Apple's watch, a medical breakthrough, and more - 90 Seconds on The Verge: Monday, March 4th, 2013
Apple's watch, a medical breakthrough, and more - 90 Seconds on The Verge: Monday, March 4th, 2013
it's Monday march forth 2013 I'm William
savona architect of space and time this
is 90 seconds on the verge brought to
you by Motorola an apple SmartWatch is
coming our own sources indicate that
Apple is reworking the iOS platform for
the small screen watch but that's led to
some battery problems Apple is planning
to put its watch on sale by the end of
the year the same time frame Google is
hoping to release its wearable device
Google glass get ready doctors have
announced they've quote functionally
cured a child of HIV for the first time
according to the National Institutes of
Health the infant was placed on an
aggressive regimen of antiretroviral
drugs 30 hours after being born after 18
months the child was taken off the
medication and now shows no signs of the
virus in its body whatsoever how big is
this news the lead doctor on the report
said quote it's proof of the principle
that we can cure HIV infection if we can
replicate this case and finally the
White House agrees that US citizens
should be allowed to unlock their phones
responding to a petition signed by over
a hundred and fourteen thousand people
senior adviser are David Edelman rope
that consumers should be able to unlock
both their cell phones and tablets
without penalty FCC Chairman Julius
Genachowski also said that the band
quote doesn't pass the common sense test
while government agencies will be
investigating the issue the White House
adjusted mobile carriers examine their
own policies in the meantime and that's
it for today's top stories join us
tomorrow when we'll take a look at the
tragic history of hyper color t-shirts
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