hey guys it's Joanna for The Verge and
this is obviously the Kindle Fire and
today Amazon is releasing an update for
the device and this one doesn't actually
have the update cuz I wanted to show you
the pre update experience here so one of
our biggest complaints from the start
about the fire was the fact that you
can't edit the carousel so if I wanted
to hide from someone that I was reading
this Justin Bieber book which I'd like
to hide from the world actually you
could hit this delete button but that
would delete it from the device it
wouldn't actually remove it from the
carousel the same thing with websites
here if I tap this I can only add it to
favorites I can't remove it so that's
one of the things the update is supposed
to fix the second thing the update is
supposed to fix is scrolling and you can
see here that in this pre update state
it's just a little bit choppy and not
all that smooth so I'm going to go grab
the update and we'll see what it adds
so I got the new software update here
and the first thing you'll notice and
one of the things I actually noticed at
first is that this carousel it's
actually a little bit slower now and
it's easier to stop on things especially
when you're going really fast but as we
showed before I can now stop on there we
go Justin Bieber and remove him from the
carousel so no-one knows that I was
reading that book I can also go into the
browser and get a little bit faster
browsing or scrolling speeds still a
little bit slow here on the verge but
admittedly it's a heavy site with both
text and pictures definitely am seeing
improvement here on the New York Times
faster in terms of pinching to zoom and
scrolling probably not as smooth as the
iPad I don't have one to compare it to
side-by-side it just doesn't feel like
has that same snap I am seeing though
just a better touch responsiveness as
you can see just basic taps are working
something I've had a problem with in the
past also it seems that page turns in
magazines seem a little bit faster
I should probably remove this from the
carousel too don't want anyone knowing
I'm reading this so a little bit slow
with these sort of graphic heavy pages
but I think it's a little bit better so
overall it's a pretty good update here
for the Kindle Fire it unfortunately
doesn't fix my biggest issue with the
device which is the power button on the
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