mmm hey this is Thomas Houston from the
verge and we're checking out Facebook's
new graph search beta just launched
today it's slowly rolling out and the
first thing that you'll notice is that
it's a pretty big redesign visual
redesign of the top bar up here and so
you have a universal search bar that's
available across the site and over here
your notifications which were formerly
over here had been moved over here and
you have a couple tweaks on icon design
but really what the big news here today
is completely new search and so you can
start out really simple and just search
for restaurants nearby and we're in New
York it's actually a little slow it's
definitely a lot slower than searching
on Google but you'll find pretty quickly
just you know a lot of restaurants
nearby over here you'll see there's a
refined section so you can go in and say
you know if you prefer you could look
for brunch you could look for a cafe you
can find a bar so if you want to get a
little more specific you'd find bars
nearby that my friends like and click
that and now here's a list of bars that
my friends have liked and so it's not
necessarily just restaurants you can add
a lot of modifiers so you could say
let's say you want to find restaurants
in California that Robert Scoble likes
which is actually search that you can do
and it'll pretty quickly bring these up
so it's not just bars and restaurants
you can you can also apply this to
people and you can apply it to photos
and quite a few other things so you can
also search for friends at the verge
younger than 25 which is pretty specific
it'll bring up a result friend to work
at the birds that are under 25 just a
few of us and so you could also find
movies that my friends like and you get
a list of movies that your friends have
you can go in and you can refine you can
you know pull down to things that I've
like just that your family has liked and
you can actually change the page type so
you can look for athletes my friends
have liked political views regions
religion you know all sorts of great
places to get into arguments so the
other big announcement here today from
facebook is that Bing is fully
integrated here for web searches as well
and so while a lot of this definitely
highlights and definitely promotes
searching within Facebook it is possible
to search back outside of that ecosystem
and and dive back into being so for
example if you're searching for burritos
it will slowly retrieve suggestions and
you can look for mexican restaurants you
can look for restaurants in minneapolis
there's a burrito interest but if you
click down here on web search this will
take you to bing and it gives you search
results within facebook from bing in
case you somehow missed it the entire
verge team was out in las vegas recently
for the Consumer Electronics Show and
you know be great to be able to search
for all do all of those pictures so
again if you haven't seen it before the
natural language search is pretty good
so you can say pictures of my co-workers
in Las Vegas it'll pull up results you
can click tab and return and it opens up
and so if you dig into these you'll
actually notice that they many of these
are pretty old Zuckerberg said today
that Instagram would eventually be added
to this data but at the moment it's not
but that should help a lot as far as
availability you can sign up today to
get on the waiting list but facebook
says that it's going to be a pretty slow
rollout this is version 1 and facebook
is distinctly calling it a beta
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