way back when I started my youtube
channel phones most of them didn't even
record video at the time and if you got
one that in a high megapixel account
it was like 1.3 so all the videos I did
I had to make with a handycam with
digital tape you could even hear the
tape winding in the backgrounds but if
you're a YouTube creator now or you want
to make some videos your phone can be
everything for you it could be your
camera but you edit with it could be
what you make your thumb know it can
take care of absolutely everything so my
initial thought here was gonna be what's
on my phone video for the note 8 but I
realize I don't change my homescreen all
that much so I wanted to show you what
an ideal layout and what ideal apps for
a YouTube creator would be assistant for
a professional YouTube creator that's
their only job it's for the casual
creator who uploads videos every now and
then and wants to be be invest in a more
expensive phone with better optics that
can do absolutely everything let's jump
right in anything I'm gonna talk about
here by the way I'll link to it down
below in case you want to download any
of the apps you pick up the widgets the
first thing I've got at the top of my
screen is a live Youtube subscriber
widget and if you're just starting off
you really want to keep track of home
subscribers you have if you put up a
video and again you 10 or 20 subscribers
or as a normal video gets you half of
that you want to know that you'd be able
to see how well your channel is doing
right away it's kind of handy to see it
it gives you kind of a bird's-eye view
of your channels health so the first two
apps you should probably already know
about but these are essentials for any
to creator no matter the level the first
one is YouTube studio it's made by
Google themselves and lets you do things
like see your live view count on your
videos when you view videos on the
website it'll tell you 301 I'll get
stuck account it's not really a live
video count going in the back end here
will actually tell you what your videos
are actually at you can also see your
subscribers in there you can change
descriptions you can change some other
stuff that goes into a video like tags
it's just really nice way to get access
and control your content the next app
should be obvious is it's the YouTube
app you want to do a YouTube live or
watch other people's videos it's it's
the YouTube app the next one you might
not think for YouTube but it's an app
called dashlane it helps me manage all
my passwords so I've got four YouTube
channels I've got techno blood-flow got
a personal blog channel we have a movie
one and we
another one spoilers are coming up
coming up soon and those are associated
with three different Google accounts so
they actually just helps me remember the
passwords that I'm using not just for
YouTube but also like web stuff in
general I like that I can use it with my
phone so it'll autofill passwords as
auto log me in all that stuff is nice
but the biggest reason is I'm changing
phones way often it'll just think all my
passwords over to the new phone so I can
log into my YouTube channels pretty
easily without really having to worry
it'll generate passwords for you it'll
sync with your Mac or PC just makes
things pretty easy a lot of stuff and
dashlane is free there's a premium
account will link to down below if you
want to check it out if you decide to
stick with it here's a code that'll give
you 10% off
thanks a bash line for actually
sponsoring this video but it's
legitimately an app that I've been using
I wouldn't recommend it otherwise it's a
great pasture management app for iOS
Android or PC or Mac so definitely check
them out the next app is one that's
actually been way more useful for me
than I thought it's called wreck Forge
- essentially it's an audio recorder so
if you want to lay down some vo for
video you just did you want to record
some thoughts for a video coming up it's
a really good audio recorder I know most
phone so audio recorders built-in this
one gives you a bit more granular
control though over the audio fidelia's
you're recording it just works well for
if you don't like this one just use any
audio record at your phone has there's
some ads that kind of pop up it make it
a little bit annoying on the UI front
but the app itself works really well so
a big part of YouTube is getting people
to look at your videos and a lot of
people choose the videos are gonna watch
based on the thumbnail so if you want to
create the thumbnail from your phone a
couple cool apps to try the first one is
picsArt so this is gonna do is gonna let
you create a collage you can draw
pictures you can put stickers on the
pictures you can sort of make a
thumbnail custom they could bright make
it pop a lot of people put themselves
into thumbnails it's kind of a cool way
to go ahead and do that you can import
in our image you've already edited and
sort of spiced up a little bit if I want
to create thumbnails on the go it's a
pretty sweet app to try and it's totally
free alright so you've got your
thumbnail you got your audio maybe use
your camera I didn't put the camera app
in here to shoot your video if I want to
do some light editing you can do it on
your phone as well I've currently been
trying Chi master
it's a pretty solid way to edit you
create a new project I'll even give you
an assistant to try and help you through
it but as you learn the app you can do
some pretty awesome edits to make a
video look seamless you can do jump cuts
or even some transitions in there if you
want to edit a video and have it all
done on your phone like maybe you're at
an event and you want to be able to cut
it up and get it live really quick it's
a pretty solid app and it's free as well
so it's nice it maybe doesn't compete
with like apples got you know the iMovie
on iOS but it's pretty close and it's
been totally free and this one not
necessarily YouTube related but we get a
ton of questions on our wallpapers they
all come from this app called backdrops
you can pick your favorite background
and and just throw it on there it's
where this one came from it's pretty
easy to use you just find the wallpaper
you like set it and you're all done
and you get some pretty badass like a
wallpapers so here's the moral if you
want to use your phone as your studio
you can now microphones are good enough
cameras are good enough phones are
powerful enough and now software is
pretty awesome that lets you do all of
that right from wherever you are so if
this helps if I missing an app that you
guys use to create video on the go let
me know we've got some stuff in here
that was not so related to YouTube but
we're the youthful apps as well things
like the backdrops app we got - Lane
another sort of really useful things
that make using your phone bit more
utilitarian hope you guys enjoyed give
it a thumbs up we appreciate it and
again if I missed an app that you use
for YouTube creation or video creation
in general even the comments down below
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