ESPN 3D, Michael Bay's 'Ghost Recon,' and NSA: 90 Seconds on The Verge
ESPN 3D, Michael Bay's 'Ghost Recon,' and NSA: 90 Seconds on The Verge
it's wednesday jun 12 2013 i'm ross
miller undoubtedly the kanye west of
calligraphy acupuncture knitting and
hair care this is 90 seconds on the
verge welcome back to the flatland
sports fans ESPN has announced that it
will discontinue with specialized
channel ESPN 3d by the end of the year
don't worry you still have an excuse to
buy a new set ESPN's next adventure 4k
resolution the NSA continues to defend
its wide reaching surveillance program
this time in front of the Senate the
director of the National Security Agency
general Keith Alexander told senators
that due to sweeping surveillance of us
phone records the government has been
able to foil numerous terrorist plots
Alexander was unable to give the exact
number as he was not sure if he was
allowed to release those figures
publicly but he did say the NSA quote
intends on releasing it next weeks no
further details were given on that
figure but I'd say there's about a 50
percent chance it's divisible by two
finally hold on to your potatoes tom
clancy ubisoft michael bay and warner
brothers are teaming up to develop a
movie based on Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
series Ghost Recon could join such
classic video game adaptations like
Super Mario Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat
annihilation street fighter to reboot
street fighter the legend of chun-li
tomb raider its sequel to raid the
cradle of life receivables one through
five max payne hitman blood rain in the
name of the king a dungeon siege tale
and oh yeah i think bar cries doing
something soon Oh Silent Hill Silent
Hill 3d and that's it for today's top
stories coming up tomorrow the first
message to reach extraterrestrial life
surprise it's a dick pic
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