Apple, NASDAQ, and Marvel Experience: 90 Seconds on The Verge
Apple, NASDAQ, and Marvel Experience: 90 Seconds on The Verge
it's Thursday August 22nd 2013 i'm chris
sigler and my favorite genre of movies
is post-apocalyptic crime noir sci fi
thriller 'he's with light comedic
undertones on benton fast and furious
this is 90 seconds on the verge apples
purchase the popular to public transit
app embark this adds to the recent
purchases of hopstop and the crowd
source mapping tool Locationary apples
confirm the purchase but gave no details
as to why the company took quite a hit
last year after releasing its Google
Maps competitor that lack public
transportation apple is expected to
announce a new iPhone next month but of
course that's rumor the company won't
confirm Apple may be moving quickly but
today Nasdaq was doing anything but
Nasdaq stock market activity was
suspended at 12 14 p.m. today a computer
glitch in his system stopped pricing
data from being sent out which caused
trading to grind to a stop this comes
after a series of high-profile glitches
for nasdaq including having its email
servers cracked by hackers and finally
Marvel has gone from comic books to
movies to TV and now to a town near you
Marvel experienced a theme park like
attraction will tour across 22-24 US
states beginning in spring 2014 30
million dollar venture will include
original 3d animated movies holograph
simulations and a 4d motion ride
according to The Hollywood Reporter at
the event which is a quote first-person
superhero adventure will remain in each
city for several days this is big news
for the people of San Diego who haven't
seen a large-scale superhero event in
quite some time and that's it for
today's top stories coming up tomorrow I
team up with my long-lost twin he's been
living in England to devise a plan to
reunite our divorce parents
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