Flir's thermal camera detects images based on heat — CES 2016
Flir's thermal camera detects images based on heat — CES 2016
hi this is Sam with a virg i'm hiding
behind a tree just outside the win in
las vegas and if you had this the Scout
TK by fleer you might be able to find me
because this is a portable thermal
camera which you just look something
like this and it detects images based on
heat so yeah I've just been using this
to kind of track people outside the win
and I gotta tell you it's pretty fun you
can you can look at people's footprints
on the grounds because they leave a heat
signature if somebody is hiding in
foliage you can kind of see their their
bodies glow through the trees like it
doesn't completely PSO but you can
definitely tell there's something there
moving it around and this is designed to
be useful for campus so you can spot
animals surrounding them or who can use
the night vision to kind of look for
areas to camp it's up so it's a pretty
simple device it feels very strong and
it's kind of rubberized and it's a
protected against water and drops the
controls are simple there's just a power
button here this is how you record you
can change the brightness here and this
has different color palettes for making
different things show up more reasonably
his about to focusing and you just look
through this I piece right here to see
what you want to look at so the Scout TK
is going to cost 500 9999 it'll be out
this quarter and if you like playing the
duck this is a lot of fun so stay tuned
to the verge for a lot more videos of
some things like this and subscribe to
us on YouTube
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