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D∆WN: the first ever YouTube Live 360 performance

baby happy we're here oh yeah have you way oh boy why would you wanna do if you can't weigh me I can't make you stay Titleist we were tight end scientists keep working tighten falling in you honey miel walking in the room feel my body falling in nails soon as I look deep into their eyes I throw my heartbeat for many times like you know Oh you so before we're done we thought we'd do a party for you guys lighter gloves up you guys ready I don't know if you can say the f-word on the live feed y'all know this is our first time doing this so everything you do is he's new and I'm super excited that YouTube chose two independent artists like me you know what I mean so stoked that we were able to be here and do this and everybody watching thank you so much for tuning in we love to pop cherries and YouTube's cherry just got completely hot so if we could I love to bring Emily out here and we can do a questionnaire so that we could talk and you guys can ask us questions about how we got to this point because everybody's been asking how is she doing how does she do it is how do you do all this on your own and we love to give you a breakdown and give you a really big announcement that we have coming up because uh we're really excited to announce something really big that we've been working on so Emily could you come out here we can do we could do this questionnaire yes okay and give it up for my dancers my band Brady and Bill and my dancers of course Joe Gerald Doran and Michelle um thanks so much you guys for coming out again I know we had a little bit of technical difficulties but um but it's it's all good thank you so much um so I somebody have my um but yeah can we get mics all right we're working on you guys we're working on it live TV live TV it's day I'm yeah so I mean this is obviously historic nobody has done and people have done live streams on YouTube people have done 360 shows people done 360 videos but nobody's done this live so I would love to know from urine first of all before we get to the fan questions just like what was it like like what were the problems that you thought were gonna come up like what were what were the things but I mean building out the show and building a set for a 360 camera is such a different situation just the scope of what you guys see we get told no about 300 times a day and in this situation it was kind of like they're like yeah we'll just do a flat stage and we'll put people in we do it all the time and it'll be cool and and we were kind of like I was thinking maybe we wanted to put people in another world and they were like no you know so we push and we push those boundaries and what we come up with is these kinds of things these kinds of new creative ideas and have a great crew great production team a great director a great cinematographer who work with me tireless tired tirelessly to make this all happen and this is what we created for you guys and we're super honored that we could be the first for people to come in and see the mistakes see the mess ups and see the what we're doing what we're trying to do here yeah um I mean it's it's it's so such a coincidence cuz it's just about a month ago we talked at South by where you killed it by the way I don't know if any of you guys saw her at South by but those shows were amazing um and we were kind of talking about the same thing we're talking about you know tech companies partnering with musicians and you know everybody kind of wants a little bit of each other on the tech and music side and it just felt like you know they're just it's it takes the right artists feel to take an opportunity like that and make the most of it like yeah I think that marriage is in that collision of those different genres to come together like I mean tech with fashion and and music and art they all to me make sense together I think they're great separate but when you figure out how to marry them together you create something quite beautiful and I feel like we're all been trying to give these but slowly but surely breaking these gates you know everybody's like oh no I'm a tech person only and I'm like no but you have an affinity for music and we have an affinity for art and beauty and what we're trying to do is be on the forefront of pushing the limits and not only that being independent and doing it with no machine and no people to tell us where to go we kind of create our own lane for ourselves and I think the tech world can appreciate that with us you know so that's what we're excited about yeah um really ok here everything's great he's saying after we don't interview we'll do our last song with the gloves game okay cool awesome just a little bit of a mixed up for tour where we got it I got it we're used to mixed up orders I got I got one question from Joe from YouTube he asked just everybody who's involved in the making of the show tonight yeah okay so we have our production team was Daniel Lane and Hugh and they're with new California and I am sound and they're amazing and then I have my director Martin wash with guerrilla film works and then my cinematographer and DP Queenie poo Quinn Fellman and then we have a who else other than Mike uh choreographer AJ Anthony Jackson and then we have our dancers and then I was a producer in this which is random I would never do that again these producers out there you can't be an artist and then also I was like ordering the cruise food yeah she went out to pick up food she was straight up when I didn't see pk reading the pizza rigging things no Ferrell is like because I was acting his producer and then I was like and they'll you know text like here so we got this receipt you gotta pay for this and I'm like okay let me just get this living real quick you know and then we have sound David Brown from mates and um the list goes on and on about all the great Phil all the sound engineers and Paul I mean and then of course you guys at the verge man Trey and Emily you guys are insane for really choosing us you could pick anybody saying chose us and that's pretty pretty awesome and in my glam team who's been read wherever everything me my Nina and Joey um Jeff on YouTube asks do you think that you do you think that 360 is the future of watching concerts I do I think people don't always have the access to be there and I think they want to be there at everything they want to see everything and I think this kind this kind of take on viewing the concert not only puts you there but now you have a full view of what you can feel I think emotions play a large part in this and now you get to really feel present in these moments and you can control it you know you kind of can control what you want to see what you want to feel I'm always that girl that even though the music's great I'm kind of trying to figure out what's over here in the sky while I'm listening I'm that girl you know and you you get to create and see your own moment for yourself and I think that's what 360 should be about is like I want to see what the dancer is doing because I'm my my eye goes to the choreography and the footwork so now you get to still be a part of it and pan over and see what's happening over there yeah yeah um so that kind of brings me the next question and then well asked which is when you were told about you that you're told you're going to get this opportunity to do the 360 video where did you draw your inspiration for the performance and I'm guessing the whole set up to the design ever yeah well the symbol in the Triangle no I'm not an Illuminati guys no that's not happening no um the triangle is from the series of albums that I've done I did a three part trilogy well a trilogy in a three series of their own their three series of albums they're in three installations and I wanted three points of the triangle so this is a full circle or triangle of this whole thing and the red area is the final piece of the installment so we put the triangles in and we wanted to create another world they were like instead of just making this a live experience where you just look at a show we wanted to wrap you in our own world it's always about taking you away and putting you into another utopia like that's kind of utopian feel where you feel you can have an escape and that's been the music the sound and the you know the hearts know like it's always been about getting away from the crazy and going to a place that feels like you're welcome yeah and it's otherworldly and the music is futuristic the sound is is that same thing and we wanted to create that world yeah because I mean you know this weekend the 360 live is going to be happening at Coachella for the second weekend and they're going to be out there for some of the sets but still going to be very much like a stage set up one artist on the stand yeah it won't be an environment where again it feels like you're wrapped we're wrap our selves around you rather than just saying being seen people like and you turn is like I have two choices people or a stage you're kind of looking around like what's that guy in the back with thing doing he was kind of crazy living I might want to date him let me zoom in once they went something zoom in yeah everybody L you guys are uh yeah get checked out right now so I want to get to next song but you have a announcement to make it yeah I'm super excited to announce that um I will be releasing a VR experience interactive visual with not above that the next the next video and what makes it special is that a we're pushing the forefront of technology we're working with a great group of people at VR Playhouse what gorilla foam works is working with them as well and we're going to launch it in not only VR but a 2d companion piece as well and at being an independent artist it's just it's very unheard of you know it's we're pushing the limits and I don't know if any in it you know there's few independent artists there's no machine that's pulling out what we're doing so we're really excited to do another innovative thing this is huge if you know VR and where it's going few people are they're still trying to figure out what it is and so for us to be able to deliver a video in a couple of weeks in the VR experience is pretty awesome so that made a big announcement I know you're saying a lot of people asking like how do you how did you get this you know that get this opportunity how you get the opportunity the VR and like the honest answer on my end is we like you well we like you back and I've always loved this I mean again I fell in love with a long time ago I was a kid that was a gamer I was a kid that loved anime and even now I have an affinity for Adult Swim and I'm now being able to work with Adult Swim on my own and do those things and this was only to me the next real movement I mean we've always been pushing for VR we we've been researching it for a very long time and to now be able to say that I have a visual that will be in VR is insane and then even to say it with no major behind me and sitting here and being able to say that is nuts and I don't I think as young entrepreneurs and young artists and independent artists you can do this if this isn't trying to inspire a movement like you don't need a lot if you have the creativity in the that know how to figure it out you can do some really really interesting things and I totally want to do is be on the cusp of that and we're grateful to a lot of people for allowing us to do that so you guys need to look out because you're about to see a visual in a whole new way like a whole new way yeah so tell me what's next song keep it going you guys yeah yeah you guys so much for sticking with it yeah thanks oh thank you don't fall cuz that would just be the worst thing ever not as bad to give me of if a big forgive me cuz what you need to get to me you smile No don't be Hey No you Oh good night everybody thank you you too thank you everybody for coming and doing this we are officially the first
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