
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

How to block spam calls

hello welcome to circle making live the Verge's gadget show where we talk about gadgets circuits breaking those how to break the circuit I am Nilay Patel this is Ashley Carmen there's Paul Miller hello we have a lot going on the show today as you know there's an Apple event today in Chicago which I think Ashley and I both claim is our hometown I'm from Chicago I just claimed it visited Chicago Jeter bone was there dancing for Zahra Lauren good was there our video right Rebecca was there we're gonna call dieter he's in Chicago with the new iPad he's threatened to unbox it live on this show so we'll see if that happens so we're talking about the iPad for a while then we're gonna play with some ridiculously expensive audio gear which as you know is my favorite shake a stronger is gonna join us where and talk about some new moment lenses came out today we have for that phone maybe we can make a hole and then Chris Walsh is gonna tell us how to block spam calls from iphone so lots going on we should just begin let's see if we can get a hold of one mr deburr bone live from Chicago awesome this delay is great I'm talking to you on an iPad pro cuz my other attempts to get Hotel Wi-Fi working in here were a fiasco hi perfect so tell us why this event today what happened oh you don't want you don't to see me actually do a real unboxing live on the air I'll tell ya make him wait for it okay so it was that Lane tech prep school which is a very very large very I don't know Ivy League look in school in Chicago and you know standard Apple event you roll in any like waiting waiting area and then you go into the auditorium and the auditorium was crazy because we were packed in real tight and Lauren who said next to me was sitting that to to high-school reporters who were there to like report for their school newspaper which was amazing and then there was a keynote which was I don't know I mean have you guys watched it yet or were you just sort of following along the live blog where's following along we had this show yeah it was pretty standard Apple fare except it was clear that they their agenda at this keynote was not launching this new iPad like they they have this new iPad they wanted to talk about it they want to tell us about it it's like the biggest news that consumers will care about but what they actually wanted to do is spend the entire time making the case that the iPad is better for education than Chromebooks without having without talking about Chromebooks unless they absolutely had to and so they just kept on coming back over and over and over again like here's a teacher and their kid made a video here's a teacher and a kid in their classroom made an audio report here's a teacher and that person made a video just non-stop back to back here all the things that the iPad can do that a Chromebook definitely cannot do and also subtle reminder you can actually set up multiple accounts on an iPad even though nobody knows how to do it and it can only happen in classrooms but we promise it's easy they didn't mention that you'd have to have like champ or some other MDM to do it but like they like they've got all this stuff that you can do that has been around for a couple of years but nobody really knows about yeah and then we left and went to the hands-on area where they were showing like a our demos and like Tim Cook walked around followed just mobbed by children who wanted to be next to Tim Cook and get selfies with him that was amazing check out her Instagram story today Lauren good got him for like five seconds on her Instagram story and and then we we rolled out so like the whole thing was an hour long the the labs we like showed us how to set up the mobile device management enterprise software where it's like empower the devices and we left yeah so let's see let's see this thing you got it okay so I have turned it on there's the box it looks like an iPad but special for you I did not take off the plastic yet I just no lastic so you get the beautiful it's so good sound right there it's really nice right and I want to compare it to the iPad pro for you but I cannot because I'm using it to talk to you but here it is and it looks like an iPad don't it yeah they didn't change the design of this thing at all from what I can tell right not a single tiny bit it's still like the single speaker on the bottom or you know speakers on the bottom there's nothing on the top still has a headphone jack there is no smart connector on the bottom which is a real point of contention in my opinion and but the main new stuff is it has a new processor and it also now supports the Apple pencil so yeah yay and then it also supports that new Logitech crayon which is the the new $50 version of the stylus that is really fascinating because it I don't have one but it doesn't use bluetooth it uses some other mysterious wireless thing so it's as accurate and it supports tilting but it doesn't support pressure and that and you can use that with any of these new iPads right there's some question about whether the gradient will work with the iPad pros I do not believe that it will but I don't know the only iPads that Logica lists are this new sixth generation iPad yeah and then again I just got to tell you it's an iPad yeah and the logitech also put out a case for this thing which you haven't seen it yes go look at it online the logitech case turns the ipad it straight up into a surface like no doubt about it it has a kickstand the keyboard folds out you can it adds a smart connector to it right it plugs in over lightning and then the case has this yeah like its own proprietary and you can click off the keyboard I played that a little bit it is just I said you don't to buy it because the thing is like I kid you not like this thick it's just gigantic it's super rugged it has it like a lightning port instead of being in the middle is like down here and then the whole flight the keyboard runs through the lightning connector and then the lightning pass through runs through the other thing it's very it's a very confusing product but great for schools I guess because like I challenge anybody just destroy an iPad when it's inside this thing yeah do guys think the stylist announcement stylist worse more important than the actual iPad announcement I wish I could say yes except that this stylus is not available for consumers to purchase it's only available to schools and what it's compatible with oh the up I mean I don't know I guess like it's it's nice that this is now that all the iPads except for the iPad Mini which still mysteriously exists in Apple Store I'll support the pencil but I mean I don't know it's just an iPad and then you know I call it cheaper but it's like cheaper relative to the other iPads but it's it's still the same essentially the same price it's 329 or you can use Paul's crazy hack to go get it for a little bit less and claim you're signed with how do you yeah I up how do you buy something with the education discount if you're like a homeschool parent or a qualifying student or faculty and I found out that yes buy something on the Apple Education store and then sometimes they'll check [Laughter] yeah so you've got an iPad pro oh this supports the pencil which is the most obvious feature of the iPad pro even though there's other stuff yeah right the iPad pro actually has a ten point five inch screen it's got four speakers got faster processor but the pencil is what most people think about would you use this yeah so here's the funny thing about that it feels silly to say I'd spend an extra $700 for this but the thing that I use them most of my iPad pro is not the pencil it's the smart connector it's a keyboard because I really even though it's like a weird fidgety thing Apple's smart Keyboard Case is really thin and really good and really accurate and it doesn't have any of that funneling with Bluetooth connections and so I loved it and so it to me like if they had put a smart connector on this thing it'd be no contest like by this don't even bother with the at pro unless you like understand how to make iPads do amazing things but it doesn't so like it's a little bit harder call you know I I have to push this a little bit more to see how much better performs in the last iPad for multitasking and stuff the last iPad was fine for that but it would occasionally like slow down and start it a little bit whereas the iPad pro I can basically do whatever I want whenever I want and it's really fast yeah like there's just there's nothing here that's like wildly interesting like I think I can do a are better because of the processor but like I can't show it on the video but the the air gap on the screen is really prevalent and noticeable it's the kind of thing that I noticed that now that I've been using an iPad pro but if you never use anything other than standard iPads you won't notice the air gap but it's definitely there we had some questions in the chat but I asked it oh great that's here let me know that's the question question Apple address at any time like the fact that a lot of school work involves writing with just think about the math of the iPad versus the crumple because you kept saying they kept coming after the Chromebook a Chromebook for education under 50 bucks it is a it has the form factor you want this is like 300 bucks plus a pencil plus a keyboard like you're suddenly just radically getting into like $500 territory mm-hmm instantly do they address any of that pricing cuz that that was the stuff I saw in Twitter is like this is great but it adds up so fast they addressed the pricing in a few different ways one that including a smart genetic connector I think came down to pricing it would have cost more money to like redo the thing to put a smart connector on it to they just kept coming back to like yeah like a Chromebook is cheaper but you know you can't do in a Chromebook you can't make a Clips video right you can't annotate a document directly you can't have a classroom full of Chromebooks and then the teachers up there with their iPad and the teacher can see in real time what every single a student is doing on their iPad and then like go creep on a student screen on their iPad in real time and be like Billy I see what you're doing let's put that on the Apple TV and then hit a button and have Billy's iPad automatically airplay to the Apple TV in the classroom you can do some really bunker stuff with a classroom software so yeah like I think the the price thing they they I don't think they fully addressed it enough I don't think they addressed like the management stuff enough but a lot of what they wanted to accomplish today was reading people on what you can do as an iPad in the classroom but like their argument for the price thing is you know what spend a little bit more and then these kids can actually make stuff with an iPad that actually matches who they are in their generation and not just typing in documents yeah which we I have one question for you it's really nerdy but Devon is in the chat asking the new iPad doesn't have promotion and the iPad pro has promotion which is 120 Hertz refresh rate so you asked well the new iPad slow refresh rate ruin the experience of using a stylus that's a little crayon I mean I haven't done a ton of writing with it but I'm gonna say this this doesn't feel ruined to me okay here we go can you see that lag there well we're on skype there's no lag okay I imagine if you know you were really really I don't know a pixel peeper as they say you might notice it or if you're doing something really pro with like a photo app and you like really needed to stay up with you it's possible but my hunch is that for the vast majority of people won't be a noticeable difference yeah alright for the next few days and see ya well thank you so much for joining us we're actually gonna run dancey fruits of it hands-on from the event so you get a better look at the hardware and we're gonna come back and we're gonna play with some very very expensive audio equipment which just makes me so happy so check out this video we are back hey this is Dan Siebert with the merge and we are here in a heist in Chicago and what we're looking at is the new iPad from Apple now this is available to both consumers and students it replaces the old nine point seven inch iPad so this has a nine point seven inch screen and there's a couple of new features with it internally it's got the Apple a 10x processor and then it has support for the Apple pencil which I'll talk about in a minute but otherwise it is basically the same iPad that we've become familiar with over the past couple of years again it's a nine point seven inch screen it has touch ID on the home button here you got sneaker on the bottom of course your lightning port front facing camera rear facing camera of course this model is an LTE equipped one so it's got the panel here and of course your Apple logo very straightforward there's nothing really new in terms of the design here it is very much an iPad but it is a little bit faster than the one that was released last year thanks to that new processor and then of course the big new thing especially for consumers and educators alike is the support for the Apple pencil this is the first time that the Apple pencil has worked with an iPad outside of the pro line so you can use the pencil of course to navigate things but one of the things that they've been showing off here is new iWork suite and one of the new ones is keynote here you can create presentations and draw and animate them with the pencil so even if you are creating a presentation and you make a drawing on there you can actually let's get to my drawing this is I apologize it's really bad but there's my plant growing up out of the soil there which I drew with the pencil just a couple of minutes ago so of course and then it'll close it works with all of the other Apple pencil supported apps so you can use it to take notes you can use it to draw you can use it with any other app that's uses the Apple pencil the pencil is not included in it however it does cost $99 extra which hasn't changed it's not Mitchell surprise it looks like an iPad it feels like an iPad it acts like an iPad it is very much very much an iPad it's nice to have the faster processor it's gonna be a little bit snappier than last year's model of course the support for the Apple pencil is great I really would have liked to have seen this our connector here a lot of the demos that Apple showed off during its presentation we're showing off things that were you were creating for classes and things like that and they require a lot of typing that logitech is making a case for this which is like a rugged keyboard case which will sell separately but it would've been great to have the smart connector because then you can use a smart keyboard which is a lot slimmer and easier to use with the iPad but otherwise you know it's an iPad that's really all there is to say about it it's going to be available at the same price as the last year's model its $329 for consumers $299 for educators to get a little bit of a discount and somebody available this week so he's free to say it's an iPad it's an iPad it's like very much there's like like gta's hands on just texted me and said I've run out of things to say it's okay we'll have more from the iPad both there's tons on the verge comm obviously Dan's videos on YouTube go check all that stuff hat if you were interested the iPad trust me over lots more time but I want to talk about something so we on the show have speakers a lot mostly because all those speakers but also because there's so much happening with smart speakers via the home pod on the show it's on us on the show we've got every variety of Alexa and Google home device what's really interesting to me is those are consumer brands and they're like accessible environment best buy they're marketed to like regular people but there's also all these crazy high-end brands that know this is happening to them like they have to address they have to compete they can't just keep making tube amps or whatever they do and they're they're doing it too so there's company name which is from UK they make a really high-end audio they have a sparkling like a patient for making things that sound good they just up and sent us some of their dear this is true they just reached out and said we're making streamers too you want to send them to you so we have two of them let's start with this cube so this is the name Muzo cube oh good cube is spelled QB just take a guess this is an all-in-one speaker I have the but don't look yes yes guess I must just think upstream what we're learning is a shame in my experience like like high-end audio gear everything looks starts at around a thousand it goes up to 20,000 or 80,000 right so but if they're probably put streaming stuff in there so I that's it's high okay on that scale this is reasonable this is one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars nice anything see here you have to Spotify light lit up on top it's a Spotify connect device it has maybe the nicest volume knob ever on the top the LED weight that's not just touch it's an actual physical physical huge physical knob it's got this huge heatsink on the back it's got an Ethernet port case you're that kind of person is got optical out you can stick a flash drive in it see the front here so that uses this app which is names app I will tell you this app is not great so they built their whole own app a whole own app okay so you can use Spotify and tell you what's going on we can just turn on like the radio you can see it switched to internet radio could change well you want some good so this is like a $1300 all-in-one streaming device that competes with so knows that competes with all the other stuff it does not have a microphone in it sounds good it sounds great it's huge it has a light on the front would you spend $30 on this no Neal I know but I mean people value high-end audio like Vlad who listens to headphones all day long would probably appreciate this yeah all right so to me this is just like one of those things where you I mean obviously a super-high-end da sees a 24-bit 96k and it's worse than all the streaming services yes it has title support it has Spotify support you can airplay to it you can chromecast to it you can it has bluetooth app tech support it has like 15 digital like nice sounds great and it's got optical how could you put like connect it to more speakers or is it really just this one is for this so this is this is $1,300 here now let's look at this other looks cool too so this is the nine unity atom you can see the front it's got a big LCD on the front you know CD is hilariously not a touchscreen it sort of tells you what's going on so I can get some music of course remember the days of course we lost it well I'm just trying to wait oh it's showing numbers what does 63 mean so we've got a USB key plugged into the back here so now I can press the source button which is incredible just like the good old days you can hit play and Spotify let's see if it does something I think this one might have lost its Wi-Fi connection well we had it under the table this is what circuit breakers all of that so yeah that's what I want but it's not screen but you can't use your just this one just this one bluetooth nothing like a blue cheese fair answer you're breaking oh look they misspelled analog they're British they can't help it you know it's not seeing this USB I think is the problem the USB key is startling ly hot anyway well we're trying to make this work what I'll say about this one $3,000 it does not contain speakers but it's an amplifier it's an amplifier so we they sent us very expensive multiple thousand dollar speak I want they didn't tell the speakers are not they don't make them so didn't tell us but they're also very expensive speakers they were very nice in the phone they said we feel that these pair the best with this because here's my let me tell you my ideal audio setup yeah is in my house right now yeah I have an echo dot and I am the aux jack from that go dot going to a nice not amazing but nice amplifier which goes to a pair of pair of monitors kind of like this but way cheaper yeah and that works and that's like a total probably like a for a $300 setup yeah I'm just wondering if we've gotten complacent with like audio quality at this point because I know when I was got into records when I was younger and my dad like decked it out bought nice speakers amplifier everything and now I'm just like oh I'll just buy a Bluetooth speaker and place music like I don't worry about a whole set up but maybe I'm missing out on an experience there I don't want the cute is way way way better sounded like a capsule speaker how big is your bluetooth speaker oh it's old and not big and then even if you have like a big speaker a lot of times you can tell especially when you like listen to the side by side like even if you a lot of people will let even if they have a nice home theater equipment they'll listen to music through it and the home theater equipment really isn't designed for music specifically I I don't know if this is a real music term or sound term but I find it it has like a slow response so like snappy or so yeah yeah it's kind of like sluggish on that but so when you have a really nice dedicated music listening me life produces knowledge of music clearly I don't know this is the most expensive NPR listening this is all I got I'll see if this works there we go this thing is fighting the Wi-Fi oh yeah what is this auto-tune to the room that's a question it does not auto-tune to the room you are meant to calibrate it your so because people buy expensive stuff on a calibrate their own things really what it is is incredibly high-end digital analog converter incredibly high-end amps incredibly high-end everything and you know if you have your own digital sources if you like have a huge flat collection do you yeah if you want to reproduce that stuff is high you know high quality as possible you buy this $3,000 thing I read some like audio file reviews of it yeah so they did a good job I really like this I think this is the only thing that I truly what's funny is people well don't leave it on 70 these little features now I think I'm with Ashley I think that history of consumer audio is that people take convenience and price like inexpensiveness every opportunity for sure so I wonder how many people are actually to buy this I wonder how many people actually have flat collections I think even streaming spotify and extreme to this like you're not sending a signal in is any good hit you but so let's say like home pod i don't want to be like all the Apple people and like I want the more expensive better thing and at home pod is this something that you might recommend is somebody or is the only audio files need apply yeah the main thing that we got about the home pod was of course you can use it with Spotify you'll just use that play for Siri but alright well if that is how you intend to live your life mm-hmm then like this is actually a competitor right it's like you can argue about the design but it has a much different design it's obviously a statement piece that Spotify connects you're not doing that weird airplay round trip and it just randomly will start playing NPR use devices for you yeah glad your cable circuit breaker today well I point is I think it's very interesting what's happening consumer side I think it's really interesting to see how the traditional companies are attacking the same problem because at the end of the day it's still just streaming music over Wi-Fi and like I don't can you think of who in your life would buy this thing I actually do feel like I know one person but that it's music just keep it simple and then I'll buy like vintage ham some things all right oh yeah I did another a little all show-within-a-show thing I realized that I had been well first off I'm scared than me I was going to lose his job to robots and so I want to keep the technical education and then also I realized that every time I like would go around the virtual office I was asking everybody for their knowledge but I should be sharing some of my own knowledge yeah so I did a thing about the command line do you ever use the command line no not the verge newsletter it's part of your computer the black screen the black screen yes right you use the command line are we talking about feet walk the newsletter gosh no I don't use the command line use the command line yes to root Android phones would you say you're scared yes hey Jake candor told me you were afraid of the command line that's true I've asked a lot of people the officers they're afraid all of them said they're not afraid at all serious so I figured you were the one that needed this little lesson look you don't know what a command line is don't even worry about it right but if you want to use the command line and you find yourself on this like blank screen should i if you're like doing programming stuff I mean it underpins so much of what all of our computers as a nerd I feel like I should I just always feel like I'm gonna break something I think that's a common fear you can break you can destroy everything everything this is the most powerful part of the computer because some people want to actually use their computers instead of how their computer to them like babies Wow yeah squiggly means you're in your home directory all right so I'm gonna PWD that stands for print working directory this is a good thing right when you get into a prompt like what am I where am i oh it's a PWD tells you where you are current working directory so if I want to go to route Racine you're supposed be careful work isn't it yeah but you can look right so now this is the route of the whole computer like these are just like like like the the URLs and why would I navigate literally anything this way visual like because cuz you're trying to get some work done and this looks more accurate but it looks and feels more hackery let me tell you you told me that there were certain things you should never take oh yeah okay so I've got this folder right I want to get rid of it it says don't delete me but I don't even care RM is removed right okay and then I'll say so that's like basically the verb or the command I'm gonna run and now what do I want to remove I want to remove don't delete now I try that says cannot remove that it's a directory okay so - are deletes things recursively so it says I want to delete that and everything that's everything inside of it no it's gone right now here's the great thing if you do RM - R then F for force then slash remember our root directory yes what is the command line do at that point you have a command line anymore it's supposed to warn you modern operating systems enough people have been bamboozled then yeah I kind of want to do it here we go Wow it is dangerous to operate recursively no preserve route to override this failsafe the other thing you should go yeah the other thing is you need to have admin privileges now my current user that I'm working on is an admin so don't always need to do this but you if you're a pseudo yeah that's in all the jokes yes pseudo means give me I'm gonna have the privileges of the root computer user the most powerful computer user when I run this command so something that a regular boring user might not be able to do mmm the root user can do everything if I want to take away one thing from this yeah what should it be okay watch out for sudo watch out for Sh watch out for RM there's a good you know SH means you're gonna run a script sudo means you're gonna do something as a root user bara means you're gonna remove something okay those are some red flags when you're copying paste from the internet as far as day to day use I do a lot of LS and a lot of PWD and a lot of oh this one took me forever to learn I want to get back a folder CD dot dot AJ this still seems more complicated than just it's great it's great thank you thank you for this lesson and these warnings we just live Street Dan command learning is a reward I haven't waived my computer single time since that video all right well Paul we're just gonna keep themselves oh yeah I have to say our previous segment the unity atom might have been the most catastrophic a lot of impure that was actually a really good demonstration of what it's like to get a die and audio yeah so I I could know everything is a little bit more broken yeah but you know who is good at making computers high-end British audio I spent weekends wiring up like even just mid-range audio segments you know what it's a blast yeah you just gotta accept that you're in for you know some frustration also I will say if you really want to get into it emotionally let's check out the forums mmm there they are both supportive and very aggressive places anyway Jake we have you have no product audio quipment yeah so I've been super interested in all the different lenses you can add on to your iPhone or other phones to improve photography or video stuff and coincidentally enough moment which is probably the company best known for these add-on lenses has some new announcements today and one thing particularly they have is really cool they have their first anamorphic lens and so you can see it is this right here it looks square and yeah it gets you this big super wide image on an iPhone you get those beautiful lens streaks that anamorphic lens they're known for so you're not familiar with anamorphic lenses this is what a lot of big blockbuster movies are shot with and so you'll probably recognize this kind of look even if you haven't heard the terminology and this is just something that isn't really available at a consumer level because anamorphic lenses are really expensive they're also kind of a pain to work with so I'm gonna go into the normal camera app to show you this this is what it looks like normally I'm sorry you can't see with new light but you look extremely squeezed right now so I'll show you Paul like you see it's squeezed and so you need to go into another app that is able to be squeezed the image so now we have this extremely cinematic version of nilai this beautiful shadow this what kind of good yeah this nice streaking light it looks really great so they just announced this today if you're like I don't necessarily know why you'd want to film something that cinematic with your phone but I guess the idea is you've already invested seven hundred to a thousand dollars in your phone why buy a DSLR yeah this lens is lots like sorta Briggs unsane just came out shot entirely on a phone yeah I this is a thing that's been happening so we covered a few years ago the film tangerine we shot entirely on an iPhone 5s they actually use an older animal for lens adapter not for a moment for another company and then you just said unsane from Steven Soderbergh just came out admittedly our film critic Tasha Robinson said it was not good to laugh but you know the takeaway is that serious big professional directors think these are valuable tools I think they're easy to use in that you don't have to you know deal with a huge camera rig and this is something that I think is shakily great for vloggers or people who are just starting out and so we kind of also want to look at the other options that were out there maybe you don't necessarily want to spend a ton or you know how exactly you can kid this out so we have a whole line of moment stuff here moments lenses are about 80 to 90 dollars each and you also need one of moments cases to get started with them because they have this eat little men lens mount that make sure you position the lens properly on top of the camera lens yeah and they're cool they just take your existing camera lens for this I looking on top of it you have these extra wide lenses you have macro lenses fish eyes you're sort of limited on image quality by how good your original camera is but you can definitely get these cool effects so here is the fish eye it looks fish ie okay sure does and it's fun what I wanted to know though was I don't necessarily want to spend a hundred dollars I'm like a giant lens so you're sure like cheapo stuff on Amazon I got these three pack of lenses for twelve dollars that was this I might have lost one of those lenses yeah so if this is 200 in one if you screw this off its a macro I gotta tell you the macro a hundred percent doesn't work yeah officially does though and you just clip this on to your phone which is yes so super casual fisheye lens yeah so the bad thing about the clip is like you can easily miss position this right right but also this was twelve dollars and this is kind of fun so if you're thinking about getting started with this stuff if you're not sure if you want to really invest hundreds of dollars I would totally recommend buying just like a total I think I also sort of dared our producer to buy this extremely goofy iPhone lens case that has six lenses on it it's called the switch six it's fantastic though so fantastic in the yeah doesn't mean that it exists most of the lenses are bad okay I would say that most of them are unusable but I love the look of it so it's really neat because you have access to eight different lenses while using it so you got the normal iPhone lens exposed and we have this beautiful little guide here that goes over and using magnets I'll show you this using magnets clicks into place one click to click it click the readout so we got two X we got 2x telephoto 120 your wide-angle 20x macro with 10x macro a two-point X telephoto and a official so here's what I know about the iPhone 10 though mmm this is a true what I don't know is its passcode yes ok so if you just open the camera app here mmm and you switch it so we'll put on one of these lenses and you switch it I'm putting my finger over the other ones right mm-hmm you can see I covered the One X lens right like half the time it worked that time this was a big issue for me when I was testing these because I did not realize that it behaved this way yeah like half the time it was faking yeah and like you can't actually tell so you have to use another app right yes so if you see I'm warming right I've got my finger over the way but they're like blinks to make it pretend like it yeah yeah and then that time it went to the real lens and then sometimes it just does yep yeah so like 9 out of 10 times it does not actually switch the telephoto lens so if you're using something like this you need to download a third-party app that is going to let you actually switch lenses yeah can I show you my favorite third-party oh yeah okay so my favorite third-party hat for the for someone I use all the time it's called a ride and it has not led it has two features that I love one is the use of the taptic engine so when you see a yellow dot yep when you when you wind it up it clicks so you feel it and then when you do it like this you rotate it it clicks again when it lines up which is cool and then it has this insane feature mm-hmm upon the take picture of you so I can see the depth map I can turn it on there's the depth map of the room it's terrifying yes that's great nightmare yeah so take a picture Paul beep and then I don't know what this is for or why this happens I don't know thank you wait a-are mm-hmm that's gonna move around okay figured it out hopefully you have enough light this work and now bizarrely okay so you guys oh it's very confusing I'm not entirely sure what it's for really really great it's great it's insane hey light is five bucks mm-hmm it's the app I use when I want to actually make sure it switches the lenses tons of manual control I think it's like if you invest in this stuff is very important to upgrade from the stock camera apps right yes none of this stuff is you're not the stock camera app is just hopelessly confused and you don't have a lot of options for setting exposure and stuff whereas you can really lock things in yeah here you know trying to make a film in need to control light and stuff so I actually took a bunch of photos with these outside to show you how moments lens is compared to the standard iPhone lens and compared to these cheapo lenses I'm gonna go over here and show you some of these because there's a really big difference between the cheap stuff and with the iPhone can do so first just to give you an example this is what comes out of the iPhones telephoto and so when you add on a telephoto lens like moment what you get is much much further you can see a really big distinction here where you go from this to like pretty pretty tight on that building so that's really nice and there's actually a pretty bright image it's not perfectly sharp but it looks relatively good and I gotta tell you it is far superior than what you would get out of this whatever the switch six I don't remember if I kept that in this slideshow or not but yeah this is this is the switch six or whatever it's called this is completely out of focus this is what I was just don't use so next up we have the fish eyes so this is the fish eye from a switch six I think that's totally fun and usable so that case was thirty-five dollars this is a really fun effect you have this been getting on the outside yeah it's cool and this is what you get from the clip-on again you know the vignette but it's nice and bright it's you know it's there it works but this is what you get from moments fish I you have the full image it's not as strong but you do have that curving so I think it's much much nicer photos yeah it's a lot more usable in a lot of ways so I think it's clear that moments lenses are superior again whether you need to spend a hundred dollars on an iPhone lenses is maybe another question but they're definitely doing more so here's another one Paul you told me liked macro lenses so I really love moments macro because it actually is a shade on it that helps you figure out exactly how far away to position the lens from the of your treasure shoot so right here we have a close-up of a notch on a tree and so I just put the lens and right up against it and you get this really cool thing and I want you to notice there's this depth right here along this thing is popping out cuz we're gonna show you the next one I want to know how will the would look if I just zoomed in on the iPhone and this is what you get it's super flat it's the there really is a big difference by going to a macro lens and just in case you're curious don't ever buy a cheap macro lens because it looks like this all I could get in focus this is terrible so yeah that that's the difference between the lenses there really is a big distinction if you want to spend a lot and one of the other things we're talking about is you can really get out your phone and build a filmmaking or a vlogging rig if you wanted to using all of these accessories so aside for the magnet of these extra lenses you can also get a mic like this this is from sure you can buy an Apple stores this is recommended by our audio engineer Andrew Marino he said it's a stereo mic it's really good for collecting you know just field recordings it would be nice of your recording somebody's guitar you can also go into the app and dial in the recording patterns that you want so you can use it for recording people's voices on interviews this would be better if it was not attached to that case unfortunately is it it's good questions is a new case oh yeah I did enjoy with this so it's another new moment promised is that was another new moment product this is their first battery case for the iPhone 10 which is gonna be helpful if you're going to be shooting all day it is a big but it has a two stage shutter button which is cool I really like the kind of speckled look on it this whole look right here is out of control not even started so you're outside your bright sunlight you need to cut down something like how about an ND filter well if we're gonna slap that on alright alright we're not done yet it's my fault I assure you this is wild like the fact that we're using this is the basis of a full camera reyga's you know we were sharing the Apple event today mmm when I go to those events like we still bring dslr's like everyone around us iPhones these kinds of microphones and moment lenses it is amazing how many other professional journalists have completely moved over to this stuff absolutely yeah it was the Vlad went to the Auto Show shot a bunch yeah beautiful cars with a pixel art we're gonna say goodbye to Jake bye Jake take your questions Chris Walsh is gonna join us and we're going to talk about blocking some calls there with a live person swap right now yeah so Massey exercise is doing me wrong this is food at some point people still go up to get a decent camera I truly believe this is true I just bought a DSLR I'm shocked a new Nikon 500 I'm shocked at how much better those photos are than my camera photos but what I'll say is the thing is huge right get a good photo out of it takes a lot of work like you have to know you can't you cannot just put that thing in Auto and go for it I also think it's like a different mode of being I remember my little brother is a really good photographer and it's just cuz he keeps on taking pictures and people are like way more casual about taking pictures with phones but when you have a digital SLR you have to kind of be an agro you have to be a person that like look I like taking photos I'm gonna take a lot of photos and it can't just be as casual as it is with the phone but if you do you you can get really good yeah really good all right and then someone says Marcus says somebody shot a movie now film that is what we're just talking about Steven Soderbergh just shot unsane completely on iPhones he was so hype about those on the 7s I believe so he was super hype erotic a lot of interviews even us we were saying this completely changed how I thought about filmmaking I can get phones and place a camera Tasha watch the movie movie the storytelling movies one thing but she kept pointing out this movie looks bad no because you can't get the dynamic range you have to light differently for phones I think it's it's interesting to see how where that goes okay Chris Welch is here those well how's it going everybody it's going so we do a circuit breaker I believe we have a voicemail yes so I am here to tell you how to prevent spam calls and robo calls and this is one that I saved on my voicemail just one that's we have just received a notification regarding your tax filing from the headquarters which will get expired in next 24 working hours and once it get expired after that you will be taken under custody by the local phones they might actually fall for it on YouTube but they do fall for it and that's the whole point of this like they have such little overhead to make thousands and millions of calls actually so the stats are there between two and three billion robo calls and spam calls in the US alone every single month and that's gotten people so upset that they've complained to the FTC over 375,000 times every month so this is a really bad crisis at this point it seems only over these last couple of years to have just gotten out of control there are some ways to kind of fight against it none are perfect by any means but to help you out quite a bit yeah you wrote a whole article yeah so we've got a how-to this is already our most read how to have all times so everybody is very interested in how to well how do you to stop annoying robo calls yes and they are rather so your first line of defense is if you buy a phone from Samsung or Google they have built-in spam protections so when somebody calls you you'll see a message just like this the whole screen turns a shade of red and it just kind of tells you makes it very clear don't pick up this is built in the same sis is built into the unlocked Samsung phone city if you buy one from a carrier this feature is turned off no it's because they partnered with a company called hire and they actually run one of the apps we're gonna talk about in a bit that's where it comes from and Google that's the same thing with a pixel as well so you can use that on any network and the phone turns red just tells you not to pick up makes it pretty easy okay and so the second line of Defense's say you've got an iPhone maybe you don't have too many spam calls coming in you want to block them one by one just go into your settings you just hit the little I button over here to the right of a phone number and hit block but that's only good for one phone number at a time and these numbers change every day till you run me through that again you just want to hit the little blue icon here go to any number and it block this caller and then those won't come through anymore that's pretty ineffective when you're talking about numbers that change every day like I get five or six daily okay and so it doesn't do you much good so the carrier's have their own ways of trying to help you out here let's see we're gonna start out AT&T has one called call protect that's free so these don't work on the back end of the network so when somebody calls you it'll just say and this is spam or spam likely or scam likely calls me five ten times a day yeah yeah so that's 18 G call protects that's free some of them charge like Sprint and Verizon charging between two and three dollars per month so they up charge you to prevent you from being annoyed and so t-mobile actually is the best one I would say because they have two products one is called spam ID and one is called spam block spam IDs turned on for everybody so if you're on t-mobile and you ever see spam likely pop up and somebody calls you that's that future working spam block is something you can actually turn on by dialing star a few numbers and then that'll actually stop some of the scamming numbers wrong by default it's on by default yeah scam IDs on by default scam block you've got to turn on yourself because you might miss some calls that he would have wanted for t-mobile you would just go to skip likely go on yeah I just missed six minutes ago so you just want to dial wait Paul put it here this is a personal device I got to make sure okay a scam likely wait what scam block is what you want is you want texting dial dial so you've got stoned six six two pound six six two oh yeah call it yeah hit dial I'm not you turn on the future way so now whenever t-mobile senses that a scam callers calling you it'll it'll stop those calls from comes insert your requests enable scam blocking is being processed please wait a few minutes for scam blocking to begin and then I could disable that again yeah so the carrier's have all their products they want to sell you one and then there are third parties so the FCC and FTC have realized they need some help and trying to like combat this issues they've brought in app developers and we have two examples here one is this company called nomogram well they actually want to contest done by the FTC we're trying to help out against Robo callers and so you install this app and you put in your phone number and once its installed these apps are a wall between you and the scammer so they've got these huge black lists of numbers that they'll block from ever reaching you in the first place but if calls do come through you'll see a message like this like we'll just set up a test Robo call and we can be just using their phone on YouTube or something else and then when the number comes up you'll see it's a scam and so you won't answer so the iPhone more recently actually did make this possible so um this is another app called Robo killer and so for the iPhone you actually go into your phone settings once you have it installed and you actually have to turn on access to these apps because they are serving as your caller ID so they're getting ready right in the way between the you and scammers but once you toggle that on you just flip a switch and that's the same kind of thing as the scam block will just stop calls from getting through so these apps they cost between three years four dollars a month yeah these are monthly fees so there's no trial is how you call robot there's a free trial you can see how well it works none of them work perfectly because more and more of these scammers they spoof numbers from your local area code so it looks like just like your number is calling you they're trying to trick you make it think you've got a family member calling or some other kind of really really evil way of getting to you something so yeah so then there are the old ways if you want to try and stop spammers and anybody else you should join the FTC's Do Not Call Registry that's somewhat effective I mean these companies who call you up with a robot voice they don't really care about the Do Not Call list so it's not for them obviously we're in a moment of privacy right now Massa gens hat says the thing about these apps is they will know all of your inbound numbers yeah so it's like you know your carrier already knows it might as well have them step in the way that a third-party app now a man named Robo killer so they ask you to contacts you can say no they say the only one your contacts so those numbers on the whitelist and there won't be blocked compared to everybody else but yeah join the Do Not Call Registry and what's right wiped out isn't supposed to be illegal like why are we in a place where there was all this fuss about this stuff robo calls me illegal yep and do not call all this stuff and it's getting worse to the point where I'm installing ridiculous apps and carriers are charging you monthly things like what happened like why is it getting worse they're just so hard to catch and it's so easy to put these people to do I mean there's no overhead to call thousands and millions of people and once one person falls for a scam and hands over money then that was all worth it so they FCC and the FTC and FCC are trying that so I'm trying to stop it but most of these people are overseas so they can't really do much to actually shut them down the FCC wants to find people two hundred million dollars which protect yourself and I'm saying to you we're way over time we got to wrap it up for this week sir gregor lives Tuesdays at four o'clock we'll be back next week thank you for dinner - calling us for Chicago from Chicago with the iPad thanks to Ashley to Jake mr. wheelchair Paul you're welcome thank you thank you to all of you for watching talking to us in the chat we love it so much we'll see you again next week sorting a lot of Tuesdays at four o'clock Eastern
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