hey guys john here with a review of
ilife oh wait sorry took so long to get
this up I wanted to make sure that I
ain't got a chance to use it well enough
to actually do it with some degree of
substance so let's start with I sorry I
web the old iWeb was a great program for
ranking websites was anything too fancy
you had a couple themes and you can
easily published 2 dot Mac but it was
very difficult to publish to another
because another hosting service or use
another domain that was it a Mac domain
you had to save all the files to a
folder then upload them via FTP well the
new iWeb takes care of that it's
actually very easy now to use iweb to
make a website for your own domain it's
actually built right in to the program
it's a piece of cake so that's certainly
a nice feature added also are these
things called web widgets which are very
handy gives you the ability to add
Google Maps you should try to map the
location or people trying to get to
wherever your site advertises real handy
there's a thing called shape you can add
some really nice shapes nice and easily
and it just makes it much easier in
addition to all that there are several
more themes which really make finding
what you want your website to look like
a little bit easier like I web before
it's really not an advanced web building
program but for something amateur quick
and easy it's it's great I built a
website for my family took an hour
uploader some albums was nice and easy
so keep that in mind as well all right
the so actually give a review here at a
10 I give the new iWeb a 9 I like the
old iWeb the new one only makes it
better so I webo it thumbs up next one
let's check out is GarageBand if you
want to see videos of all these programs
in action I mean you can see it on my
how much screen if I'd set it up that
way but it's much easier just to go to
apple actually look at the program
itself a check out the the demos really
give you a better sense youtube Bolin
gives me 10 min
so I couldn't get all videos of the
programs in action in 10 minutes anyway
garage man I never really used I don't
do bug music editing but I did play
around at this one it's got something
called magic GarageBand which is really
cool it sets a stage where with all
kinds of music and you can pick a genre
that you like you know jazz blues rock
if you like country and things like that
you can choose the instruments that go
along with it and then you can record
your own tracks it's very handy I can't
really review GarageBand works I don't
use it I really don't know how to use it
but I have people had come over to my
place that know how to use it they
really liked it so because of them you
know given eight out of ten they seem to
be really happy with the changes so
thumbs up for garageband if you use that
the next program is the one that I use
the most I photo I thought the old I
photo was great it was nice and easy to
use nice way to organize your photos
into albums there's some changes with
iPhoto the first one is a thing called
events and what it does is every time
you plug in a digital camera or import
photos it sees whether whether it was a
break-in in a camera whether you had an
hour two hours will break that up into
events it's supposed to be an easy way
to search I don't like the events I'd
rather set it up myself that have the
computer do it for me they don't know
where I was they don't know what time i
was shooting things planned to be a
little bit annoying it's easy to to not
use if you don't like it so if you do
like it it's a nice feature if not and
when you are looking at an events album
and you take your mouse and you put the
little cursor over it the picture start
to shuffle which is kind of neat so
that's one new feature with iPhoto
another new feature are these web
galleries and if you have a dot mac
account what that does is it lets you
upload pictures to a web gallery now you
could do that before with the old I
photo but now you can give it you can
actually give people the ability to
upload photos to your gallery themselves
you can set up a online web gallery send
an email out to people and let them
email pictures to that email address and
when they do the pictures automatically
up on the web gallery you can let them
download it in high res lower revs
whatever it is that you want it's very
cool feature also from your iPhone you
can now upload features to the web
gallery which is kind of cool to if if
you have an iPhone for any United States
at least so that's a very nice feature
of iPhoto other than that things haven't
really changed so much some of the
editing features are a little more
advanced now you can choose the size of
the retouching things like that and
that's nice I loved I photo before I
give I photo 10 thumbs up there now the
biggest change to the programs is iMovie
and that's kind of caused the most the
most controversy with people I liked I'm
movie 06 the first one I learned how to
use iMovie 08 adds some new features if
you have a hard drive based video camera
now you can import to iMovie you
couldn't do that before and you can now
go directly to YouTube which is a nice
feature I actually used the direct to
youtube for the keyboard unboxing so you
can check that out you can see a kind of
letter box it struck it down just a
little annoying but it did work well you
to sign in to your YouTube account and
hit upload it does it all I'm adequate
for you i luminate the steps oh that's
nice other than that there's very little
to like about the new imovie i don't
recommend it at all some of the themes
aren't very good and some aren't even
there everything seems to be one or two
steps behind or takes an extra step to
do things to input videos to take
infinitely longer you know the fact that
you can take your mouse and scroll over
the clips and clips will start playing
isn't that cool to me I know it on the
clips anyway so it's kind of a cursory
overview of iMovie I know it wasn't so
completely guys you're looking for but
general opinions is what I'm given this
one I may do a video of just like movie
a little later on for you but I movie
gets a thumbs down get it may be a 4 out
of 10 it works I don't think it works as
well as i go vo 6 i'm using iMovie
six to make this just all of our easier
program I DVD not really change that
much you have a couple of new themes to
burn dvds and a few more options but
nothing terribly drastic I DVD is a
great program it's easy way to burn
movies highly recommended given eight
out of ten thumbs up Diavik so guys this
is a real quick overview here I've gone
you know seven almost seven eight
minutes I don't have that much time left
YouTube cuts me off at 10 so that's why
I had to be a little bit short here but
overall the new ilife suite is is very
good if use it for photos or if you use
GarageBand and burn dvds and specially
if you make web pages if you're looking
to buy it for an upgrade to iMovie don't
waste your time don't waste your money I
don't think it's worth it but if you use
everything else other than I movie is
absolutely worth it the new iWeb has
proved to be just amazing and I use it
quite frequently so anyway guys that's
it thank you for watching thanks for
subscribing and you have any questions
let me or echo fish know and we will try
our best to answer them for you alright
guys talk to you later have a good
afternoon evening wherever wherever you
are bye guys
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