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Biohackers: A journey into cyborg America

whenever you're ready we can go in and begin I'm ready how much can I push the human how much can I consciously evolve the human body to do more to do it better do it fast do it stronger I just want to see how far I can push the human hi my name is Tim cannon I've been working on a small project with my friend Sean Sarver here my name is Sean stiver I'm a cybernetics engineer by Lunt I am a barber by trade I want to see if I can't make the human evolve faster than what nature is allowed it to be you know I say I've wanted to be a robot since I was a little boy you know what I mean and it's true I've wanted to be a robot since I was a little boy and it looks like I'm getting close we have to separate power supplies one going to this solenoid electromagnetic coil that's wrapped around my finger embedded in my finger is a neodymium magnet I have a little magnet implanted in my pinkie and I've had it for almost three years now I was alerted to a discussion and it basically says any kind of electromagnetic field you'll be able to feel it and I just thought oh my goodness how awesome would it be to see something to know the physical shape of something invisible to the naked eye sorry I was out back I live with my parents s still hood I just live in the basement I moved back in 2008 when I got on the Air Force was it enlistee of the United States Air Force for six years that's how I got a lot of the electronics grounding um because to do that they Air Force sent me through a qualifier course called electronic principles I got a two year degree and associates in software applications programming when it comes to where I get the the majority of my information it just ends up being Google Wikipedia and then YouTube I've worked in piercing in tattoo industry for a few years prior to this after I was on the military I'd kind of had like a head full of emotional issues and some stress issues where I was just kinda like a non-functioning civilian I was just like I can't do this I can't do that anymore I was like frying my brain come on let's go ya jerk was just kinda like an intellectual exercise it started out as we're doing another video here for you it's just another demo all right here we go test one this is a device built by cyborgs for cyborgs we've secretly placed a box in front of Tim while he was blindfolded this is our first stab at making something that's truly useful that is solely meant to interact with people who have implants we're going to continue to try to bring you the craziest shit you've ever seen in your life I think we both realized right there there's like this is what I'd rather be doing with all of my con my name is Tim cannon and I'm Shawn Sarver we are the development team for grindhouse wet where's your I'll come down show you the lab Rock the lab the basement the basement let's take a look here um we also built a transcranial direct stimulation device it electrocute your brain you're like alright here we go you ready to get your brains out buddy yeah I'm ready don't know how into biohacking you are but this would be like your first biohacker yeah first grind first grind you never give you like a twitch yeah you'll get it yet that alright just get ready you're gonna feel the light okay so mostly they call me a biohacker this is experimentation on the lowest of low budgets anything can be used to stimulate nerves provided the subdermal and it gives off the correct current and you can't really go wrong I saw a couple of talks one was by a left anonym one was by a guy named Kevin Warwick the one by Kevin Warwick was a really incredible display of what was possible this is the sort of implants you could try yourself Kevin Warwick is the only professor of subjects in the world he's a based out of England he implanted a chip with a hundred pins on the on a trunk nerve of his arm and then he was able to across the ocean right maneuver this hand over the Internet guy's wife gets one and they do this experiment where she starts to move her hand and he can he can feel it in his mirrored hand now I know that maybe this is a on the on the verge of fetishism but that's about the most intimate thing I can think of on the planet to actually truly know what somebody's feeling like some of you feel quite bored being a human quite limited in what you can do particularly your brain doesn't perform how it should so what are the possibilities of an upgrade fundamentally devices stimulate nerves all we need to do to do that is to give off a current anything that gives off a current and his safe inside your body can be used to subdue on device given some pain I think left anonym was always a little bit disturbed you know what I mean like I definitely think she probably had a couple couple of screws loose or maybe had too many drinks when she was doing some of these things because to think that you could put metal in your body without it having a bad reaction is probably probably a little foolish so I sat down in my kitchen with a vegetable peeler I said you know and I decided to put things in my hands she's clearly insane she's not like like I'm not going to like like law and state like break scientists up but we do try apply like the scientific method like come up with a hypothesis test it and find the results I mean she's just doing crazy insane shit the first time I ever sat down it went horribly horribly wrong and the whole thing with cept put myself in a hospital over two weeks there's us like the self-destructive aesthetic quality about it but I wouldn't say that's like the head for everyone a lot of people really go a lot deeper into it than I guess I do for me it was something I read about that just interested me deeply and it's something that kind of just like sat in the back of my mind and that I just thought it would be really interesting to be able to experience this world that nobody else could I now have a digital input channel and once you have that you really have the beginning of the first computer interfaces in these very natural ways you pretty much have two ways to go there's the medical field and then there's the piercers and frankly the piercers are just much more willing to talk about it it's been a lot of just people talking about various procedures that they want to do and how they would go about doing them and then giving it a try and sometimes that's scary and sometimes it works out we're on our way into Pittsburgh proper we're going to hotrod piercings I'm going to get a tiny rare-earth metal implanted in my ring finger it's going to give me a sixth sense the ability to feel electromagnetic fields you have all of these colleges here some of them specializing in things like you know robotics and artificial intelligence and deep computer stuff some of them focusing on medicine for a while the city was dying and so you have this kind of element of kind of anti-authority freaks or welcome kind of you know angry pissed-off youth kind of vibe going on you're no shortage of freaks here and that's that's great and so when you have technology and biomedical research and a pissed-off angry population that loves tattoos converging together this is bound to happen and why Pittsburgh it's got the right amount of fuck you I guess you're giving one right yeah and then you're good yeah mmm I mean with the magnets that like right around there Yeah right around there the lines where the incision goes the circles where the Meg it's gonna end up whatever you're ready we can go ahead and begin I'm ready good okay I'm going to put a good amount of pressure on your finger here and take a nice deep breath in for me and let that out I just keep on blowing that out I believe there are some there would be people who would state that the Pierce who does the magnet implants and people people do my modification are technically committing assault on you the way the DUI route is like you're obviously circumnavigate like the government agencies that would be in normally involved in a project like that like like the FDA is it approved it's like a legal gray area where it's I have that kind of control over what I do with my body but there are laws on books that could be read in a manner that's would state that I don't have that freedom and liberty and if you would like we can experience your first little magnetic trick sure oh that is so cool ha ha ha ha that is awesome and totally worth all of the little bit of payment that was hell yeah man Jesus clean you up and bandaged you up and good to go awesome go ahead and take a nice deep breath in for me and let that out feels really warm all that blood it's nice and warm just use the breathing okay nice hombre study the whole time it's like a 400% increase in cyborg population in Pittsburgh this first cyborg community is growing faster than any cyborg community in the world state of the housing market honey what day is it you got to be kidding me get your truly free credit score at Society is definitely changing and evolving and there might be a time when procedures such as this implants are a lot more mainstream in order for that to happen the procedure for getting these done needs to be also advanced a lot more because going to somebody and having them cut open your finger and put something in still going to make a lot of people cringe and make a lot of people seem that it's not worth it people can't understand because it's so simple and small but it adds such a layer of richness and data that you know to not do it seems insane to me so one nice thing I do like about being a barber it's like I can talk about this stuff to regular people I can hear like their thoughts and feelings on they think it's all possible it's all real it's all almost here it's like 10 15 years away it's just like it's not that far away it doesn't have to be that far away I view it as kind of taking the pain for the people who are going to come after me want you know you take the pain now we're paying now so that it will become socially acceptable later companies you know mega corporations that can actually bring this stuff to market because they can pay to get through the red tape and pay to get through the bureaucracy they're gonna get that money back in spades Tim and I don't imagine we'll be the only people making side break even for the most successful we could possibly imagine one thing the only company is gonna be someone out there he's like I have eight billion dollars to spend on this nobody's going to want to get surgeries for that stuff on this they will they'll be left behind they had no choice you know what I mean you want to be obsolete I want to make myself faster not so I might better killing machine run be faster like fuck cheetahs why should they be the fastest thing I'm curious to see if it is possible to consciously push human evolution to a post human be you know I'm curious to see if that is possible I want to see if I can do that if I'm capable of doing that
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