Microsoft, Samsung's watch, and more - 90 Seconds on The Verge: Tuesday, March 19th, 2013
Microsoft, Samsung's watch, and more - 90 Seconds on The Verge: Tuesday, March 19th, 2013
it's Tuesday March 19 2013 i'm ross
miller only partially recovered from my
trip to Pleasantville this is 90 seconds
on the verge brought to my mercedes-benz
Microsoft once again is under
investigation from the US government
this time for foreign bribery according
to The Wall Street Journal both the
Justice Department and the SEC are
investigating allegations centered
around kickbacks to Chinese officials in
return for contracts microsoft says
he'll take allegations very seriously
and will cooperate fully with inquiries
it also notes the wall street journal is
itself under investigation over
allegations of bribery in china cheeky
hey who wants a samsung Smart Watch ness
watch a swatch while details are slim
Reuters reports that the Samsung device
will perform many of the same functions
as a smartphone right now the SmartWatch
to beat is from pebble which works
across both Android and iOS Samsung is
just one of many companies at least
rumored to be making wearable devices in
the near future chief among those Apple
we're sure apple's market apartments
just salivating over the ad campaign
possibilities speaking of Apple as of
today adobe CTO Kevin Lynch is now
Apple's new vice president of
technologies Lynch has worked for Adobe
since 2005 and has credited for
inspiring the company's pushed into
multiple screens he will now report to
Bob Mansfield whose division is said to
be focusing on wireless hardware or
maybe Apple Billy wants its own flash
and that's it for today's top stories
join us tomorrow for an in-depth expose
bouncy castles
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