it's Friday May 31st 2013 I'm Leah
sigler that was a staring contest and
this is 90 seconds on the verge Google's
attempts to keep data out of the hands
of federal government have failed for
now a US district court judge threw out
Google's petition to have 19 FBI
National Security Letters dismissed or
adjusted the letters are controversial
requests to hand over data without a
search warrant while the judge didn't
buy Google's blanket argument against
the letters she did leave the door open
to allow the company to petition the
individual letters themselves HTT is
reportedly ditching plans for a
full-size Windows RT tablet bloomberg
reports that the company is shelving the
product due to development costs and
weak demand for larger tablets it is
still working on a 7-inch RT tablet
perhaps the 7-inch tablet will provide
the boost that both the company and
Windows RT need and finally a
documentary crew is getting to the
bottom of a 30 year old Atari mystery in
1983 the company produced a video game
adaptation of ET the extra-terrestrial
according to legend it bombed so badly
Atari was forced to bury truckloads of
cartridges in a New Mexico landfill fuse
industries has now received approval to
explore the alleged disposal site and
will produce a film documenting what
they find I don't know if you've been to
the Wikipedia page or not but the
backstory is pretty awesome and that's
it for today's top stories coming up
tomorrow studies show putting your
goldfish in the oven won't turn them
into crackers
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