John Gruber's obsession with being right - On The Verge.
John Gruber's obsession with being right - On The Verge.
the only thing I'm obsessed with is
being right all the time
and it's you do agree that in certain
cases there are there can be you know
varying degrees of right rap you're
either right or you're wrong well I mean
the battery life to you is like this is
this is how this is best advice you know
let me get back to that okay all I'm
obsessed with is being right and so the
way I look at it is I look back at like
the last nine years I've been writing on
on daring problem and most of what I've
written about Apple has been very
positive most of what I've written about
their products have been positive and
when I have conjectured as to how I
think things are going to go for the
company I for the most part I have said
I think they're going to keep succeeding
in these errors I look back at the last
nine years and I think I was almost
always right do you have have you
calculated on a percentage basis
something tells me you may have done
you've thought about it right right and
you know the time you've considered
getting out right you know some charts
and graphs on and I know the times you
know the times that I have been wrongly
kill me sure I and I and I feel the same
way in fact you and I have have had
public rather public disagreements about
stuff that I've gotten wrong when you
were kind of like you're wrong because
that's obviously it is never going to
have to tell someone that they're wrong
right you have to bet you do of delight
in telling someone I do I do it because
it also means you get to be right in
that moment exactly it's not as
impersonal it's a personal weakness that
I do take the light and pointing out
when others are wrong yeah you know what
and I look back and I did I look back on
that one the 11th hour one yeah and it
was a little it was unnecessarily mean
it we should we actually the segment's
for one quick second because I have
other similar but but a long time ago in
Ezard n gadget I had heard some stuff
about the iPad 2 from a source pretty
tested that's like 11 months well in our
in our world I hate a lot has happened
in 11 months I mean a lot is happening
11 months we're gonna get some of that
but so I said look it's gonna have I
forget what it was a high-resolution
screen and like this SD slot which
person I've spoken to was thought this
is gonna have and that person had been
dead on with other things and that you
know of any how we had a big
conversation you kind of called me out
said this is BS right this is eleventh
hour 11th hour my ass I believe was your
expression right and because I said
anything happened in the eleventh hour
but we saw each other at that event for
the ipad2 we talked and I said look
there been other times that Apple has
pulled something the last minute night
the iPod Touch camera was one of the
things that I mentioned right and you
agreed right but I actually looked at
noon I looked it up after our rehearsal
and I went back and I actually mentioned
that in that 11th hour post that yes
Apple does change things at the 11th
hour so I actually did mention right but
you still be you're still like they're
totally wrong this is not possible right
well but even though you said it clearly
was that was just a unique I'm very hurt
about you had I'm not going to let this
go you had a good source in January who
you trusted and said it was irises but I
had a golden source in Jack and so I
knew about you and you right right you
were right and I will just say though if
you think about it common sense wise if
you think about it with the iPod Touch I
mean actually we're arguing this thing
well it's just so real quick I until
you're right they hadn't had a camera on
it yet and they had one that was gonna
have a camera and then literally like at
the last possible minute they could make
such a change I still don't I've never
heard why right but for some reason they
said you know what no camera and all
they did was retool the silver back to
get rid of the camera hole and boom
there start popping off the factory line
and then when they exit guys pop it open
lo there's a little spot for where the
camera was supposed to but you would
agree that was an 11th hour check yes
but that's the sort of thing you could
do at the last minute yes is oh I think
chains the back do not have a hole in it
yeah whereas switching from iPad one
resolution pixel resolution display to
double yeah well I think I think maybe
then it's a question of what you
consider to be the 11th hour right right
because my report was way before now
else but you but you like double down on
it on January 14 I did double down
that's what did I double down I think
are you sure yeah I thought that the
January 14th report was that was before
was announced right it was like it's not
gonna happen that was the report yet
maybe is you may your 11th our post was
in response to me saying because this
did happen you were like this is BS but
I talked to the same source they said
you know what it isn't happening they're
not gonna do the screen they're not
gonna do the SDI and then you were very
upset about
well yeah because I had to be right no
because I know that the iPad 2 was never
gonna have a Retina display so let's
let's you were right about that I'll
give you that
and I've been and I've been ruling that
that prediction ever since
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