on it and you drop like 3k you'll be able to run the original crisis and it will look gorgeous right but I see you're saying it's not even it's not even a secret Eck they make pretty games to the Crytek engine that they used to develop crisis and even Crysis 2 and 3 is very gorgeous working very well Ubisoft I'm just I'm not convinced that they're capable of making games that can that can Wow on the level of of crisis and I'm talking purely for the sake of visuals here in this argument that if you if you follow technobuffalo at all are like our especially the whole gaming departments work really we don't prioritize graphics / mechanics but but when you're your big advertising pull for a game is the graphics like we're going to talk about it in the case of watchdogs everyone was expecting this to be like that that gorgeous next-gen game and I'd argue that assassins creed 4 looks better than watchdogs our own eric frederiksen is playing through red dead again just for the lulz and he said that it was a watch dogs does which is scary to me in Riga that's crazy no yeah I find it I think red dead has become our second Pokemon I don't think we've done an episode of that red dead bored because it bears it's worth mentioning when when it's a standard bury you know if if we were a film podcast I guarantee we talk about alien a lot or Godfather like these are these are like the games they have define an age oh no totally I think red dead is quite possibly my favorite game I've ever played period it's up there yeah there with ultima online for me you're the Therans call one and two for yeah i thought i saw the article yeah you're like well I we've got off on one of the most amazing tangents ever but it was somewhat involved here but the question is should these companies wait until they're confident in their release dates before announcing them well i don't but i don't know you you go Jay well I mean when I was gonna kick it to you Todd because I think it I think with phones there's a really obvious answer here it's such a more cut-and-dry business than games is really i mean it's it's a hardware business it's not a software business right yeah yeah i feel like with phones i mean and you sort of have to stick to especially if you start taking money in pre-orders and stuff you should really stick to it and it also with phones i feel like it's super because you're dealing with two year contracts and so when people's contracts are up if your phone is not available for them to buy it then they're gonna go with the competitor for that reason alone versus you know like games like I guess we'll keep waiting because I really want to play that game anyway and I'm gonna buy all of these games but you can't just go out and buy all of these phones I think that's sort of a big difference right and to announce a phone and then delay it every delay that you lay down on a phone you outdated its specs exactly exactly yeah yeah that doesn't really happy with games like Pikmin 3 didn't get less powerful because it was delayed but well yeah it looks like most you could do more with a game is not the mortar you have time to work on earth yeah so that I mean any there's this Shira Miyamoto quote from forever ago that any any game a good what is it I can't remember what the exact quote is but it's like a bad game is bad for ever but a delayed game could be eventually good or however that quote goes but that's the general spirit of it you know right well Joey I do you think and I'm thinking off the top my head here or so in the movie business it's become quite common for movie studios to stake a weekend they even before they have start pre-production on film to go this is when this movies coming out I mean we know the release dates for amazing spider-man three and four already right yeah and so yo Sony is sitting down going these are our weekend stay away from them right but do you think that's happening in gaming at all that they're working to release dates as opposed to working to the best product I think it's well as a yes and no because if you look at October of this coming year you've got a ridiculous slate of games already even within was just pushed into October the batman arkham game is going to come out knocked over there's a full there's a full run of luck games that are coming out in october and if if movie publisher or game publishers are buying into the argument that they need to claim stake to a weekend and then you know i don't know that not if it basically not published alongside each other than months like that wouldn't have happen however I do think that it it is in publishers best interest and I think that they're doing this to kind of recognize the games that they're coming out with our alongside and if there's any type of genre overlap maybe they want to space themselves out a little bit which could could I mean supposedly watchdogs was delayed for polish which is kind of scary but I wouldn't be surprised if it was delayed because of grand theft auto 5 you know they wanted to get out of the way of that beast and then release in their own territory and be the only big open world game of May are you trying to say Grand Theft Auto 5 had good sales I think it did okay right okay mediocre to okay yeah maybe they'll be a grand theft auto six would the numbers aren't in yet you know games i really like speaking of big open world i don't know i bring this up but another tangent the Just Cause games just cause damn I guess I played last man that just cause three's coming it's gonna be coming I mean it's rumored or whatever when Square Enix picked that one up they made a ton of money and Avalanche Studios did very well it just cause 2 it's a good game man nice yeah I'm excited for that too yeah I will say as a recently titanfall grows on you the more you play it really I haven't played it much i'm still stuck on well realm reborn i'm actually on my third time through the ranks oh not received or whatever it's called in this one yeah it's called region yeah what gotten what intrigued me was as opposed to like call of duty where you know you just hit you know the button and you go right you actually have to once you get up there you have to complete certain goals region or else you're stuck so I mean I got really good with Titan fights going from gym to to gym three and then I looked at what the requirements are for Jim 32 Jim far away I'll probably stay at gen 3 for the rest of my life but because there's no way I'm going to be that good with the plasma railgun that's what the first black ops for me I like prestiged and then I was like ah this isn't fun anymore excellent yeah because you get so used to using the weapons from the higher ranks and you forget where you unlock them yeah exactly yeah so what like when you restart your like wearing my mind's you want mines yeah all those things that make it fun exactly exactly well i think i'm also um Joey I just saw your IM please take care of that yep it he has a phone call you must take so the the question I guess Todd is and we've had a couple more LG g3 questions come in so we'll tackle those while Joey's away for a moment sure from rockster 103d they do you I'm assuming he meant think do you think the hell GG three will have better sales in the HTC one oh yeah that's a tough question if its price the same and we don't know them I mean I think the Australia and Singapore prices came out over the night but uh if it's priced the same maybe because it has that quad HD display that people are to be like whoa but then the one you know has that metal body that's really nice too but you also have to consider market shares of the phones and you know what people have had in the past and the market I think based on that alone I'm pretty sure LG has a much larger market share than HTC which sort of gives it the you know sort of the lead going into it but I don't really know you know it's too early to say I think we'll see and then the fact is actually these manufacturers don't usually break down sales you see Samsung say like hey we sold 10 million units every now and then but when quarterly reports come out it's sort of just like phone sales altogether so ya know um but for both companies usually they're sort of the big sales are in the mid-range so it's not really like they want to make these big flagships and get them out there but a lot of times you know you're trying to sell in emerging markets and stuff like that but there's a lot a lot more sell through right yeah I think that's where it's going to be the big question mark is in the emerging markets because yeah so these lower end phones that you see they're launching like it I believe it's LG's l-series and stuff like that right right which we had one other question about the g pro series and i find it here yes from us from jeff hey Todd what are the main differences between the LG G Series like the LG g2 and the LG G Pro Series the g pro series usually the larger screen i know that GT has a five and a half in or sorry the g3 as a five and a half inch but the g pro seems to follow sort of the note launches from samsung so usually LG's answer to the note series and then the g2 g3 is sort of in the same bracket as what you get with the galaxy s5 so usually trying to answer both of those devices and g series comes out early still last one came out of a World Congress now we have g3 right now we're at may so next maybe the next G Pro will come out again next year a World Congress sort of answering the note that we'll see in September probably from Samsung I'm going to take this question just because I think this is something we actually should address from Dominique Webber I feel kind of bad for Todd for the crap he's getting in the comments on his hands out yeah I think he did a good job for one man thing I I will defend Todd I will defend john i will defend anyone that is a youtube video at one of these events you have to understand we're filming and dominique thank you for what you had to say dominique you have to understand we're filming under less than ideal conditions we are filming with devices that there are three people standing behind us waiting to get their hands on it as well and you have a very limited window and it can't be polished and it has to be right usually the first yeah you can get I mean I I shot a couple videos at four with Samsung tablets at CES this year and I I typically don't shoot videos I didn't get a whole lot of crap in the comments I should have I was not happy with them once i was done but i had its i had samsung telling me hey guys everyone out and I'm like I still have two tablets to shoot Oh the funny thing is yesterday people were like I think someone was like it looked like I was trying to steal the device cuz it's attached to like this super elastic thing and I'm like I'm trying to turn it over in my hand while filming a video it's like bouncing back it's like oh that's that's another state because I I've had to deal with those stupid cords you're like you're trying to get it in the right position the cords trying to pull it back yeah ball and you like drop the phone off you never know so yeah guys we will always do the most polished video we can but when we're at an event we're going to do what we can but they're not going to be what you see when we shoot in our office and we can take yo two or three takes with no cameras yeah multiple cameras two or three takes we don't have other press people across the table from us filming their videos and you know we have to talk over them it's there's a lot going on when you're on the floor yeah so thank you very much Dominique for pointing that out yeah Todd gets some of the most amazing comments on YouTube and I saw your tweet last night thought about why do I bother reading oh yeah I was just like I can go into bed uh yes i will stop calling you Jeff okay so I and now since Joey's back getting a little bit back to our release date things I've not had time to read up on yet what's going on with the steam controller uh well I think that that valve just delayed their official iteration of it I think they're looking to refine it a little bit further and deleted in the 2015 I don't think that the steam controller is an integral part of the steam machines just because the very nature of what they're doing is such that any controller will work with the platform at least hopefully that's that's the aim so I don't think it's going to kill anything but it is kind of a bummer for those that have been looking forward to the steam controller it's an interesting design and I'm you here to try it so yeah it's unlike any design i've ever seen that right I agree I agree yeah so yeah that's going to be very interesting well we're let's go ahead and jump into our open question and answer session here and Joey we've got one for you from David berkovich what features do you want to see an Omega Ruby and alpha sapphire um Ruby and Sapphire are someone is knocking at my door I think that when I are pretty awesome games they're probably saw my favorite in the Pokemon series but for me as far as remakes go especially with Pokemon I just like convenience tweaks being able to trade while in the field or whatever else or that kind of stuff anything that that makes playing the game more convenient I'm a fan of and hopefully they'll bring back the watch like the clock on the second screen because they used to have that it wasn't an X&Y I was a big fan of that such a nerdy inclusion but I like having clocks in my games I know it sounds so weird um but it makes sense pokedex should have a clock right what kind of pokedex have a clock so just really just as far as features go I don't care what they do a supposedly we might see a new take on the story that's cool i'm personally more interested in seeing a convenience features at it and more than anything else so i just was so scarlett in to all of joeys clothes for the Scarlet nerd the nerd the nurse yeah I'll take instead of a free culture survey for adultery hits all out I want a clock my polka duck pokedex bro pokedex excuse me creepy okay now here's a question from Dan leghe's um guys if I mispronounce names I'm sorry I'm horrible I my last name is spelled a une I mean I've had a mispronounce name all my life so what do you think of the proposed smart home system from Apple this is interesting to me because there's a part of me that's always wanted all these smart home features and when they started happening I was like ooh but they're not a smart price nah and you're upset the Google was apparently looking at drop tears i love Dropcam and now so far Google's kept their hands off nest a 0 and so that gives me some hope for how things are going to work out with Dropcam but yeah it still concerns me but it's interesting to finally see all this home automation coming along I guess whoever was knocking at Joey's door is still knocking hi yeah so it's it's interesting I finally see all this home automation coming anyone that reads TechnoBuffalo seeing my flashback Friday series and I I have a fascination with those old 50's films that ill your food will descend from the ceiling you'll be able to do you know this at home and all that so that's always fascinated me but you know when you look at the prices of say like the nest you know yeah that the nest thermostat is awesome but it's 250 bucks right and so yeah this is great that Apple I I especially love the idea the one Apple pen that showed you know you walking into your home and the iphone automatically turns on your light so it's a great security feature but how much is that gonna cost me right yeah and how was what was this smart home since I know as a report that came out over the weekend I believe but what is it is it a platform as its software they're trying to release her I saw it was maybe like going to be like an apple you know like apple approved accessories sort of thing right it's gonna be a couple the report goes that the new Apple TV that's been delayed who knows how many times will be the smart hub for everything okay and then it will be a software platform there will be labeling like you approved for ipod it would be approved for whatever the name of this is right okay and so you could buy accessories that would talk to the apple TV and then the apple TV would talk to your iphone or ipad and so with your right would start turning things on when you leave home and turn things off so on so forth that's neat pregnant that's need like what yeah it's just it's the the price of the situation I mean yeah that's all stuff i'd like to have but it's not going to be at least i don't feel it's going to be until you know four or five six years down the road when the early adopters have bought enough to start dropping the price yeah i'm picturing things though like if you had bluetooth low energy appliances that that were communicating with your Apple TV so say like Apple partners with LG or something or like another smart home system that competes with nest from another company then you could like walk into your house it knows the temperature knows your home because it has established that bluetooth low energy connection then you can go you know tell your phone to run the dishwasher and stuff like that I guess I guess I could see it all working with Apple but like you said it would be seems like it would take a couple years to get everybody on me yeah I definitely think so unless I go buying people yeah from Sasha bahal honest questions for all three of us um which he says right at the beginning what announcement do you really wish to be made at e3 2014 and what announcement do you think we will see and also who do you think will win III 2014 but joy since this is good I'd like to see ultima online issue the rules from 1997 oh I have nothing uh Wow okay um I'll try to handle them in order yes personally I want to see the last guardian show back up at e3 2014 for the PlayStation 4 just do it and let photo way to go on to other projects finish that beast up and start making other awesome games eco and shadow the classes are masterpieces in my opinion and if the Last Guardian can live up to that on the PlayStation 4 and look as gorgeous as it can it will be unbelievable so I would like to see that happen what announces do I think we'll see I I could I could see a price cut for the wii u maybe the nintendo doesn't really like to drop prices around III for some reason we might hear from Beyond Good and Evil 2 again i know that nichelle and sell was the one that was working on that from ubisoft and it's kind of gone on hiatus and a couple years back he said that i want new consoles before i start working on that so new consoles are here and he teased some concept art of the main character not too long ago so that could be a thing and who do i think will win the e3 I don't really I out like that phrase because winning is something that's really subjective and I noticed such in that you put a win and quote so I appreciate that but last year going off of that phrase i would say that sony undeniably one III this year I know that you guys love to hate them and I say you guys generically but Microsoft has already been doing some interesting things and one of them was getting Phil Spencer to head the Xbox division and since he's been on we've seen things like the dropping of the connect as a mandatory requirement for the xbox one and the lowering of the price to 400 bucks those are things that gamers wanted and have have wanted from the beginning I think that if any company stands to gain the most ground it's them I don't think Nintendo is ready to show off anything new just yet i think that there's still a little bit life left in the wii u as as small as it might be but i think that if anyone's poised to make the most crowd noise this year it it could be Microsoft though who knows I I think Microsoft learned a lot of lessons from last year old boss look where their old boss wound up he's the head of Zynga tell you about how Microsoft in their Xbox division was viewing the gaming populace at Don Mattrick left xbox for Zynga where Zynga now how are they doing yeah exactly yeah now I think Microsoft is going think we're going to see a very different Microsoft this year than we did last year they can't take another year like last year where to be blunt their ass was handed to them on a silver platter by Sony well and I mean Sony their marketing folks established this amazing narrative of their the bad guys we are the good guys and they threw it into this culture that's very much centered around stark villain and a stark hero I know that that sounds cheesy but that's what games are and so to villainize a company was one of the best things Sony could ever do for themselves and it's paying dividends with the PlayStation 4 you can't go to any website that centers around gaming or tech without seeing someone comment sections yelling about how the X bone is dead or doomed in the PlayStation 4 is better and a lot of that is is based solely on the fact that Sony position themselves so expertly last year it was a master class in marketing yeah really was yeah otherwise so I I I don't know if Microsoft can kill that image this quickly you know with just a year but I think we're going to see a very different Microsoft that is going to attempt to be a much more consumer friendly company than it was last year yeah and I think Major Nelson will be tied up in gags in a closet he's not you know he plays the cards he's dealt I think that I feel Spencer's going to be doing him a lot of favors and if Major Nelson is a great personality and if if the xbox team can give him content that's good and easy to sell he'll he'll sell the crap out of it you gotta remember these guys are salesmen that's all that they're there for that's what they're doing and so I know that we like to throw words like win and lose at these console manufacturers but it ultimately they're just businesses and we're the customers that's all it is and I know that we like to categorize ourselves and more interesting ways than that but there's no winning at e3 it's all about consumer perception and whoever wins that perception is who wins I think Microsoft stands to gain the most will they I have no idea who who's the guy last year that had the unnatural relationship with cars on stage I don't know the fours a guy like me this in McLaren I've been sleeping with it I I will only be satisfied if this year at e3 he shows up again and actually looks a seat yeah because I started started to get uncomfortable during that presentation I was there it was afraid of liquid projectile at any point did you just want stand up and go do you want to sleeve you alone should we go Doritos and Mountain Dew and hit the road does anyone have any candles on them yeah it was weird it was a weird moment yeah it was so weird I'm just hoping that we get another great musical act this year oh um I'm because of how my plane ticket laid out i'm actually not going to be there for microsoft and i'm gonna be like i'm gonna be landing and running directly to the e3 briefing so that should be far the EA briefings that should be fun hopefully I'll miss any any big performances we'll see we'll see uh from Dominique Weber could we expect some Assassin's Creed news at e3 yeah yeah I mean they aren't they announced I camera it's Assassin's Creed unity and something else one of them is for the xbox 360 and ps3 and the other one is for the ps4 xbox one and pc I'm not sure what the wheel our plans are right now but it's set in the French Revolution we know that much Assassin's Creed is annualized and Ubisoft said that they're not really interested in new ip's unless they can annualize them at this point so from now until Assassin's Creed stops making them money yes we will see more about assassins create a t3 all so far crime far cry 4 will be a t32 so unbelievable from rockster 103 do you think people will buy the iphone 6 even if they don't like the design yes huh I mean why why would you because it's the brand man i might my motto I know I'm saying I mean it'll sell well but like like if I don't like the design why am I gonna buy it but I know the general public issue yeah maybe for you me and and Sean the answer would be no but fer for the folks that don't give a rat's the answer will be yes mm-hmm no i phone gotta get it but if it if it's like furry and stuff like people i don't know if people i can get into that no fingerprints on hair big like a basketball like yes both six you can dribble it yeah i don't like this design i'm gonna buy scary it around like oh I hope the next iphone is just one of those magic eight balls yeah so like if you want to send a message right like it's asking Syria question but the answers are always randomized yeah nosy I i if I was the I tree I now desperately want iphone 6 at the backish 70 shag carpet yeah yeah I feel like Moto X could probably add that to the motivation yes tried by that shag Moto X check shag with a cup catches on fire just like shit yeah we're from Sasha Mahal Sean without a signature hat what's going on that means that it's actually finally gotten warm enough that you out for me to where I he's storing it in the style of other hats behind that sheet okay funny store on up would you just clean that shelf funny story about the sheet so when I'm not filming I lift it up so I don't walk on it and about once a week now the air conditioner will move it just enough to sell off my motion detector camera in here ah it's all good texted like a two in the morning being invaded yes yes and so it takes me directly to your whatever movement had detected it i'll just see the kern go I was trying to get out Sean okay grinding it out yeah sure you know what I expected she Sean sheet at the season finale of next year's true detective skinny the end gonna be then lifting up the sheet and just going time is a flat circle looking up the sheet gonna be awesome yep yeah but my sheet is going to have a starting role and true detective season two I think so oh my poor sheet but uh yeah the Hat is still here in the office it's just not on my head uh question about and Joey I don't know if you had a chance to look at this yet what do you think of Google self-driving card new design I haven't looked at of it yeah that was cool I think it was announced what last night or something it was announced late last night and the thing is the car has a top speed of 25 miles per hour so this is not wholly yeah it's not expected to like go driving on highways or whatever I think this would be awesome especially if it's electric and I is it electric I don't know okay will you okay I'm looking at it right now I don't think it's electric why if it was electric this would be awesome for college campuses for large company campuses for airports I the number of uses would be endless you know for those situations now for general consumer I don't know any consumer that's gonna go yeah I just bought this car it's got tubs you to 25 miles per hour you can imagine like for uber replacements in cities like oh yeah if I wanted to go to the grocery store it like comes up I get in go to grocery store come back that'd be cool and now New York City Oh would work because I don't think anyone has ever driven faster than 25 miles per hour I don't know man some of Daddy's hidden like 200 yeah and others like fly through the frickin bike lane whatever bro what's had a toy fair meeting on a sunday morning in in New York and I was staying up at like 57th and Toy Fair was down like 23rd mm-hmm and so typically it took me almost an hour on the weekdays to get down there but I had arranged that year for a special me on Sunday so I I left like an hour before my meeting i was there in like three and a half minutes oh yeah they don't they don't care yeah on Sunday morning when there's no traffic it's just like I don't care the population of New York City drops Lee insanely actually was it was telling a ver somebody back in the day GPS and they were showing like sort of the breathing of Manhattan and the traffic patterns and how like during the day like everything was just super backed up and then it was just empty their like again at night so like at night you can go get around real easy in a cabin is cheap but yeah yeah we have you ever read they buries a book about his trips to Japan no I I need to find the segment for you that was just about taking a cab ride in Tokyo what does he describes it basically as he thinks he passed through somebody's living room at one point hahahahaha the cab drivers in Japan are hilarious man they really are with their with their white gloves and like every cab has like the lace heads headrest really oh yeah oh yeah I've never been i gotta guess with that well I know and you do not open the door yourself they they open it for you through a little automatic system and you can actually break the door if you open it don't you dare touch it ever got yelled at about that pretty quickly yeah you do not touch the doors in the cabs Wow nice yeah it is the most bizarre found a curious ever got awesome you know as opposed to like the the English cabbies I think I i I've written cabs in London Manchester edinboro I think I've had one cab driver who did not engage me in a trip length discussion either about politics or sports Oh anyway I've heard that black cabs are awesome black cabs are the most awesome vehicles you know I'm tall I'm 6 foot 4 yeah I can sit all the way back in the seat stretch my legs all the way forward and not touch the divider awesome that is yeah and fit all my luggage in the back area with me yeah dude black cabs and apparently those cabbies know London like crazy to get your hack license in London you have to study for years and you're given a blind test that changes I believe it's every couple months so nobody can share it you or you have to find the shortest route between two spots from memory in written form there you know see that's crazy i don't think any other cab system is like that in the world and sometimes when you go to New York like there's I still get in cash or dudes or using GPS right ya know London cabbies are known for they know every well it probably one of the most complicated cities in the world yeah there's no system to it well no cuz it's its infrastructure that's been developed for like a thousand years yd exactly yeah exactly wow I never thought we'd have a cab discussion on a man and you're changin this interesting thing I wouldn't see someone like do a real big investigation on infrastructure and some of the leading cities in the world and see which cities are doing it right and which cities are a complete mess in LA hmm con la I cannot stand driving in Chicago and LA you know I drove once from irvine up to see a friend at the next to the staple center the LA Convention Center yeah it's called le live now yeah yeah so I was driving up there and I'm listening to my GPS it's like in a quarter mile stay in the three middle lanes in the right three lanes and a quarter mile stay in the left three lights like the thing that gets me about LA so much is that like they could eliminate the driving and gridlock problem if they just had a train system that made sense because of how ridiculous their urban sprawl is their train system Todd that is the craziest face right now let's read an interesting article on the side you're not fascinated by our cab discussion I am well its got are you watching the news yeah well we actually have run over our normal time limit with our our in-depth discussion on mass transit whatever join us for next week when we discuss rickshaws should they come back Oh as always we appreciate you joining us for tech dirt I almost call it check on the range kleen all right all right Peter just bear it bury it thank you TechnoBuffalo show you can find us on iTunes where we do appreciate if you rate and review us that does help the show out you can also find us on the stitcher app which means you can listen to us anytime anywhere you can subscribe to RSS feed you can find us on pocket casts pretty much anywhere there's podcasts you can find the TechnoBuffalo show ivan sean ani I'm the editor-in-chief of the site I've been joined by executive editor gaming joey davidson see you guys next time executive editor mobile Todd Hazleton see everybody and Barney the executive editor of mass transit coverage until next week take it easy everyone bye bye bye
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