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Why I'm Switching to the Google Pixel

with the opportunity to try a lot of phones your techno buffs well I generally don't have a phone that's like my phone that I'm using usually I'm testing something new which is a really cool problem to have I've got a bit of a lull in my testing now and I've gotten at the opportunity to look at what phone I want to use just to use a phone I found myself drawn back to the beauty of the pixel xl3 my reasons the first and big one is oh that camera so sweet and so nice the pictures that come out of this thing are incredible even when I'm not using the pixel generally I'm carrying it with me to use for photos because they look absolutely incredible I figure instead just carry two phones might as well use the thing also I'm moving in about two weeks and I'm currently with AT&T but my new house doesn't get good AT&T servers at all in fact it just disconnects down to no service I'm not the biggest fan of Wi-Fi calling gently when I leave the house if I'm on a phone call it'll drop but Verizon gets really good service where I live my new place I'm gonna be switching to Verizon the pixel obviously works with Verizon that's one of the reasons I'm also considering making the switch I like the convenience having USBC I can carry just one cable with me and carry one cable for my computer one cable to charge my phone and be just on my way so looking forward having like a quiet period of using the pixel for me though the big reasons were three you a speed camera and screen I love the screen I love the speed and obviously that little tiny camera doesn't have a camera hump makes a pixel XL an awesome choice so expensive they're still kind of hard to find to get your hands on a pixel or pixel XL you're gonna be really impressed and I think especially for the crowd that's coming from iOS you're an Android user y'all ready to know how to use a pixel it's gonna be the best pure Android experience out there if we're coming from an iPhone like a lot of you guys are considering I think the pixel really does a nice job of bridging back down the big question is what phone are you using if you could pick any phone that's out right now to use which one would you pick and why for me though at least for right now it's the pixel XL if you watch this video chances are you love tech but if you're passionate about science technology and kind of the future of where all that stuff's going to come together you might want to check out the folk seeker there focus on explainers documentaries and all kinds of other stories just about the world and they show it all kind of through the context of science then YouTube videos up every day check them out if you got a cool one on how we could back up the entire Internet with just a gram of DNA which sounds gross but also awesome if you're more of a reader check them out at seeker comic got a lot of great stories about space technology energy and kind of thing science
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