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MindLeap: the virtual reality headset that can read your thoughts

hi I'm Maddie with the verge here at the 2015 game developers conference and I'm here with mine mazes mindly platform which is a body tracking and brain tracking VR headset system what I'm wearing right now seems like a pretty typical VR headset and it's got a kind of connect like set of sensors on the front here so I actually can't see you right now and I'm looking at some fire that's on my hand it's tracking my fingers pretty accurately actually considering that this is a difficult technology to get right the thing that's interesting about this isn't just that it's able to talk my hand it's that ideally although it's not doing it right this minute it can also tell how I'm feeling so if I'm able to calm down enough this fire is going to turn into ice so this is the sort of medical technology that you can use to control Bionic arms but they're using ultimately a version that's going to be sort of simplified so it can tell sort of basic stress levels it might be able to tell things like facial expressions or motion so right now I'm in a combination of virtual and augmented reality if I look to the right here I see some fire on my hands and I can also see whatever is going on and then I turn my head and now I'm in the void of space and instead it's tracking my fingers as some blue dots this combination of VR and air isn't unique to this but it's an interesting fairly seamless setup there's also just a headband that they have that has four sensors and it's able to track whether you're frowning or whether you're calm and so you can play a fighting game like this if you frown at somebody you'll shoot at them and if you just relax you block I'm not wearing a full neural mesh it would involve putting a lot of glue on my head and fitting some sensors down here but ultimately it's going to look a lot more like that headband it'll just have strips across here and it will be able to track some fairly simple functions so this is going to be something you'll be able to buy in stores they're actually trying to make partnerships so they can license this technology and put it into other VR headsets or other motion tracking devices but for right now it's a really interesting setup combination of a lot of technology that could be part of the future of gaming
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