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How to Clean Your Screens as Fast As Possible

when I was a teenager a source of constant strife between me and my siblings was touching the white weight why'd you bleep that I said computer screen anyway fingerprints not only reduce image clarity but they also have the potential to be super disgusting if we consider for a moment the average personal hygiene of an eight year old and even a lot of adults I know and since someone is going to have to clean it off and that someone always ended up being me and I mean we're even ignoring the potential for damage from impactors skin oils yeah people touching the screen was a bulletproof way to set me off well fast-forward over a decade and even I have accepted the touchscreen lifestyle now now most touch devices have glass fronts making damage less of a concern but image quality degradation and assuming you don't have fancy antimicrobial glass gross Ness is definitely still a factor so what's the correct way to clean your screen will start with mobile devices because they mostly use Corning Gorilla Glass panels more information about those available here for a deep clean I recommend a microfiber cloth and some 99% isopropyl rubbing alcohol to help remove gunk and kill unwanted microscopic nasties another option when you're out and about is the classic pants wipe or shirt wipe because these screens aren't fragile nor are they easily damaged when it comes to desktop monitors TVs are really anything that wasn't designed to be constantly touched the rules change a lot you're still going to want that trusty microfiber cloth to do it properly because this keeps annoying paper fibers off your device but instead of you know any cleaning solution you should use plain old water it might take a little bit longer but water used with a polishing motion as you make your way around the screen will get you a clean screen without streaks not at all like Luke's TV which a former however well-intentioned girlfriend cleaned with Windex destroying the anti-glare coating ok Linus sounds great but I don't have these microfiber cloths as you say can I just use TP sure I guess if you want to be wiping paper fibers off with something else when you're done no a better bet would be coffee filters no one wants unnecessary contaminants in their coffee so these are a clean and fiber free alternative also they're very inexpensive now before we get into another sponsor segment from fractal where I get abused for your viewing pleasure I'd like to give a shout out to Lifehacker for featuring our videos all the time and writing the articles that were the basis of this episode isn't it great when everyone gets along on the internet like hypothetical great things that never happen no really it happened this time speaking of getting along instead of having me tell you guys about high-quality cases and power supplies and PC cooling products and minimalistic Scandinavian design and all that good stuff fractal design offered to match my $500 ALS research contribution if I did the ice bucket challenge as part of a fast as possible video so here goes okay well I wasn't so bad there's no big deal Oh okay no second bucket with women up a little work so do you know audio can you hear me supposedly this mic is waterproof but the point of the matter is I'm challenging Lee Han from fractal designs marketing to also complete the ice bucket challenge also uh guys uh oh thank you for watching like the video if you liked it dislike it if you just liked it leave a comment letting me know things like future episodes you'd like to see and as always don't forget to subscribe to tech quickie for more fast as possible videos just like this one
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