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Lenovo's experimental Moto Mods

hey it's next out with the verge and we're here at Lenovo tech world we're checking out the the new Moto Z moto mods so basically these are these attachments that you can slip right on the back of the phone and what we have here in particular actually is a moto mod Developer Kit this is a reference moto mod meaning we can design things that go right in here and they do various different things so the first one we have here is actually just a display that can go on the back of your phone it can mirror whatever's on the front of the phone on the actual phone display this whole unit just goes on to the back of the phone using magnets see that red light means it clipped in now we go on the front that animation means it's all it's all working correctly we just open up this thing here click on display via mod and just put something on the back of the phone like this thing right here turn it over and now it's mirroring right here on this display right here on the circle now there's not a lot of applications for this right now it's just kind of a proof-of-concept to show what you can do with this development kit this moto mod kind of reference design but there's tons of applications you can imagine you know putting any kind of any kind of image on the back here or having some of that you can maybe even interact with using a touchscreen or a flip up screen something like that really the the opportunities here pretty endless and that's kind of what Motorola has been going for is this this idea of customizing your phone and letting developers kind of customize it for you give you new things to try out more than just you know aesthetic backplates things like that so this next one we have here is a simple LED light moto Bob so right now this is just a prototype mod this isn't something you can go online and buy unlike these other mods here that are like a battery pack or a backplate those those you will be able to buy with the Moto Z so right now this is just kind of a cool proof of concept but down the line motorola hopes that these things will be easily available developers will make them make them available on the moto maker website and you'll be able to purchase them for yourself for more videos like this check us out on youtube at slash The Verge
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