
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The TechnoBuffalo Show Episode #073 – CES 2016 predictions, questions and more!

and welcome to episode 73 of the tagme Buffalo show I'm live your to host for today Sean ani editor-in-chief of the site and i'm joined by managing deputy deputy managing editor Todd hazen deputy Dawg that's my resolution or try 16 get you an easier title to say yes that's right so yes folks we are at the end of 2015 a year full of phones yeah yeah there were phones phones and I feel like there there were less fewer to fewer is there a word tablets I guess other result we had when I was in her tablets yeah and we had big ones like literally big ones like the the galaxy view and the ipad pro surface pro 4 you know so refinements to and i saw an interesting article yesterday I think tech insider did Business Insider about just like how everybody this year 2015 was about like trying to kill the laptop and not successfully doing that and and almost like pointlessly so you know like the iPad pro like sort of going after these like the Apple was saying that you don't need a laptop but you like why would you get an ipad pro it's so much bigger and like bulkier once you had the keyboard stuff like that it just didn't do a good job trying to kill a laptop which arguably you don't need to kill in the first place I actually I saw an interesting article week or two back that what's saving computers yo desktops and laptops both is spreadsheets is like I have to agree i mean there are lots of other things excuse me that you do with the computer that you can't do with the tablet but in general you you know me I spreadsheet everything but yeah I can kinda kind of see that yeah but i feel like if anything's gonna kill like the laptop I think it's and I don't think they're gonna get killed at all I think it's more like a long lines that I hope to see like what we're seeing with windows 10 Lumia 950 with continuum and sort of like here's my computer bringing everywhere plug it in but I don't think that's a 2016 solution either i don't know maybe down the line yeah I mean I I don't know it's I don't think the computer is going anywhere anytime soon I I'd I find interesting that companies keep thinking that they've come up with the solution to kill but the whole question is why kill ya why do you really hear people walking around or sitting at starbucks with their laptop guy I hate you and I don't want to use you anymore only me with the surface pro 3 and that keyboard Walt that original he would that's it that's a different situation I know I know I know I get your point but in general you don't really hear people saying oh how much I hated can pay you know having a desktop or a laptop nobody says that right you know I think that's a whole lot of the problem that we've seen in technology over the years is that the tech companies decide oh this is what you really want yeah well isn't that what Steve Jobs was famous for like making products people didn't know they wanted yes but there's only one Steve Jobs yeah that's right everybody else is trying to be like you I mean how many products have we seen at CES you know I i I've told the story before it will never stop cracking me up the the guy I stopped by his booth and he had windows 7 tablets and you know he's walking me through him and he gets to what he goes and this is our iPad killer yeah is the only time I have broken in a booth and I actually laughed out loud as I what so 50 nothing Lee please continue I'm like it's a windows 7 tablet no it's not an iPad color but uh mi jus folks this was very early in the ipad life cycle right but so the main goal of today though is of course next week there will be no show folks because Todd and I will be at Las Vegas having a fabulous time yeah oh and supposedly doing work at CES but uh oh yeah and actually CS will be the the main reason that we're in Vegas so as always we want to take a look at you know what exactly do we think we're going to see at CES this year I think we're already starting to see some trends in the emails that were getting and mind you folks we can't go into specifics on a lot of the stuff that we're receiving because it's under embargo but you know there's there's a definite trend that I feel safe and discussing that seems to be everyones talking the Internet of Things yeah connected everything I mean and actually some of the stuff that we've already published on the site uh is showing off this is so exist for example first is LG's webos three point 0 which will power their latest TVs which is great because I love well as froze you don't remember it was once palms operating system for their smartphones um any case so that's exciting because web and their tablets oh there you go that's exciting because they're gonna allow all these smart connected devices like your refrigerator well I like to think of the appliances first but your lights and your music and all kinds of things and your refrigerator your washer and dryer always like a thing about Sean I talk about that a lot all these notifications and things coming through to your TV so your TV sort of serving as a central hub to your smart home which um for a while that was the rumor that Apple's the apple TV this year was going to do and like that sort of ever came to fruition so that started it and then we saw Samsung yesterday announced I think was yesterday that all their smart things or uh you know connecting devices are gonna plug into the TV and I think everything else to like all kinds of other ones zigbee all that more than 200 devices it supports again so you know your TV showing you maybe when your washer and dryer finished or you can control your lights or something like that which i think is going to be a lot cooler than like to me right now in my apartment I have Alexa T I mean I'm like oh you know like turn on the lights and like that's enough but I feel like if you have a big house you know all these rooms to manage and the TV is kind of like the most important place I guess for a lot of people who are sitting on the couch anyway and then today we saw LG just announced another thing I think is called the smart think smart it's smart thi NQ I mean it kind of looks like an Amazon echo and it has a 3.5 inch display think it was 3.5 inches can play music and can control your appliances I guess or all your things sort of again this internet of things smarthome connected device oddly enough it didn't have voice controls like the echo though which is like like why why even bother look it looks like a speaker yes and it performs as a speaker so like why wouldn't it have that I don't know maybe they don't have the technology yeah I think we're definitely going to see a lot of smart home / internet of things this year beyond that I really am not seeing any one trend up here it's a lot of refinements a lot of just iterations I'm not nothing that we have been emailed about yet or you know that we've heard rumors of and so on nothing is really staying out to me as like the be-all end-all of CES I mean you've done c.s a few years longer than I have I mean I'm sure you can remember there were years like the year of the motorola xoom yeah yo that was the first honeycomb tablet that was exciting mmm you know but there's not so far there's no one big thing that I think feel like everyone's going to rush to go see and cover yeah there were years where it was sort of like tablets were the thing right or even smartphones for a little bit and now yeah I think it's more about connecting everything I think we're gonna see a lot of technology for you know not just these TVs are connected in car connections and the technology that we're seeing in our cars I know it was BMW I forget what it's called exactly I want to say it was like 3d touch but that's not right smart touch but it is it's a concept control panel for your car where you can use gestures above the screen and stuff like that and I mean this is just going to show that the the entertainment systems and our cars are far more powerful than they ever were before I think we're going to see maybe another trend in perhaps it's a smaller one but finally more 4k discussion about the actual content not the tvs that have been you know that are probably under a thousand dollars in a lot of places now and we're once these $10,000 TVs at CES i think those are kind of coming into mainstream and now we have to see like okay why do consumers want them you know like finally gave us the hardware now i do we want it so maybe you'll hear from sling TV i mean they have a press conference dish directv what about live sports you know from AT&T and stuff like that so I think those are the the big trends that I I can you know yeah I I would say so it's I I think we even and there's one thing I can't discuss that we've gotten press release on that you know it's another streaming service coming out it's a specialized streaming service so it's I think we're going to see a lot of that sort of stuff it's but I don't think there's going to be one gadget to rule them all right yeah i think it's it's becoming more and more about you know the software and services side of of the industry as opposed to forward-facing I mean it's always I guess I take that back CS has been a place where they show you the latest technology and then you know a couple years later or whatever at the scene here they're also showing what that technology is capable of until that's what my example was with 4k TVs a couple years ago you know here they are and now hopefully what can we do with them and so now we're seeing you know these connected smart like actually smart TVs this year that are connected and and the technology that they bring forward now you know when you can control your home with them and a 4k content on them sort of more than just that dumb hardware that i'll call it well you know i won speak at televisions I mean televisions are always one of the mainstays of CEOs yo and you go back in halo so people are just now starting to get 4k televisions they're really just starting to hit their adoption rate but i think it was either last year of the year before i saw the first five point devices are gone nuts nice one is i saw the first 5k television yeah then two years ago I saw an 8k television and IA I've heard rumors that the other maybe some more 8 k's this year I'm just like you know look first off there's not enough 4k content to warrant even buying a 4k television why are we even beginning to discuss 8k you at this point and that's what i mean by sort of the dumb hardware like it's awesome but it's sort of like what can you do with it right now yeah just more of a proof of concept I mean I i I've told you many many times you know off the show that I would kill for washer and dryer notifications because my washer and dryer in my basement ill and I it never fails I always end up going down there one or two minutes early and then you you're just standing there like okay I've got other things to do finish your cycle right yeah so the idea of something you know texting me or tweeting me or showing up on my television and telling me a folks yes I know there are hacks out there I've seen the videos I'm not drilling holes in my washer just to put in a circuit board so it can tweet me but uh although i'm sure it's tweets would be far more interesting than what i put out um so yeah it's all interesting you know while i'm fascinated by this I you know I would love a television that told me all that but of course that also means a new washer and dryer that's not happening this is going to be extremely slow adoption rate I think so but they did you have LG show today and I think Samsung has their own through smart things like these sensors that you can put on them so yeah their vibration sensors yes you don't have to buy everything brand-new all the time but I think yet this is the slow adoption the start of you know when I go out and buy a washer and dryer in five years i'ma by anyone oh maybe I'll buy a connected one exactly and here's a foundation my only fear is and we've seen electronics companies do this time and time again if we don't run out and buy they'll just drop the feature right and so this is something i'm hoping the electronics companies realize you know at the OC level suites of the company this is going to take a while to take off this is not going to be an overnight process yeah because they're not appliances that you replace on a whim you replace them when they stop working exactly I I I can't remember i think the last I think the washers newer and I think it's like six or seven years old you know right and we bought it because the one we'd had for 20-some years broke right you know so I'm interested to see to you is how well these smart TVs as center of your smart home systems work because my main argument I think in my head right now it's why not just use your smartphone for all this because that's what I use already and in fact I just wish there was more of a one-stop shop to control everything from Alexa to you know my lights to whatever else i have connected in here and and so then I'm like okay well maybe my one-stop-shop is the TV but do I really want that and I actually don't use my TV all at off and maybe for playstation 4 and stuff like that I know a lot of people do but how many people were sitting yeah but how many people are sitting at their TV like oh I need to control something from this as opposed to just my smartphone or my tablet but why oh and how many people are like you right no no I know that i I'm I'm an oddball I know that no I'm not saying you're an oddball I'm just saying like how many people actually are going to use as opposed to tablet or smartphone right and I think that while I think the television notification and you've hit on another issue I have with all of us so let's say I walk out of the room to you know get something out of the refrigerator you know how long does that notice stay on the television right you know am I going to miss it or when I walk back in the room do I have to check to see if I missed a notification so yeah I think it would be great if it could go to the television and another device like a phone or a tablet yeah you know because let's say I'm I've got a where I've got to do something oh I gotta go clean the garage you know i'm not saying in front of my television right yeah so yes i fully agree to you while the television is great that cannot be the only source they can be the more detailed source yeah but for like notifications on all that I want that mobile yeah and it has to run really well i have a samsung smart TV behind me a couple years old two years old and it's just kind of really slow so i hope that these are quicker webos last year i guess it was two point O was pretty good on LG's TVs so yeah that was two point O lesser net was nice you know I I'm anxious to check out three point oh and you know and see how quick it is you know I'm glad that webos is still in existence in some form here you know yes it may not be the the the one mobile OS to rule them all but at least it's still out there mmm so let's dive into a couple of the questions we're getting here and some of them are related to see s let me look here to do two from such humble hall and the ad boy this gonna take a second to think about what stuff did you guys see at CES 2015 that didn't come out yet mm I think most of stuff I saw came out I think so that stuff was like you know those crazy Samsung TVs it took a couple months Oh what was that well I now there's one thing everyone needs to remember we also see a lot of concept stuff mmm because I'm thinking specifically like that one video John when shot of the tried different outfits on him the mirror yeah LG I think it was LG yeah and that that was that was without question a concept device right um I'm trying to think what else i really i think last year was pretty good i I don't I can't really think of anything it sticks out is it was announced and then we never saw it like paper where yeah yeah I it happens almost every year i'm sure we're miss something but you know you never know uh from the mics wireless is there anything at CES that would surprise you um I think if I saw puppies I'll be surprised if I see I think there will be a couple phones and tablets but I'll be surprised if there's a major one announced there because I think most people are saving them for memorial Congress in late Pepe weary that would surprise me you know I just thought of something we need to look for him i'm just going to write a note and talk to you about post-show but i just thought of something that we need to uh to check on to see if it's there because it's a notorious that sometimes accessory makers make cases for things that shouldn't be made on cases for yet yes you know the thought last year was yum was it last year two years ago i think there's a lumia icon which was the i think it was a lumia 930 and lumia 930 for verizon was yeah it was 939 924 verizon and we saw the cases for that before was announced oh and it folks here you get to enjoy me asking how to question I did were you on the email the other day that confirmed that we did get our workroom no yes we are good for our workroom and I believe it's the same workroom I'm not positive yet so I really need to print out the sentences the bloggers under the stairs yeah cuz it for everybody who hasn't heard it's like a small room under the stairs we are literally under the stairs so it's like we're we're like the bloggers are ashamed of yeah Harry Potter hiding and they put us in the cupboard under the stairs yeah hey it's a worker room that's all I care that's true it's awesome you want to sit on the floor of the CES yeah from Jeff k awesome Todd what did you sell lately huh I don't sue me also means trade it when we have a question about what Christmas gifts to do nothing yeah I I don't I purposely don't ask for technology for Christmas at all um no I didn't sell or treat anything was kind of busy last week with Christmas and everything so I haven't returned it I don't think well actually Sean and I here's a joke we back to this company called me MOBOT like two years ago and for those who can't see I'm holding it up in Sean's going to we both chose is bad it's a portable battery i think it's like 5,000 milliamp hours I don't at the time it was awesome and say yes so at the time we were like whoa that's cool it's like a and you know now we probably had like three these battery packs everywhere you look um we finally got them and it's like I can't return it but I don't really want it well i guess i do its kind it's well over a year and a half late yeah it's just like what that here on let me plug it kind of like hey I haven't even plugged mine in yeah take the feet glow blue when it's charged that's cool yeah yeah which I got ya this was a kick AII like Kickstarter and I realized stuff is gonna be late but when your when your product is a year to have played in its technology-based that means basically by the time it arrives it's right for the junk drawer I honestly thought it was never gonna come yeah I say although I can't return it for a refund I would I I do like the fact they somehow were able to add quick church yeah that actually is a nice little benefit yeah but still excuses he is I cannot believe they did not up the milliamp hours yeah in the the time between when the backing stopped and we actually received these right but at least we'll have the coolest chargers at CES I'm not taking that thing really it's too big I mean if I'm going to take here I this this is the the biggest 1i I travel with I big posters silver well I like this one this one's huge and it's yeah it's try thousand it's twelve thousand million pairs but i like it because it has three charging ports yeah so i can charge three devices yeah i am i took this to san diego con one year when i was with Ralph and John and all three of us were sitting at lunch and all three of us were able to charge our phones at same time that's awesome is a quick charge to err no it's I quick charge but it's still it's better than nothing since it charges three items at once it may be quick charge now I bought this quite a while back i do like anchor products yeah thank you three uh from Jeff kay I'm calling shenanigans i'm guessing yuri gifted thing just joking haha oh I probably regift in a bottle why my wife likes to do that actually my met my mother does that do yeah she's a regifter died wine many times uh from such an Mahal what will 2016 be the Europe it'll be the Europe shed Sean ani jetty Oh looky here here should we tell them all what happens and in slack when you give you my name yeah so for those of you that don't know slack is a company communications tool it creates different chat room so there's a chat room for the editors of technobuffalo and whenever one of us calls out that we're on something especially if it's me the other guys like to say well he's on yet well for some reason we've discovered if you enter jiffy to get an animated jiff anytime you enter the name on e so like / jiffy audie pictures of jennifer lawrence appear always always Jennifer Lawrence and we don't know why just various Jennifer Lawrence although my favorite has showed up two days in a row now where she's doing the little hair flip so I he was a sassy um so yes the 2016 is the year of Sean ani apparently morphing into Jennifer Lawrence uh I don't know I mean I a lot of people are saying oh this is gonna be the year VR well the problem is VR while it's out there is not out in mass consumerism form yet so i don't think i won't gear vr i would argue is probably mad cuz you're gonna pick it up at a Miss by I know it's not like everybody like my mom yeah that's really critical adoption right yeah exactly i mean i I've been uh I gave my father iphone for Christmas it's his first smartphone it's been fun um you know so the idea of going ok dad you've had a week with the iphone I'm putting you at a VR helmet now Rio but that's clearly not happening um I don't know I I can't think of what would be the dominant item this year yeah I think it's more about technology like not the item of more about the connected home and virtual reality in general spanning not just not just from gear VR but you know oculus and finally HTC five and all these kinds of things I think you're gonna end up Playstations all of these are Sony's on all of these coming together as sort of the trend and then you know a lot again this smart home no the echo for example was sort of something that came out of nowhere and now I think even today we saw mimicked from LG not not in a very good way I haven't used it yet but without voice controls how good is it um so I feel like these kinds of smart home gadgets maybe ones we haven't even seen are that are coming this year and then maybe we'll see you know manufacturers continue to try to kill the laptop I i will say the echo is one of the most tempting gadgets to me of 2015 i I've fought it off because I don't have any smart light bulbs or anything like that but there's just something about that makes me every time they put you put a discount on like this is the time i finally give in yeah i mean imagine if it was if Apple had and that go or Samsung and it was connected to your phone and how convenient these kind of things could be here you had like not go mini for your desk I don't know I'm just thinking of all these kinds of things that would actually be useful if I could have another echo in my bedroom you know maybe it wasn't full as this one but was sort of an add-on I'll be really cool yeah yeah I I don't know i'm not sure what this is going to be the Europe but I I'm definitely along for the ride to see where we end up going uh let's see we got several other interesting questions here from jeff k random question microsoft said they really need a Lumia product with top spec / features in order to succeed by argue the apps games angle thoughts yeah I agree it is still an apps games problem it's not i think the Lumia 950 proves that it's not just adding high-end hardware I mean we finally have the quad HD display you have cool things you can do with Snapdragon 808 which was fast enough a lot of ways i think the apps are still kind of sluggish not optimized and there's just not enough of them i mean if you're if you have platforms with apps that people really want and i'm and i always use this in my review as an example even i'll use it that much myself but like snapchat right like it's super popular and yet it's not on Windows Phone and I think that turns people often it's not just snap ties the example of apps like that really really popular apps that is a huge problem for Microsoft and continues to be and they say oh well you know now you can write this Windows app for it 4 billion computers you know around the world and it'll just easily portal or two windows phone well that's not necessarily true for a lot of reasons because one why would snap chat ever build a Windows app right like these are web apps when needed you know you go to on your computer you don't go don't go to Windows and open up an instagram app though facebook is apparently building those but i just think that's sort of the problem just because they have windows and they think a billion people out there like they can't forget that there's a web browser too and that's how people are idiots apps and developers don't feel need to create a windows app so it necessarily doesn't trickle down the windows phone now I I fully agree i still think it's the app situation yeah I are going continuing to say that until the situation improves but once again it's a chicken in the egg situation and it's been you know it's been a promise for five years now that just hasn't changed so yeah I know at some point you know they're going microsoft bills better apps for iOS and Android than it does for his own platform so how could it expect other developers did you things differently you mean when you open up the Lumia 950 for example and put it into continuum and I've said this my review skype doesn't work properly like what the heck you owned by microsoft yeah and yet there's you know and they want developers of other kinds to come and make apps for the platform instead come on something's fishy there now I I agree I agree from the mics wireless in any world could you ever see Apple specifically the iphone feeling like blackberry sure sure I don't think I really saw blackberry failing no I could dude yeah no I mean our yo did anyone see the the day and age where the motorola razr wouldn't be the the top phone the other day I walked into the house and somebody was watching something on netflix and i walked past the television i stopped i looked at go what year is this show from they go I don't know why I was like why is that person using a motorola razr probably 2006 2009 those the end live yeah it was the it like the end of the whole you know very end yeah area iphone was he doesn't seven huh hey everything that is on top will eventually fall I that that's it's inevitable you know I mean yes you can say McDonald's has been the top fast food chain you know for years but you know it's not what it once was the iphone will eventually fall will completely fall doubtful but yeah I anything can fall yeah without question yo during the OC yea though there will be an a time with no iPads the thing I mean the interesting thing was we had windows mobile palm OS at the time and blackberry for smartphone operating systems that were dominating oh wow and I take that back in symbian with nokia devices and stuff like that and then all of a sudden the Apple came out with the iPhone and iOS and which is totally a different super consumer friendly sort of didn't feel like at the time where smartphones were starting to get more popular but we're still very much like executive sort of other that guy's a business guy he's got a full keyboard on his phone that kind of thing and then you know the iphone key mountains were changed all that made this very consumer-friendly device we had full web pages oh my gosh that's so cool so if somebody comes along with the new device it sort of flips everything on its head and it could be Android it could be maybe it could be Windows 10 with continuing or something like that you know later down the line windows lebanon then you know all the sudden it's like oh that's cool maybe everybody starts adopting that and that's sort of exactly what happened with the iphone kind of came out of the blue you know but i think the iphone was sort of a perfect storm was the right time everybody was very interested in these pocket computers you know coming from hi pods which they already loved so it was easy to adopt an apple product easy to get on board with that you know they already have those iTunes libraries now they were on their phone there was a perfect storm that created you know multi-touch was very cool although all of that kind of stuff for the iphone so it'll take a lot but yeah it'll be quite a while but I definitely do see where it could potentially be infirmary fall from Jeff k just got my Samsung VR there you go cut and I read they are going to announce some cool additions to I assume he means it any excitement on your end I don't have a gear VR but Todd I know you do yeah I don't use it regularly or anything only when we're covering you apps and something on I want to check it out but I think this is very much you know like the basement of something really really awesome and cool coming for everything I mean the apps that I see on it now some of the games where you're sort of like peeking around and looking at things that weren't there even a year ago is just really cool and then that was when it was an innovator edition or whatever they call it and now that it's you know out there in consumers hands developers have more than ever reason to create really cool app so i think is just the beginning so i'm very excited for gear VR and the future vr in general a great question here from Kyle Ruggles do you guys think manufacturers will jump onboard USB 3.0 or 3.1 for us bc next year I'm amazed how little tension is got the six p + 1 + 2 are rocking us bc but they're using USB tech that's 15 years old why is there very little talk about this i I first off good point there should be more talk about it secondly I think a lot of is the fact that so few computers have USB 3.0 ports at this juncture there are some out there of course but in general they're still fairly nana ssin and their adoption I oh um I'm not sure what the answer was and I actually wasn't aware that the that the 6p would sort of one of the rare ones what I found interesting is that the galaxy s5 for example came with USB 3.0 and had that kind of funky adapter you know for the faster charging and for the faster data speeds and all kinds of stuff like that and then Sam sign actually went back to two point O with the galaxy s6 and they said it's because people weren't using USB 3.0 it was so maybe and I really don't know the answer and I didn't know that it was you know so widespread I mean aside from I don't see Mary very many USB 3.0 ins it's because just consumers aren't as educated on it but maybe USBC especially with phones like the galaxy s m and if it does start to adopt three-point oh then maybe all sorts take off yeah i'm i've also that i do think we're going to say a lot more USB type-c this year Oh more USB type-c and I'm thrilled they'll I didn't know that USB a lot of USB seat about to look into it but that we're using older USB 2.1 I guess into one yeah definitely worth looking into thank you for the question Kyle oh let's see here dishon from the mics wireless Sean did you sell your samsung mega nope still here that's because I i know i talked about one week i thought i could get a whole bunch for it on amazon it turned out you only got the really great price if you had the white version the black version they were going to give me like 12 bucks is so weird actually never ended up getting rid of my 1 plus 1 or the Nexus 5 I didn't get rid of my one because one up because I couldn't find the charging cable and I just found it last Friday um just a lot of them right here that was those are the ones that we like you know accepted the price for an Amazon never mailed it out yeah but uh know if I'd gotten the 200 some dollars that they were offering for the white 1i would shipped us off in a heartbeat but for 12 bucks I might as well just keep it around as a backup phone these is a digital picture framers exactly for 12 bucks of doing I'll just keep it around uh good memory though now let's see here what else have we got to do from jeff k do you guys subscribe to apple being out of ideas and heading into a rough 16 i think in the next four to five years they will fall but i think the entire mobile industry will take a dump you know Jeff that's etc so you bring that up because that's actually been a topic of discussion between Todd and I quite a lot recently that we think that mobile overall is I think consumers in general are getting more to the point where they just walk in and they know that the majority of the phones in a store are good yeah good enough problem exactly or they you know they know the Galaxy S series they know the Galaxy Note series and they don't really deviate outside of that so I also think people are trying to make their phones last as long as humanly possible which I don't blame them um that's why carriers are making these new plans where you upgrade every year right like give people a reason to want a new phone or get a new phone right now as for Apple being out of ideas ah that's a tough one you know a lot of people can point to the fact that you know oh well everything came from steep well no I mean yes Steve Steve did a lot there's no question but I would never I don't think anyone at Apple would ever say that Steve was the only person coming up with ideas at Apple I honestly if I was a betting man which I'm not I would say a lot of what we're seeing going on right now is because they're playing a whole lot of effort into this mystery what what do they call project tightened the car yeah yeah I think they're putting a lot of their efforts into the car yeah I mean I feel like apples a lot of ideas I mean look at in 2015 and launch the Apple watch right which is the best-selling SmartWatch which I know isn't saying a lot but i think it's the start of something bigger and i'm not saying that out is going to dominate the industry for the seeing future i think a lot of manufacturers make really good watches but or actually I should say they all don't make very good watches so that's where there's room for growth and actually creating something people want um iPad pro i think was kind of silly but that's just me looking at it now and I haven't used it so fair enough but you know and you look at the macbook to which i think should have been the macbook air should have had no core i3 i5 processor instead of core am but then you would have that fanless core m design it's hard to say because I see Apple I guess I understand what Apple's trying to do with these products and then you're kind of like well that's not very exciting for us you know as sort of huge geek so I think they're also very appealing in some cases for consumers and some of the moves makes sense ipad pro you know they're like okay well ipad air 2 is still selling really well why would you replace that that's why we didn't see the ipad air three i think you know and man when I say really well I mean it's selling as opposed to you know the decline just in general across tablet sales but it seems like that's still the most popular iPad and then so they so they like okay like how do we get people to upgrade their iPads right if the ipad cheese still good enough and then they to release a new form factor and that's the ipad pro and i think that sort of to me is it dud yes pace it yeah so I don't know I I think I do think the next couple years for mobile is going to be a very interesting time and I think we're going to see a lot of shake out and that kind of leads us into what will probably be our final question here from tlm TV do you guys think that companies like one plus with low Cosmo smartphones excuse me can raise their game enough to trouble Apple Samsung and leverage any kind of substantial market share yes because if they can get manufacturing to the levels that Samsung and Apple can and that means actually creating enough phones to meet demand what you've seen one plus can hardly do when they have an invite system so that's going to be a huge struggle for them on the other hand I think there's proof that these companies can compete you look at show me and/or Xiaomi and in China which is you know selling very low-cost devices in computing in a lot of levels with Samsung and Apple by creating low-cost devices that are still very attractive without the prices of yo Samsung and Apple now no I I think they can eventually challenge them and I look forward to that day I think more competition is always a good thing but that is going to bring the final show of 2015 to an end and we will be back here we will not be back here next week because we all be at CES but make sure you do go over technobuffalo to follow all of our coverage coming live from Las Vegas and we will be back here in two weeks where Todd and I will run down everything we saw at CES and ill discuss who got the plague knock on wood I hope we don't get say I I hope we don't but as always we want to thank you all for joining us throughout 2015 it's been a great year you know we've seen a lot of growth in the show and we that's all attributed to all of you that tune in each week and join us here you know and please do keep telling your friends out there but for the time being if you head over to the iTunes Store and search on the technical Buffalo show you'll find us I mean we do appreciate if you leave us a rating and review that does help out the show you can also find us on pocket casts you can subscribe RSS feed or you can find us on the stitcher app which means you can listen to us anytime anywhere anywhere there are podcast you can find the TechnoBuffalo show until next time I'm Sean ani I'm the editor-in-chief of the site I've been joined by deputy managing editor Todd Hazleton hi everybody we'll see you all back here in two weeks till then take it easy bye-bye
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