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International Space Station tech by NASA

hey guys it's shaunell came with the birds and Lauren fresh we're here at NASA's booth at CES 2016 it's the first time that NASA has been at the conference before and they're showcasing a lot of the technologies that they use on the international space station then hopefully on Mars someday we're such big space nerd so they had to come check out everything that they have here so we're about to go take a look at it Robonaut if you're ready to give me a thumbs up that works so I'm about to see the SLS rocket fire this thing's not gonna fire for a couple years but this is NASA's next gigantic rocket that will hopefully take people to Mars and for us I think we hope maybe the moons on there but definitely hopefully to Mars I'm really close to this thing at the very bottom you don't want to be here when it takes off the coolant is firing getting the Rockets ready to go and now I'm being lifted in the air box of magical sleigh or something I've got a countdown going in my ears oh this is so cool we've only seen renders of this thing but this is the most realistic version I think anybody's really probably seen so far that's it just started building this thing so it's not actually even done yet 15 t-minus 15 all right here we go t-minus so you might understand I'm gonna leave oh god that's dizzying five four three did we run out of funding so this is Billy Allen and he built this mock-up robot the Curiosity rover so tell me a little bit about this guy so this Rover is it's sort of a traveling rover that goes with NASA and JPL to public events like elementary schools middle schools high schools it's meant to be kid friendly open for people to approach it interact with the rover look at it because when you're thinking of Rovers that are on Mars it's like you get those pictures that are back that are really cool you can't quite imagine like what is actually going on sort of the pictures so it's cool to see something in real life that can drive around this guys on remote control it's got a camera sensors that will tell what's around it we've been we've been teaching it recently to drive autonomously so I could drive around and avoid running into things so you couldn't be bothered to bring the actual Rover from the actual is like this big really big I mean he really wanted to be impressive Sen so this is a consumer electronics show so how much is this going for and when can we buy it so unfortunately I close my eyes it's almost like I'm on Mars wait I found water guys we found water so as Sean and I have demonstrated we don't necessarily meet the qualifications to be NASA astronauts but here at the CES booth we've got the next best thing picture says astronaut so for more from z es 2016 and the nasa booth head to the vers calm and go to slash berg just like subscribe so how's your day going Lauren actually I'm not psyched about I'm not psyched about this carpet though
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