
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The TechnoBuffalo Show Episode #038 – Apple, MWC and more!

and welcome to the 38th episode of the TechnoBuffalo show I'm I'm your two hosts for today Sean ani editor-in-chief of the site and i'm joined by deputy managing editor todd Hazelton hey everybody he's back the UH so let's see you we won't go into how your travels went yes they were long to say the least yes with an added extra day that we won't discuss ah but for those that may not have known Todd was off at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona hmm and you know now whole lots been going on the past couple weeks Todd I don't know what we're going to talk about this week I know it's crazy there's so much yeah because as soon as you got back from that we have the apple event right but let's go in chronological order let's jump back to mobile world congress and of course we had the announcement of the galaxy s6 in the galaxy s6 edge which both were well known before they came out and we also had the announcer the HTC One m9 also well known before it came out right that uh oh now excuse me I should i call it galaxy s space 6 yeah it's not a why they do this time just so just so everyone knows samsung sent out a email to the press shortly before they have been telling us that while in the rest of the world it was going to be gout written as galaxy s6 in the u.s. they had planned to write it as galaxy s space 6 rotten that's nice yeah and then when I usually miss galaxy s space 6 space lowercase edge yeah come on whatever so you've had some brief hands-on time with each of these phones yep was there anything that you walked away from being really impressed with any of them mom I think for me the biggest thing was that Samsung really really and they said that look we made some mistakes along the way and we listened to our consumers and they did the six in the s6 edge have the aluminum bodies they have gorgeous displays they shine in the light unlike anything else I've seen that I mean they look like very premium handsets 0 for anybody that's complained in the past about Samsung and plastic phones I mean that's alleviated now these are great looking devices the only complaint i had and i told samsung samsung this face to face is the backs of both of them gets super fingerprinting like within seconds of playing with them you know wash our hands and everything we had to wipe it down again for each photo so like we were constantly wiping down the phones for the for the camera at the show that's my biggest complaint otherwise beautiful devices and the one m9 to is fantastic I think HTC did the right thing I know a lot of people are saying hey you know like this doesn't seem like a big upgrade but what they did was they designed the phone to sort of mix in elements of the one m7 that was very popular the first one that they did and then the One m8 which was last year's model it was a little more round a little more slippery and so now you have this really beautiful device a little more sharper on the edges like the one m7 was and I'm really excited for that early impressions on that phone the camera could use a little bit of some tweaks it's a 20 megapixel camera HTC is still updating the software daily and I saw the reports that were comparing shots on it with other phones um issues he's well aware that they want this to be one of the best cameras they've ever put on a phone so they're trying to tweak that software before launch so I'm excited to see how that 20 megapixel camera performs since seven looks great i love the customization they did it's very easy you know i know a lot of android fans can go out there and say like oh you know it's easy to apply you know of an icon pack and stuff like that but this makes it easy for you know everyday consumers you just open up the theming application you can apply all kinds of cool themes um so i really liked that and then i'm also i think the galaxy s6 and s6 edge though stood out to me because they support wireless charging out of the box and both standards so you can do chi or i guess the other one power matter is alliance and that's a big deal because starbucks is rolling out their chargers and stations around the country samsung said they're going to work with other partners I even talked to them about you know Samsung if you go into any airport you see a lot of their charging stations around the airport like what if you and those right now require a plug-in what if you made those wireless charging stance that seems like probable in the future so speaking of wireless charging it not not to get off topic while you're at mwc you may have missed the story about ikea is going to be building wireless charging into its furniture right yeah so that's really cool too i think i think hopefully over the next couple years we'll see that in a lot more places and they said I charges faster I'm not sure what they did on the on the engineering side but it's faster than before because I know you know especially as you get used to quick charge and turbocharging all kinds of these different technologies they can charge your phone up like fifty percent in 10 minutes or something you kind of you're like an well I'd rather not use wireless charging because it's kind of slow but they said it's faster now so you know a lot of exciting things to try with these funds launched and again the mobile payment Samsung pay will launch this summer so not the same time that the phones come out but it supports magnetic terminals too so you can pay at the terminals and that's sort of the technology they purchased Samsung their press conferences that developed it but they purchased it with their acquisition of lupe earlier this year so there are lots of exciting stuff on horizon well Sasha Mahal has a a question related to the say Todd HTC one m9 or samsung galaxy s6 and if you choose s6 than s6 or s6 edge and why um well I think I would go with the s6 edge just because it's sort of the high-end most premium phone out of out of that launch I'd say well I don't want to say that I think the One m9 is a fantastic device I really liked since seven I'm not gonna I don't want to knock that for any reason especially until I play with all of these for a while but the s6 edge stood out to me most because I'm really excited to see Samsung pay I'm really excited to use the wireless charging and in my hands I was just like wow this is a really really nice looking phone so that's what I'm most excited for I think but you should have the One m9 hopefully you know I think they're they're all launch sometime in April so hopefully we have them in our hands and then I'll be able to make a final judgment but yeah I'm anxious to see all these I I'm really anxious to try the edge I it's not a phone I ever foresee myself carrying but I i just i want at least try it and see how it feels in the hand and everything else now since you've held them you can answer the the magical question for me with the note edge i found myself wanting to put my finger tips below yeah great how is it with the s6 edge it's a little better on the s6 edge because the edges in has steep it's sort of just like a soft decline on the sides it's worth elope yeah but it's still kind of in the way I want to say it's not you know you kind of like my fingers going to touch it so we'll see you know again over long-term use but I'm still pretty attracted to it and I want to see what else Samsung in the developing developer partners add to it right now it's sort of just you swipe in from the edge and you can see you like your favorite contacts or it can khlo when you put it face down so you know who's calling you and then it has some of the edge panels that we saw on the the note edge as well but those panels and the developers who have already written apps for the note edge they're not supported by this because they're totally different gotcha yeah we're getting a couple questions about this which is something else that we all know you got to try at Barcelona which was the HTC vive yeah so we've got a couple questions here but related to the vibe will hit real quick from Dan legis what do you think about the HTC vive just in general what was your overall feeling I was really blown away by it at first we were briefed on it um ahead of the show by HTC but we weren't allowed to see it so we had only seen a picture and we were all kind of like and like there's there a reason you're not showing it to us and then we finally we had private meetings at the show or we got to put it on and its really mind-blowing it reminds me a lot of the oculus it's way more advanced in the gear VR which is fine because the gear VR is powered by a smartphone this requires a very heavy you know machinery gaming PC and then there's a lot of wires right now and the controllers are still wired to they're planning on making a wireless but once you're in that world it's it's really incredible you sort of feel like you're leaving this universe and you're in another one and it's hard to understand I guess until you like put it on you really you feel like you're somewhere else the graphics to me weren't as sharp as what we've seen with oculus but I think the implementation is really amazing they have these lasers that they put on the wall on the walls so when you're in this world you can see where your boundaries are as you approach a wall they're sort of like checkerboard that magically appears and you can just walk around and using the controller's interact with things so I was in a kitchen and making a recipe and then hitting like throwing eggs against law which is really funny and then I was in a like a valve obviously created this like a portal world where I was supposed to fix a robot and they're making fun of me for being a dumb human and all this kind of stuff but you're just immersed in this world and in another spot I was on this sunken ship and this huge whale comes like swimming by me it's like right in front of you so you can touch it almost and so it's really incredible an oculus has this kind of stuff too and what I saw with the latest prototype from oculus at CES was you know the graphics were a little bit sharper and stuff like that but man I think valve and HTC are going to be great partners especially for gamers it looks like that's the kind of content we're going to get out of this but we also we know there's movie content Lionsgate studios and stuff like that are on board so really mind-blowing stuff I can't wait for it I guess consumer launch is scheduled for this year is what they're promising so it's medical that's impressive and for the record I asked as she see the prices and they honestly their executive who's in charge of these other he runs the Recon of stuff so he does he did the re camera he did the grip Fitness band and stuff like that Iran's all these connected products for HTC he said I we honestly have no idea what's gonna cost her so well we have a follow-up question from Sasha Mahal hey Todd since you tried out the HTC vive how does it compare to the oculus rift and other VR headsets did you get any motion sickness um I didn't get motion sickness but then again I don't get motion sickness I haven't from any of these other ones i will say there is this detachment from reality feeling that almost causes sort of a stir of panic really like you're in another world so your brains trying to comprehend that and that's what's kind of weird it's not motion sickness but it's just like when you when you're standing on top of a building and you're afraid of heights in a city in this fake world and your body is scared that's a weird feeling because you know that you're just standing in this conference room but your brain thinks something else and so that's what's wild about all these things and even you know even gear VR powered by the the note 4 does that kind of stuff to me when I'm flying around 360 degree views around you know New York City is one of the demos um it's wild and these are just so compared to the gear VR which is again powered by just a smartphone these are powered by super put the Theophilus and the HTC vive are powered by super you know beefy computers so the difference is huge and again I think HTC vive oculus rift on a par with one another just oculus seems to have slightly sharper graphics but then the vibe allowed me to interact with the world more than I've ever had a chance to with oculus and I know oculus is plenty controllers and stuff too I've just never had a chance to use them awesome so immersive I mean they're both just mind-blowing right right well we have a one more question i think though the tech to take on this since you already wrote up like what we gave awards to and everything else is sasha baja last hey Todd what was your favorite parts about MW 20s mwc 2015 what why we discuss a little bit like what goes on in and around I mean was their press conference you especially enjoyed a meal you especially enjoy the meals um I don't often get to go around barcelona but the sick we had a saturday where our camera guy was flying in where it was kind of a little bit off time we had to do some writing but and I got to go walk around see the barcelona cathedral and then when Ron came in that's our camera guy from TechnoBuffalo we had a meal right next to it and had shared some tapas and stuff I think that was my fee part I was showing him some of the city some of the Gothic quarter which is gorgeous if you've ever been a bar Cellino and then I think that was fun just showing somebody else to see that I've been to before usually alone but but also um it's just it's hectic and it's crazy how fast you know seven or eight days we were there it goes by we were nas in meetings leading up to the show in meetings through most of the show and then you know we're filming and writing late into the night because thankfully we're still on eastern and pacific time zones are not much time to adjust so we're you know we're up late into the night getting everything done for everybody that is it's a good time yeah it always amazes me how fast CES flies by yeah it's just like didn't we just get here right it always seems like oh okay and that's time to go home already and I thing is at technobuffalo we actually do Airbnb for an apartment there where we have a sore on and I shared an apartment and that sort of allows us to immerse better in the culture you know are not just going to a hotel every night but we're in a neighborhood and walking around there and go to restaurants and stuff around there so that's always very fun yeah and so much cheaper than the hotels yes and the dollar to the euro right now is fantastic so yeah yay thankful for that well let's move on from mwc because we still have the other giant elephant in the room and that was monday's apple of them that's right so we already knew about the Apple watch we got a few more details like the pricing and we also saw the introduction of the new macbook right so I'm not even sure where to start let's start with the the Apple watch sure the the price for me at least was a disappointment yeah I know I think going into him you know I knew it was going to be expensive we saw it was going to be 340 on the way Apple told us that but then you know I guess the model I wanted was like one of the ones with the steel band it's the Apple watch the actual model I want is a thousand dollars and I had no idea was gonna get thousand bucks you know I thought maybe 556 the house but you got away too much for me John's desired models 1200 oh yeah so there you go and and you know paying 350 or 400 bucks for a watch with it with a rubber band is is also kind of hard to swallow and I get it there's a lot of technology in there but when you're looking yeah but when you're looking at the price of competing products you can get a really nice moto 360 for 300 bucks with a metal band or even other watches it's just like jeez it's a hard you know pill to swallow and you look at you know iPads that can cost that much short or this is you know there are models of this that cost more than macbooks so that's a crazy but I get it you know it's it's a watch industry and it's sort of luxury and it's not for everybody but uh I was hoping I'd be able to enter for a little bit cheaper now I'm kind of put off because honestly I i think the Apple watch looks fantastic looks really exciting i love the idea you can you know maybe one day I can open my hotel room with NFC built into it which they demoed Apple pay seems cool all kinds of neat stuff like that target yesterday said their apple lets you you know make a shopping list and as you're walking around tell you which aisle is the next items on that kind of stuff is awesome yeah I just you know $350 is a lot of money at the end of the day for about anything about the fact that that's for the thirty eight millimeter which in Apple's defense they never said thirty eight millimeter was the ladies and 42 me actually to you in the sizing guide they do oh yeah ace in the sizing guys it says like look fits most women's wrists and then that one size fits most mens wrist so like all right weather so as men are minimum unless we want a tiny watch on her wrist is going to be four hundred bucks right exactly you know and I I backed the the pebble time on Kickstarter you know I I was got in early enough that I got in on the early bird special so I think it was 149 you know I'm gonna have a color screen I'm going to have seven days of battery life yeah you know I i I'm sorry I just I can't see paying that price for the Apple watch I just can't I know but you know and I wrote the editorial saying that you know it's just kind of it seems crazy to me and I have a nice watch my wife got me in my wedding and I think that you know for a lot of people i was talking to other journalists to you have the sentimental value of these items you know maybe it's a Rolex passed down from your grandfather your great-great-grandfather you know all the way down through your family and that's sort of the watch that matters to you and so that the Apple watch has to replace those things and yet it's very expensive but I think we'll see you know maybe it does some really cool stuff that that I just find irresistible when it launches but I don't know and again a battery life kind of concerns me too because I know with every wearable that I've owned so far these the batteries died and I never plug it in and I'm like oh great now I can't even use it now i'm too lazy to you know deal with putting it on the charger waiting three hours before i can put it back on my wrist i'm already out the door so that's one of my issues too but yeah no i agree and dan legis asks about the Apple watch hey guys do you think the Apple watch is a better UI than Android wear I don't sleep with it but yeah John seemed to you know suggest that it does take some learning um I like Android wear but i I've always complained i think the UI kit is a mess and so anything at this point seems like it could be a better UI than android and that's just because there's just too much digging around i mean it reminds me of the problem with windows mobile not windows phone but windows mobile we ready to dig around the operating system all the time to find you want it and I feel like this this should be a little better you know and i think android android wear will improve I mean it already has drastically but right I guess the next update rumor has it will include Chester's and stuff so it doesn't seem all that far away well also on Monday we got introduced to the new macbook which of course you know you can say oh well it's the bringing back of the old macbook although there's very little relation beyond the name yeah so it Iver I ran up a couple of articles about it i just want to share my thoughts real quickly I think my biggest problem with all the laptop situation on money it's fine they wanted reduce USBC great but when they updated the air and the pro why didn't they include one USBC slot on those yeah I'm with you yeah that makes no sense to me I mean that's how you introduce I was speaking with Joey the other day and he had a good point about you know when we were in the transition between tapes you know cassette tapes and CDs cars came with both right exactly right and then a few years down the road yeah we went to CD only and now you're even seeing cars without CD players and just having exile auxiliary plug ins and satellite radio but you know if they really wanted to push this they should have included it on the air in the pro and they should have done a fine yes I understand you want to do it yo as thin as possible on the new macbook but making it the only way to do it I don't think it's the right decision yeah it's crazy I think I have more problem with that on the macbook than anything else I add I think the macbook is overpriced personally but the USBC port alone is enough to make me go I'm not really interested because I you know you like you said in your article you know they were talking oh it's wireless and you know who needs wires and all that by the way here's a 79 dongle yeah it's only $79 but that's not gonna be truly mobile if I have to carry around dongles with me that's not making me wireless that's not making me portable you know speaking tangled exactly exactly i I just I don't know and we have several questions here about the macbook it is there anything you want to add that you didn't include in your articles oh no it's it's all my articles I just think you know 1,300 bucks is is a lot and I think for core m it's even more because you could get a macbook air that's more powerful that still has the USB ports you know doesn't have type C but they did upgrade it and and that's pretty desirable or you can go with the macbook pro which has the new trackpad to and that's what I mean honestly now I have my eye on the macbook pro I haven't seen the macbook in person and apparently it's pretty stunning but for me I'm really worried about you that the USB type-c is the only option and it's the power cord which worries me a bit more I'm not sure it has enough power for me and then yeah I guess that's those are the big issues I've had with it yeah uh from Sasha Mahal is the new macbook necessary should have just replaced the macbook air I don't think so because I think that's sort of this is apple's way it happened with you know DVD players right they started removing the DVD players from the macbooks when they went to the air and everybody was like like we still need those and then up now of course we don't and I think apples write and sing like yes this is a future and i agree but and then that's probably why it's still selling the macbook air to like here if you need the USB ports by this thing you know I hope it's good too yeah I just I'm still not sure about this um from brazen and Franco who actually I think his question was split into two here so could the new macbook really sway away someone from buying the air I don't see the point on the new macbook the older ones was all about the cheapest to enter the ecosystem but this new one weird move for Apple I'm sorry it split it into two questions I'm trying to find the other half weird moved for Apple to release the macbook at such a steep price I he's got very good point the original macbook was the cheapest way to enter the mac ecosystem yeah the white plastic and I need to pay the tax for the black model look out exact yeah exactly you know so you know if you're going to use that name I I think maybe they they should come up with a different name yeah maybe like a macbook premium or something but you know it's maybe it's assignment to come that there's going to be macbooks that are slightly you know more expensive and they drop that price I don't know I don't know what's going on but yeah I agree the naming suggests that it should be that entry level and the funny thing is is that you have the air then you have the macbook which is lighter than air this is like what but I don't know that I mean for me I think and for most people it's probably the macbook air is going to be the way to go when you look for students and you know it's the cheapest entry especially if you're looking at the 11 inch model but you know quorum knee I think I feel like Apple and Intel have a partnership probably encore em and they were like you know make this thin and beautiful laptop for us that runs Core M so we can show everybody what brought us all about stuff so maybe that's what it was a quick clarification benjamin mcdonald brings up the new type c is really fast when it comes to charging is designed to work with laptops when Todd meant by the question with power is yes they say it will last nine hours when you're at an event at rarely lasts nine hours and you don't have access to power so it's more a question of are the batteries really as good as they say they are yeah that's what I'm worried about because we saw the Lenovo yoga 3 pro or pro 3 is based on it runs on a cool ram processor too and they were promising really long battery life and in my usage with that laptop it doesn't get very far so I just want to see how the macbook performs and yes type sees its it's designed for charging and it's supposed to work across tablets and phones and everything is great to have that standard to that though my point is that when i'm charging my laptop as i am right now then I can't have my microphone plugged into USB right because then I've already used that port and by our last hearing unless you test the dongle which the dongle only has one of each right you know so it's not like you're going to plug in a hard drive and a mic right and then dongles sure they exist but like I've been telling myself for the three years I've owned this laptop over by the ethernet toggle I never axel I don't know and I don't want to spend 13 hundred dollars just to spend $79 for two more ports that's just me I I do have the ethernet dongle from my macbook pro because I end up in some weird hotels sometimes better still wired but uh you just you never know what situation you're going to end up and when it comes to internet unfortunately bright uh moving through we have a bunch of questions coming in here so let me just peruse quickly here's a new product that we have not touched on yet from Andre j.g.t pH uh hey guys what do you think about the new Moto e yeah it seems cool right they just added added the LTE to it is super affordable I think it's great it's great for consumers who you know in the past if you broke a phone or something you just had to drop tons of money to you know 600 bucks to go buy a new one now these android makers motorola show me alcatel now with their idol 3 that was just nacim a little Congress great phone I mean these are all come in the United States for you know sub $200 prices and you can buy these phones I mean whether you it's your primary phone sometimes it's good sometimes it's not great at me if it's MediaTek processor it's not always powerful to get from Qualcomm ursa like that but these are awesome options whether it's back up or your primary phone or you need a phone because you don't want to pay international roaming costs and you're traveling abroad I think it's great for everyone and then for motorola it's just a good business decision they're trying to get into especially now with lenovo i'm into new emerging markets so lenovo is huge in china but Motorola had a grasp in Latin America thanks the introduction of the earlier moto g + x and yi so this is just expansion on that so nice moves all around especially for people who need LTE and stuff like that but while you were in barcelona amazon ran a one-day sale on the blue studio 6 yeah there you go this him yeah I I picked one up it was a $29 dual sim yeah that I right there I was like this is the perfect international phone yeah since i'll be able to run my t-mobile and my three sim when I'm in England I'm right why not I like it so far I haven't used it extensively the it was all oh and the funny thing is it came with a case oh yeah a very basic case but I was like that's kind of nice that's the screen had a like a weird feel to it for like the first 20 minutes using it and then it like wiped off so i think it was like some sort of packing fest or something it now it feels fine so yeah I know it's interesting uh let's see here what else have we got let's just change things up here first and we have a question from prim Nagoya which gaming console do you have I I personally have all three of the current ones I always like to say it's because of my job but it's just really I love gaming I have the playstation 4 in the xbox one I had the wii u i loved it my wife was like you're never playing it and i honestly I don't play these other ones very much here I tried to you I've been trying a lot more i played far cry 4 i've been playing dragon age inquisition now so i'm forcing myself to spend more time with these katie consoles but so the way you were sitting here my wife is like you're selling now so i did i become pointless yeah we just get too crowded with electronics here in the living room and ya gotta get in here and there ya know i had lately have been primarily playing the ps4 but that's just because I've been a huge destiny cake yeah well i have i also i'm a pc gamer too i just need to upgrade a little bit here to keep going with that it's about time it's been two years since i upgraded then i also i used the the shield tablet with my TV in my bedroom and play games on that which is actually really really cool especially given the price against brini tablet yeah i'm trying to find there was one question that was a lot of fun trying to find it here oh there it is from sasha mahomes going back to apple firmament what other device would you like Apple to bring back just like they brought back the macbook again I'm still saying this is not really the return of the macbook but right okay so Todd you and I joked before the show we already know what I'm going to say yeah but what's what's an apple product you'd like to see them bring back I don't know that it's something like there's thing I've seen them you know ditch that I really want to see again i would say i'd like to see the appletv revamped and we've been waiting for that for a long time they just dropped the price of 69 box which is pretty sweet I don't really use mine all that often so I kind of want to see what what their plan is with home kit there that's their initiative and their software development kit for up the smart home I want to see if they if they decide to make their apple TV sort of the hub of the home so I guess it's not bringing it back but it hasn't been updated in a long time so it is sort of rain in bed so excitable TV I don't know why do they haven't updated that thing yo wonder with her we'd not I don't know and the price drop almost made me think that maybe they were going introduce a higher tier Apple TV oh yeah I mean we were fingers at the Ray ready to write that new lives I know we were like okay say it say it yeah okay they're moving on to another product mmm okay as for the product i'd like to see brought back the ipod classic called it solid state drives that would be awesome but yes this is my current app i still use this almost every day this is my hundred and sixty gig ipod classic but everyone makes fun of me for using it but i don't care hey moving along here let's see uh interesting question from Sean the man 34 his Thunderbolt dead on max um I don't think so i think it's just telling ya I don't think on the desktop side but looks like it on the on the macbook both of ya actors yeah exactly for everything uh a fun note and something i did not realize from sasha boho hey sean it's been a year technically tomorrow since the TechnoBuffalo show started yeah all right yes of course see how it is planned as a weekly show and it's week 52 or an episode 38 will let you do the math haha busy yet yeah we do we do man you know we we try I'll say that we try but a lot of things come up uh and good question here from breeze and Franco since the president has definitely been set do you think the note 5 will lose the removable battery and SD card slot yeah I think so it seems like it just the way Samsung was talking about it with the galaxy s6 and almost like I mean I know Samsung's fans and me too I've always been like oh it's great to have the removable battery it's great to have the expandable storage the way they talked about it with the s6 and s6 edge they were just like like this is how it is and and there's they would say like there's plenty of storage you know 32 64 128 gigabyte options so it seems like that's the way they're going and if they if they do the aluminum unibody and stuff like that again it see ya i think that's that's just how it's gonna be but i'm not sure yeah i think it's pretty obvious that's the way Samsung is going yeah I'd only thing is I mean you look at it doesn't mean it's impossible because HTC so with the one m8 and one m9 have expandable storage so it can be done it can't be going back to the apple TV first and Dan legis was asking should I invest in an apple TV or wait until the next version is they usually updated after the prices drop I don't know um might be waiting for a long time that's a thing yeah Apple has a very odd history with the Apple TV and it's really hard to predict what they're going to do with that product for so long they just refer to it as it's a hobby it's a hobby right when you've sold 25 million of them it's a little hard to call it a hobby right you know it took Roku almost five years to sell 5 million and apple sold by eight or nine million just last year mm-hmm so it's hard to sit around go well it's the hobby we really don't know what they're playing with the Apple TV that's the problem I the price drop like Todd and I were just saying we really thought the price drop was going to indicate the second tier almost coming out a higher tier that being said I think with the price drop there's a stronger possibility of a September refresh along with the iphone or the ipad in october i get it out there before the holiday season that's kind of where i'm leaning right now i don't i think you're going into the holiday season that would be a great time to refresh it great but at that price and see here's the thing as the streaming guy i've tried every streaming device on the market for the millbrook III bro code three and I w seven bucks right now right now yeah they're a the Roku's far more robust that being said if you're deep into the apple ecosystem already own you have a ton of movies with them or television shows or whatever right the $69 price is hard to be and I don't know what they're going to do in the next version this is possibly the hardest time ever to be someone on the fence about Apple TV because I really don't know what's going to happen yeah but we don't think you'll be upset with a Roku I use mine all the time my eyes the 1i have plugged in dude it you don't know III I've like the cheapest model i think i like that you know I walk around constantly with the banner yo praising the Roku I it's one of my all-time favorite gadgets i absolutely love it right from Sean the man 34 and this is a question I think that's not a lot of people's minds why haven't we seen touch ID on macs and will my mac require a password even if I'm wearing the Apple watch to the second part we don't know that's interests definitely possible to use bluetooth unlock it like we've seen in android right as for why touch ID has not come to max yet I don't know I i kinda we'd heard some rumors that the next macbook update would include and we can't just say macbook anymore the the next laptop update would include it but it was a very soft rumor I don't know and Qualcomm at Mobile World Congress I didn't have a chance to see it myself but introduce technology that scan to your fingerprints through the glass so it seems possible if you have a glass trackpad that you could put your finger in a certain spot and have touch ID work there too so and we do know that you know the home button on the iPhones his class and does similar bills so yeah exactly I mean for Apple pay why not really if you're on a website in safari and you just pay using your thumb print I mean it's incredible how well that works it almost dangerous i was buying concert tickets with my iphone and ticketmaster you just had to do is just hold my finger print and they were you know here comes six tickets oh there goes three hundred bucks uh Sean the man I just saw your comment I'd already picked another question I will get to that is a very interesting thought from Benjamin McDonald I don't have a lot of money but I would like a new tablet i have a samsung galaxy two in a tab to and its really slow but what cheap debt what cheap tablet yeah i could not speak j what cheap tablet do you recommend not iPads can't live with iOS oh man i don't typically recommend cheap tablets because i think you run into what happened with you there it ends up getting pretty slow over time um that's a good question i would look at older models of samson so you can get a galaxy tab s used those are really i mean they're just gorgeous tablets i try to buy a more premium tablet used or refurbished somewhere it's probably your best bet I'd look at the reason looking away as I'm looking up a tablet right now I odds leave i wouldn't i would say look at anything from his sous yes she's makes great tablets this makes really nice tablets and they're fairly reasonably priced so I I would say just go to Amazon look up anything from a sous tablet wise would be my recommendation yeah don't I wouldn't skimp on RAM or proxy sir because I mean just like everything then actually storage because you don't want to slow down on you again exactly I love the Nvidia shield tablet that's not too bad yeah the nexus 9 is nice oh there's a lot of options out there for android users a lot opens what you want to pay yeah yeah I think basically once you know your budget then that's the easier way to go at it uh good point from Sean the man that I wanted to get back to HBO now runs out in three month HBO now now runs on three months three months and around WWDC hint hint new apple TV hardware that's a very interesting thought yeah the excrescence runs through through toledo EDC in tune yeah that is a very very good point Sean the man thank you for bringing that up I had forgot about the three-month exclusivity yeah I which that's a very odd exclusivity window in 90 days hmm yeah I don't know from Sasha and the hall how many computers do you guys have are they mostly Mac in which you use on a daily basis mostly pc actually um I have my desktop here at my macbook air in front of me and then I have a sous windows 8.1 netbook that are my go-to computer so two-thirds windows actually I'm goes and I have Windows 10 burning on my desktop here it's just been great so far yeah I I'm running on iMac here and i have another imac at home which is an older model and then i have a macbook pro and just for dubbing around when I like sitting on the couch I have I picked up babe refurbished HP Chromebook which I actually really like yeah I need a Chromebook in my life yeah I'd really like the cross hook but I i'm mostly Mac I I have been p you know windows in the past i just i switched as i've mentioned before and sorry you can call me a traitor if you want uh i need a new you're terribly laptop so we'll find because the netbook i have a point one is great it's just you know i think i paid it was on sale at best buy for like 140 bucks remember that day I literally ran out and i texted Sean like sorry it's just what to best buy they had this computer for a hundred forty bucks but I paid for what I got the track that's not fantastic it's little jittery but I'm 40 plus yeah yeah exactly I'm just scanning real quick here because we have so many more questions and we are at the end of the show so let me let me see if we have any questions from someone who hasn't already asked one uh to do there we go from Zeke with the under duction of the USBC on the macbook do you think we will see us bc on the next iphone and ipad man it's a standard so i'd love to see apple follow with the industry but i have a hard time believing it's gonna do it I don't know yeah yes from you know what seems like yesterday a switch from 30 pen to lightning feel like it's been a couple years I don't know I that thought crossed my mind is well on Monday I just I don't know if they're ready to sacrifice lightning yeah I think they like making all the money off accessories with their uh no that's silly talkin their apple approved i forget the the approval moniker is but uh their products that use lighting you know they make a lot of money off that so right now I I think they're gonna stick with lightning for a little bit just because of the money they make from the accessories yeah that's it I think we'll see the industry shift I think we'll see a lot of phones and tablets in the next couple years I do to with USB see how you to do I agree well folks that is going to do it for this week's up so now I'm sorry we can't get to all of your questions but we do appreciate you asking all of them as always you can go to the iTunes Store if it's back up go to the iTunes Store and search for the TechnoBuffalo show and we do appreciate your rain review us that does help the show you can also find us on Pocket cast you can find us on stitcher which means you can listen to us anytime anywhere you can also subscribe to our RSS feed anywhere there are podcasts you can find the TechnoBuffalo show as always I've been Sean ani I'm the editor-in-chief of TechnoBuffalo I've been joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton's hi everybody and yes the iTunes Store still done until next week take it easy bye-bye
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