with all the talk about increasing
global energy consumption and finding a
source of power that won't run out like
fossil fuels will one day we've been
looking for something both sustainable
and powerful for quite a long time solar
and wind are much discussed options to
solve this problem but simply put
they're just not efficient enough today
to address most of our energy needs and
traditional nuclear power which relies
on uranium fuel that may be depleted one
day as well also presents the additional
problems of radioactive waste and
possible meltdowns enter fusion power
we've been kicking this idea around for
so long that it seems like fusion
research is becoming another quest for
the Fountain of Youth but why is that
why don't we have it yet and what is so
special about it
well what's special is that fusion can
produce lots of energy from relatively
small amounts of fuel by literally
smashing atoms together usually these
are hydrogen atoms that are well they're
well they're fused together to make
helium the same stuff you find in
balloons well hold on a second line is I
took grade 11 chemistry look at the mass
of a helium atom it's lower than the two
hydrogen isotopes that smash together to
produce it well it turns out that this
missing mass was converted to energy
during the fusion process because of
differences in how strongly the protons
and neutrons that make up hydrogen and
helium stick to each other and a very
small amount of mass is equal to a huge
amount of energy you know that famous
equation that people spout out whenever
they want to look really smart what that
means is that fusion is extremely
powerful even more than conventional
nuclear fission which splits atoms
instead of smashing them together and
because the only by-product is the
helium we'd be rid of the carbon
emissions from burning fossil fuels and
we wouldn't even have to worry about
radiation presenting an environmental
hazard well cool then so why don't we
just get a bunch of hydrogen and start
like smashing atoms the special isotope
of hydrogen that we need
for fusion called a deuterium is
abundant in the oceans and could meet
our energy needs for millions of years
so it's not like we don't have enough
fuel well there are other problems aside
from the obligatory funding issues and
political wrangling that come with any
major scientific endeavor one major
issue is that you need lots of energy to
start a fusion reaction in the first
our own Sun is a natural fusion reactor
in fact hydrogen fusion has kept it
burning for billions of years and will
keep it burning for billions more but
the Sun can only do this naturally
because it's so large the intense
gravity at its core creates temperatures
of millions of degrees that both
smartguy it's hot enough to make the
atoms fuse don't worry about it but here
on earth creating those kinds of
conditions is much more difficult right
now there are experimental fusion
reactors that do work but because we
have to heat deuterium to such high
temperatures they require more power to
be put into them than they actually
generate like trying to charge a solar
flashlight with another flashlight the
other big issue is how to keep a fusion
reaction going once you started it you
need to create enough excess energy with
your initial reaction to cause other
atoms to fuse not to mention that you
then need a way to contain that reaction
not only to keep it dense enough to keep
temperatures up but also because you
don't want a hydrogen plasma heated to
millions of degrees hitting the walls of
the reactor for what I think should be
fairly obvious reasons a very strong
magnetic field is one possible solution
to the containment problem which is
being used in one of the newest
experimental fusion reactors located in
Germany German engineering am i right
whose next goal is to keep a reaction
going for a mere 30 minutes to see if
sustainable fusion is something that's
even feasible down the line so we're
still a ways away from seemingly
limitless clean energy but we are
starting to see the possibility that
fusion could be the solution to a future
energy crisis that is assuming of course
that doc ock doesn't come along and
steal it for his
a layer I can't come up with a
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