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Daylight Saving Time is hot garbage

jumping in and out of daylight saving time is a load of garbage and I think it's time we stop doing it daylight saving time is the practice of shifting clocks up by one hour during summer months so that evening daylight lasts an hour longer this messes with sunrise times and almost guarantees you'll be late for something at least once in March and November back in 1780 for Benjamin Franklin woke up probably out of a drunken stupor because he was that kind of guy around 6:00 a.m. and found the Sun was already up amazed you wrote a letter to the journal of Paris proposing among other things cannon fire to awaken / sleepers and candle taxes to ensure everyone was using a glorious free morning sunlight he discovered other people including a German bug collector have had similar ideas and some of their arguments were compelling Franklin wrote about saving candle wax an energy that eventually led to the u.s. enacting daylight saving time in 1918 with world war 1 taking up a lot of resources the u.s. temporarily enacted a time shift using this logic since people tend to be more active in the evenings they'll use less energy and resources if you change all the clocks just apply extra daylight note changing clocks doesn't actually make the Sun Shine longer but it does shift everyone's workday so it feels like the Sun is out later after the war farmers lobbied is Allah repealed which is weird because I distinctly remember being told that all this nonsense was for the farmers benefit turns out it's easy to do farm work when the rest of the world is on the Sun schedule and not just jumping all over the clock but in the US daylight savings time came back in 1942 for World War 2 and then again infuriatingly permanently in 1966 it's a federal law but whether or not it's observed is up to the states Arizona and Hawaii don't even observe daylight saving time because they're logical and want people to be happy also if you want something especially confusing to wrap your head around here are all the different time zone and daylight saving time rules across the globe but saving energy isn't bad right it's not it's great it's a shame daylight saving time doesn't technically save energy anymore yeah in the 1970s a study found a 1% benefit to energy used but a few things have changed in the last 40 some years we have LED bulbs more efficient appliances and a smarter electric grid more recent research shows note a little difference in energy uses between places observing daylight savings time and those that don't and some research even says changing your clocks results in more energy use a 2008 paper that looks at Southern Indiana found that daylight saving time actually increase the energy demand by nine million dollars a year in Indiana alone and we aren't just paying for this with our wallets studies support that switching into daylight saving time is actually detrimental to our health the Journal of Applied Psychology found that workplace injuries spike the Monday after we spring ahead a paper presented at the American Economic Association showed that traffic accidents rise by about six percent nationally for the next six days after we move our clocks forward sleep deprivation is already a huge issue and while one hour less sleep a night might not seem like a lot it makes a big difference so the concept of daylight saving time was introduced as a joke doesn't really save energy isn't great for our health and not everyone even doesn't what the heck are we doing losing sleep and confusing ourselves with our unchanged microwave clocks personally I'd rather we just have daylight saving time all year in the u.s. it already last eight months why not just swing in the last four plus there are definite benefits of the day starting later and having more sunlight in the evenings especially as you move further from the equator but whether we stick with daylight saving time or standard time I don't care just pick one no more of this switching back and forth what are other fun things to say I mean time time daylight saving time time it's all made-up notions anyway unless you get into like astrophysics variable
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