now any theoretical physicist on the
street these days will tell you that
quantum processors are the next logical
step in the evolution of mathematical
computations but for those of us just
barely capable of tying our own shoes
many questions spring to mind
what does theoretical physics have to do
with improving processor performance is
this going to end up benefiting me in
any way that is actually relevant and
most importantly will this next leap
finally be the one that takes me home oh
boy unlike classical processors which
use transistors to create digits of
binary code called bits which are
represented in the familiar form of
zeros and ones quantum processors use
atomic sized structures such as a single
freaking electron and produce coded
units called qubits which have the
unique capability of being both the
values of 0 and 1 simultaneously more on
that later
to accomplish this engineers utilize
extreme cold conditions and magnetics to
manipulate the natural polarity field
within the electron and bring it to
position where it rests in alignment
with the artificially created magnetic
flow this resting state is referred to
as spin down and would be similar to a
zero value in classical coding when the
electron is forcefully going against its
natural inclination to rest with the
flow of the magnetic field or it's polar
South has been spun to the top position
that is called spin up which you guessed
it represents a1 in traditional binary
speak let me use an analogy to clarify
imagine you're a child back on the
playground sitting on the swings if
you're just sitting there exerting no
effort letting gravity hold you in place
this could be considered the spin down
position now let's say you were to
accomplish the dream of every child
around the world and managed to be all
the way vertical up above the bar spin
up would be the point at which you
reached the apex of your swing and
gravity was working its hardest to pull
you violently back down to the earth now
as I mentioned earlier qubits have the
unique potential to end up representing
both a 1 and a 0 encode value
simultaneously which you could imagine
in our previous scenario would be like a
swinger sitting at the 90 degree mark
directly between the ground and the sky
but just like gravity would make it
impossible to stay at that because
addition for more than a fraction of a
moment the electrons which drive the
quantum processor have forces preventing
them from sitting still as well in fact
that might be underselling it a little
bit because thanks to the quantum
mechanical phenomenon known as
superposition the electron is actually
moving in all directions simultaneously
before the moment it is measured so in
order to quantify information derived
from an electron spinning out like a
roided-out hamster in a ball engineers
first determine the basic spin value as
previously described then they use
mathematical probability scales which
calculate the likeliness the electron
was actually spinning in the indicated
direction and then arrived at two
separate numbers for each scenario which
are the processors outputs for instance
one might receive something like a 70%
probability up and 30% down or as you
now see both 0 and 1 at once if not at
least to varying degrees this form of
measurement coupled with the electrons
unique physical properties lead to a
quantum processors two main advantages
over a classical one so here's the
summary part first since the electrons
are spinning at such an indeterminable
rate and direction they are also
potentially capable of running an
indeterminable number of processes at
remarkable speeds secondly since two
measurements are needed to quantify each
qubit value as opposed to the standard
one transistor per bit rule the
increasing computing power for quantum
processors is an exponential one in
other words when one qubit tells two
friends they tell two friends and then
they tell two friends that I'm going to
run out of fingers on my hands really
fast here until you reach the measly
range of five hundred qubits where
you've generated more possible
processors than there are particles in
the known universe but now to the
downside or the spin downside as it were
while quantum processors may have more
computing power than they pull known
universe plus heman because of all the
insane amounts of effort it takes to
isolate manipulate and quantify
something like an electron and it's spin
these computers would likely only see a
benefit when running intense
multi-tiered operations that take
advantage of the system's ability to run
calculations against each other such as
weather and traffic predictions so for
things that run base
algorithms such as violent video games
or sexually explicit videos or for the
really depraved among you violent
sexually explicit video games classical
processors are still the king of the
roost speaking of the king of the roost
we have a sponsor for today's episode
and there the king of the roost in my
book at least for the next thirty
Seconds Coolermaster has actually some
pretty cool stuff going on so aside from
their you know high quality cases power
supplies and you guessed it cooling
products which you can find more details
about on their website they have a
pretty freakin serious business modern
competition going on right now that
anyone is welcome to enter so you guys
should check out the link in the video
description for more details about that
and if you're not a modder then make
sure that you also check back and just
have a look at some of the crazy things
people are going to submit there's a
number of different categories including
modding existing cases and even a
scratch build category where people will
be building their own cases so it's nice
to see stuff like community involvement
from these larger companies whether it's
sponsoring something like this fast as
possible or sponsoring modders to do
what they do and making sure they win
prizes just for doing it thank you guys
for doing the thing where you watch this
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if your feelings were more complicated
than that if you have suggestions for
future fastest possible episodes just
like this one are hopefully different
because we already did this one and as
always don't forget to subscribe
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