the breakthrough technology known as
CRISPR cast 9 is effectively a genetic
cut-and-paste tool enabling scientists
to snip out insert and reorder DNA the
basic building blocks of life scientists
in China have already used the
technology to create miniature pigs that
are being sold as pets and a pair of
beagles would double the muscle mass
like little Snoopy's on steroids but the
bigger promise lies in the potential to
combat diseases labs around the world
are trying to develop CRISPR based
treatments for hemophilia cystic
fibrosis certain types of cancer and
certain forms of blindness other
researchers are looking to eliminate
infectious illnesses like malaria Lyme
disease and Zika virus by altering the
creatures that spreads them still other
scientists are working to produce pigs
that could function as human organ
donors engineer crops that can thrive in
the warmer habitats created by climate
change and even revive extinct species
like the woolly mammoth or at least an
elephant that really likes to pull how
can one tool potentially do all that it
starts with DNA DNA stores genetic
information in the form of two long
strands of smaller molecules twisted
into that familiar double helix the
order of those molecules determines what
cells produce as this genetic code gets
translated into amino acids which
produce proteins which create the cells
muscles air hormone and bones that make
up us even small changes to the code can
lead to dramatic differences potentially
activating or deactivating certain
diseases among much else
CRISPR works by harnessing a defense
system in bacteria those single-celled
organisms are under constant threat from
viruses when they successfully invade
viruses can inject their own strands of
DNA in an effort to hijack the cell
converting it into a tiny little virus
factory bacteria however developed a
clever trick to combat future invasions
those that survived the attack copy and
store bits of that viral DNA creating
what science writer Carl Zimmer
describes as a molecular most-wanted
gallery the cell then produces short
strands of RNA one of which carries
along that virus's genetic mugshot
within an enzyme that acts like a pair
of genetic scissors but that bit of
viral DNA reappears the RNAi latches on
and the enzyme snips it out disabling
the virus what researchers realize is
that they could harness this tool not
just to snip out bits of viral DNA but
really any short sequence of DNA they
chose better still scientists discovered
they could add their own DNA sequence
swapping it in for the bit they snipped
out researchers have long used earlier
genome editing techniques for similar
aims but crisp around the hole is
proving to be simpler more reliable and
much cheaper but the capabilities of
CRISPR have also begun to raise concerns
as well because if we can engineer
swolled dogs couldn't we also build
designer babies optimized say to give
you of C or the NBA or say harvard a
growing number scientists and policy
makers have called for a moratorium on
making changes to human DNA that could
be passed along altering the human
germline for clinical purposes is a line
that should not be crossed at this time
at least until safety issues are worked
out and there's a broader consensus that
this kind of research should move
forward meanwhile the Obama
administration is also called for a
broader overhaul of the rules covering
biotechnology research in large part
driven by the growing power of tools
like CRISPR but it will be no small
trick to craft a modern set of rules
that can encompass these rapidly
advancing technologies separate valid
ethical concerns from knee-jerk genetic
engineering reactions and to ensure
safety without sacrificing the very real
promise of CRISPR to prevent disease and
save lives I'm just doing one line I'm
just doing the first
if I don't get it on the first day but
the big but the bigger promise life
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