Modeling the mind with the Mental Fabrication project
Modeling the mind with the Mental Fabrication project
this is Russell Brandon with the verge
and right now this machine is scanning
my brain it's part of the art project
mental fabrications basically I'm gonna
watch this video and then the signals
from my brain are going to be turned
into a 3d model that we can 3d print I'm
actually the first person to do this
they tell me it's safe so let's see what
the team shot a lot of really close-up
4k footage of these sorts of natural
phenomenon they're these metal shavings
there are hydrophobic blobs they're
burning matches and the question is
what's happening in my brain as I'm
watching this
what does the the geography of the mind
look like that's that's the question
that we're trying to answer and creating
these models through the 3d printer
using EEG machines and and head gears we
can start exploring the the landscapes
of the human mind so using the video we
can actually create these moments where
through relaxation or through
concentration or their stimulus the
brain can start pushing in and out of
this in this landscape which is pretty
much a plane creating these these
topographies when it's over you get a 3d
model that looks like this filled
through whatever was happening in your
head all that meditation concentration
whatever was in there turns into these
peaks and valleys and textures
what results is kind of like this cloth
that has been pushed up and down with
different kind of hills creating a kind
of topography or or landscape and if you
are calm then more calm than focused
then that hill will be poked up and if
you are focused more focus than calm
that Hill will be pointing down
they're doing all this with a desktop
size MakerBot the standard consumer
grade 3d printer popping says it makes
prototyping easier and faster and it
makes the final product feel more
precise less organic if you want to make
a digital rendering into a tangible
object this is the easiest way when you
look at the model you can actually see
okay and this instant I was so focused
or I was so calm in my mind or kind of
like a mixture between the two
EEG was created to monitor epileptics
and coma patients and we're still
figuring out what the readings mean for
a healthy adult brain the first wave of
EEG products were simple games like pong
controlled by raising their alpha waves
but the signal wasn't reliable enough to
really work as a proper interface
Hopkins onto something else
treating the signals interesting in
itself it's not science anymore it's art
these technologies don't have a specific
role as of yet but we can find kind of
and hack them to use as our installation
technologies to use them as generators
of form
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