i'm brian bishop and i'm controlling you
with my mind this is 1990 presented by
ford the watson supercomputer excels at
many things but manners not so much IBM
was forced to cleanse the computer's
memory after it realized Watson had
picked up some bad habits from the
online urban dictionary Watson memorized
the site wall and development it wasn't
able to tell when certain responses were
appropriate or not at one point the
computer even responded to a question by
saying our computer overlords
are here and apparently they're george
carlin if you think flu season is a bit
harsh this year Google agrees the
company operates Google Flu Trends which
tracks the regularity of new related
searches according to its data the 2013
season is already proving to be moderate
to severe something mini CES attendees
can attest to results are so good in
fact the Center for Disease Control has
made Google a partner vitamin C people
get something while the Kinect has
proven to be an intriguing way to
interact with machines companies at CES
are already looking ahead to the next
big thing from depth cameras to gaze
trackers the showroom floor is filled
with new interfaces from a wide variety
of companies Toby's eye tracking
software is already set to appear in
some new television sets one thing is
for sure the future of user interaction
is going to be anything but boring and
those are the latest stories join us in
90 minutes we'll be taking a look at
guys at CES wearing top hats what's the
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