Where My Gadgets Come From: Advice for Aspiring YouTubers
Where My Gadgets Come From: Advice for Aspiring YouTubers
what's up everybody jon rettinger from
technobuffalo here a little while ago i
started a series about advice for
aspiring youtubers and tech reviewers
I've been really fortunate in my three
odd years on YouTube to have achieved
even a sliver of success and a lot of
sort of what I've learned during that
period of time had been through trial
and error and failures on my part that
have sort of gotten me to to where I'm
at there hopefully going to get me to
where I'd like to be so I thought that I
could share some advice with you and
sort of reboots this advice for aspiring
tuckered you are serious probably 10 to
20 times a day I get asked John how do I
become a tech review or where do I go to
get products how do I do it what's the
sort of the first of the series that I
want to share with you is how I go about
getting products and how I went about
doing it when I was first started to
help give you guys a bit of advice now
the first question that I get when I
mention that I'm going to do this is
John aren't you going to be making a lot
of competitors and I've set this in
several previous videos that the more
success online tech reviewers have
whether it's me or someone else I'll the
more credibility we all get almost as an
industry so I'm vested in your success
and hopefully you're arrested in line so
I think that we can maybe help each
other out and I want to give you guys so
if you're a bit of advice in place to
start so when I first began the advice
series it would just hurt my advice and
be talking when I started discussing
reboot actually went and spoke with PR
representatives for a lot of big tech
companies I batched remain nameless so
to get their side of things and how they
go about selecting who they like their
products to and who not so this is going
to reflect really both sides of the
fence so from the reviewer side which
would be me and you and from the PR the
company aside which would be the folks
you want to get in touch with so first
and foremost in order for a company that
sends you products you have to provide
value to them unfortunately there isn't
just a magic phone number magic email
that you sign up for you log into a
website and i will sudden your tech
reviewer getting products it takes a lot
of time you have to be able to provide a
nice amount of value to these companies
up they're gonna send your product
matter how big or small whether it's an
iphone case or a new laptop or anything
in between they need to get like i said
decent matter return for what they're
sending you so in order to even reach
out to anybody in general you have to
have a significant audience and you know
you're going to say it's a bit of a
catch-22 how do I get an audience if I
don't have products and how do I get
products better have an audience you're
sure to wrap an endless loop so in the
next series of videos I'm going to talk
to you a little bit about how to build
an audience but for right now let's
assume that you sort of built that up
and again there isn't a romantic number
that you need you can start doing us any
time from you know thousand subscribers
on up it's generally a good place to
begin so what i did when i was first
beginning was I went through companies
that I thought maybe would bring more
prone to send me product so smaller
perhaps more fringe companies i went to
their websites i found their PR context
i'd send them an email it very
succinctly worded email very conscious
of my grammar of the words i was using
don't use slang don't use the number two
right out t 0 or t 00 you know just be
very mindful you want to present
yourself very professionally you don't
have to be you know 29 you can be
younger to do this as well just need to
present yourself very professionally so
reach out to them tell them a little
about who you are what you want to do
and lay out a plan so how are you going
to provide value to them say okay i know
i don't have the largest audience in the
world but i think i could present your
product in a fair light certainly never
barter products or positive reviews
you'll lose all journalistic credibility
but the best thing that you can offer
companies is to be fair with their
products you're going to give it a fair
shot that's what I always do I try and
take away any biases and I may have
before I look at any product no matter
what it is no matter what I might have
read elsewhere you know let them know
you're going to go in with a clean slate
and certainly assure them that you're
not going to be giving a positive review
and exchange for products often times
when you start off that's sort of the
the inkling and the instinct is wow they
took a chance on me I need to reward
them with a good review but if you want
to build your audience you want to
maintain your audience you have to be
honest and you have to have journalistic
integrity so you're going to have to
fight through those instincts so you've
laid out a plan for them ok I'm going to
unbox your product a few days later I'm
going to do I hands on demonstration a
few days after that I'm going to do it
full review send them update
so after you do your inbox it say hey
company X I film the unboxing i want to
show you how it turned out it's got X
amount of views on it here's a link
responsibility spots have been pretty
positive here are some comments I've
gotten on the video and keep doing that
all the way through so they see that
you're interacting with them you're not
just getting products and you're done
you know sort of use a real losing kind
of thing make sure that you keep them
updated in the loop so let's back up a
bit more now to the request email so
you've laid out a plan for them how
you're going to do it if you're a larger
youtuber if your partner you need to
provide statistics so don't just say I
get three million views per month I need
to be able to substantiate that these
companies and PR representatives have a
lot riding on you and their products and
they're going to verify your number so
if you make up a number that's
inaccurate they will know and you will
not hear from them again so if your
partner provide a screenshot of your
adsense account showing your impression
to the previous month if you're not a
partner show the history of your growth
and subscribers that you've been having
you're getting five subscribers a date
element you're getting 10 a date alamat
20 a day whatever it might be telling
them that you know give back to figures
sort of help verify what you're saying
they really do appreciate that and that
was something that I've always got from
the PR agencies and I asked them the
question of what do you look for so
looking for a substantiate events things
that we can show take to our bosses any
time they'd ask you know someone for a
product to send out that's report to
somebody and they're not gonna send out
a product again if they don't think
you're getting value it to present
yourself very properly think of it
almost a job interview and if you're
younger either been on the job going to
think about how you want to go on a job
interview this is a job you really want
you want to review tech you want to be
in front of a camera you want to blog
about it whatever it might be so you
need to protect yourself you know really
really professionally is key so once
you've gotten the products which is
sometimes hard need to be prepared for
rejection when I was first starting out
I reached out to probably 20 companies I
heard back from four and one would
actually send me something so be very
very very prepared for ejection it's
going to happen and that's okay just
because the companies that know of you
now and just mean I going to say no to
you in two months when your audience may
be doubled in size so really
best advice I can give you when it comes
to advice for tech reviewers and getting
products would be go to the companies
websites that you want to look for find
their PR contacts you can look at the
bottom of press releases sometimes as it
as well and shoot off a very
professional email with stats with
figures and with a plan for how you're
going to help show their product is
really sort of the key to it unfortunate
like I said there's no magic website or
email or phone number that makes you
tech review or you get to sort of build
it yourself and through these emails are
building a foundation now eventually if
you do this you follow through and you
give them updates you'll have great
relationships with these PR firms and
you know they may say hey I've got a
friend in another agency if you want to
check out their product or you'll notice
that maybe contacts will start people
will start reaching out to you or pra
bees will start reaching out to you
because they've heard about your
reputation and it starts to grow so
really it's your watering the plants
that are going to bloom so to speak so
guys this is really the first it's going
to be an ongoing series of advice for
aspiring youtube the tech reviewers hope
you guys found this helpful if you have
comments please leave them down below or
TechnoBuffalo as comments i'm really
curious what you guys have to say about
this any questions that you want
answered other things in particular so
how do i grow my audience or how do I
build my brand or how do I ran my
channel you know whatever it might be I
will be reading them I'll be watching
and I'll try and give you guys feedback
and answer all the questions and I can
hope you guys found this helpful and jon
rettinger TechnoBuffalo and i'll see you
next video bye bye
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