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EOS R review: Canon joins the mirrorless race, for real

so I live in New York City and I live in San Francisco and I'm more of an a7s or 35-millimeter type of shooter whole summer type of shooter who brings way too much gear to every shoot whether you believe that mirrorless cameras are the only cameras we're going to be using in the future it's clear that the competition in the mirrorless world is heating up it's been sony to game for years but now Canon has decide to play would you us are without a mirror system to reflect your frame up to the eyepiece merliss cameras can be more compact and faster and the electronic viewfinder can show you exactly what your shots gonna look like before you even come close to hitting the shutter Canon has put out an airless cameras before with the M line that has a smaller aps-c sensor but EOS R has a full-frame 30 megapixel CMOS sensor and some pretty flashy R f-mount lenses to go with it flashy but a bit limited with two primes and two zooms but can it did get a little creative with these all of these lenses have a control ring on it it can be customized to settings such as ISO shutter speed aperture and more but instead of having image stabilization integrated right into the camera body such as Sony does they decided to put it into the lenses that means it depends on which lens you're using whether or not it's stabilized and the majority of existing lenses are not body wise it's pretty similar to most Canon cameras and even keeps the same batteries that a lot of Canon DSLRs have it has very similar button layouts and a familiar menu system but what they've added is this multifunction bar you can't push the button in but you can set it to do many different functions it has a moveable touch screen that can flip around for vlogging with a touch and drag autofocus system as well but in order to actually test this thing we should go out there and shoot blair's what do you got I hear you've been hating the subway lately so I want to rekindle your love why don't you test the video quality in the depths of a New York City subway system I'm really interested in this third ring on the lenses I want to know if it's gonna make you faster shooter if it's just easier why don't you hide you like the skatepark and test those things out hey V so what's the vibe let's autofocus first yeah let's dive in so I think it's one of the best ones I ever used it's super fast it was very reliable and accurate even in low light and it's very customizable maybe too customizable yeah that is an interesting thing about this camera is that it's so familiar button wise and menu wise but then extremely different in such minut ways that it really can throw you off yeah I want to grab that I was like oh I know exactly what this is cuz I've been shooting Canon most of my life but once they actually like try to do things that you're comfortable with you realize that a lot of things actually change then you need to adjust a bit I think another way that it's it's like super different in minut way is like this whole extra ring on the lens I quickly got really used to it and was loving it I also love it I think it's like one of the best things that came out in photography in general it's already under lens it's not too far on the lens so you don't have to like adjust your hand alright since you did more video I'm curious did you rely on the electric viewfinder or were you using the flip out screen I'm a huge fan of being like really immersed in my camera I don't really love it when other people are seeing what I'm getting so I was all up in the EVF but there was some times where I popped out that screen and its movement it's so familiar to the c100 mark to that I felt right at home the thing I will be nitpicky about is the 4k crop and I know that you can like you know plug it into an external recorder and you know get the full 10 bit 4k output but like I shouldn't have to do that if I'm paying $2,300 for a body that's right also the body that doesn't have image stabilization built into it so this video I shot okay crop and I was holding in front of me doing like the selfie cam kind of look you can almost see the rolling shutter in your defense like the lenses that we got are massive the balance between the body weight and the lens swayed it's just all over the place I can see your hand also just getting tired after a while so the 5d Mark 4 and the r have like super similar sensors I mean the ARS updated just a tad but did you notice a difference and image quality at all yeah the image quality is similar to what you would get to 5d mark 4 which is a good thing because those photos are just great I mean this camera is more about like getting used to the buttons and getting used to the redesign that Canada's introducing in the mirrorless line okay so would you put this camera in your kit I I think I would for canons first true full-frame mirrorless camera it's a pretty good camera the body smaller it fits you know everywhere it still feels good besides you can also use your old lenses on it which is a big plus yeah I guess might hold up here and why I don't think I would get this version canons video definitely has drawbacks I mean only being able to shoot 120 in HD and not Full HD or especially not 4k is is limiting and then when you look at the a7 s mark one that came out in 2014 like so much has changed in a short amount of years and so I had this problem with buying the first version of any camera and I think the most important thing here is that we're seeing a blueprint of what Canon is going to do with the mayor less line hey thanks so much for joining us this is kind of a new camera review sort of thing we're doing basically V and I just want to shoot more together but let us know if you liked it also if you want us to review something else let us know in the comments
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