everyone is Brian with the verge and i'm
here at South by Southwest 2015 earlier
this morning the festival amounts of the
world premiere of furious 7 will be
happening right here at the paramount
theatre at 1207 now that's just under
nine hours but we're going to get in
line right now so we can see it first
ride or die
so I've arrived so early that there are
two movies playing before furious 7
including train wreck and and spy at
nine o'clock in fact staff is even know
where we should stand
I'm actually not going into the see this
movie no reason I'm waiting for a later
one to spy after that one
so it's 525 right now they're letting
people into a screening of train wreck
right now is going on in about you know
just a few minutes here what's going to
happen is then I'm going to go and sit
back down in line and people start
lining up for spy which goes on at nine
and they're also doing it raw because I
will stay here and then the first in
line for furious 7 at 12 07 hey Brian
what's up cold and hungry I can solve
both of those problems let me get a
pedicab let's go
yep six total and then in order chips
and guac and where we're going if that
matters Eddie oh thank god you're here
Brian needs tacos okay I just saw that
shiny's nearby so I gotta get that is
totally important all right
yeah so it's 630 now which means I've
got five and a half hours left to go to
see furious 7 and it's going to be worth
it these people behind me are in line
for spy so they're going to see that
because whatever but anyway 851 I'm the
first person in line for furious 7 i'm
also the only person in line do you
think it's going to be worth waiting in
line right hours well I would wait for
14 hours for this movie it's eating
anything one-third back center perfect
seat in the house da
other people are in line now guess who's
number one I originally planned to be
number one can they told me the line
started at nine as I was literally here
850 just waiting for good I like oh yeah
the line I was like crap that happens
but you know what six is better than
last we're here early but it's almost I
dissipated in some ways because you have
to wait for them to open up new the two
big staircases in the lobby and so you
have to wait for that and then once that
happens everyone floods up to the top
and the physical well it is about 1138
on sunday evening we are moments away
when we let into the theater to
experience serious seven we're doing it
it's happening furious 7 will premiere
so I just got out of furious 7 and maybe
it's that I was standing in line for
nine hours but I had cheered I laughed I
felt goosebumps you know it's no fast
six it's got problems but that is that
that is the central conflict of The Fast
and Furious series good and awesome
nationally the same thing I i missed an
email i had a press to get the entire
time and didn't you to wait in the line
at all
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