Mozilla CEO resigns amid anti-gay marriage controversy: 90 Seconds on The Verge
Mozilla CEO resigns amid anti-gay marriage controversy: 90 Seconds on The Verge
firefox has encountered an unexpected
problem with its CEO I'm adrianne
jeffries and this is 90 seconds on the
verge Mozilla co-founder and CEO Brendan
Eich has resigned from the company
amidst controversy surrounding his one
thousand dollar donation to California's
infamous anti-gay marriage ballot
proposition 8 Ike has also resigned from
the board of Mozilla's non-profit
foundation Mozilla best known for its
firefox browser confirmed the move in a
statement posted to the company's blog
quote we didn't act like you'd expect
Mozilla to act we didn't move fast
enough to engage with people once the
controversy started we're sorry we must
do better Mike co-founded the Mozilla
organization in 1998 and became CTO of
the for-profit Mozilla Corporation when
it launched in 2005 he also invented the
programming language JavaScript the
pressure on Ike to resign mounted during
an extraordinarily public discussion
among Mozilla employees developers and
other members of the community last week
three of Mozilla's six board members
left the software company reportedly
over its appointment of ike who became
CEO last month the question still
remains whether these members will
return to their positions now that Ike
is out although at the time Mozilla
contended the resignations had nothing
to do with Ike being selected popular
dating site okcupid asked its users to
boycott Mozilla amid the controversy
Firefox users who visited the dating
site were directed to a message calling
out Ike for his support of prop 8 the
question now is who will step in as CEO
Mozilla says the role is being discussed
and it will have more information next
week for more on mozilla check out the
verge coming up Brendan Eich takes a
trip to Vegas and loses big at the craps
table hey it's not the worst way to
spend a thousand dollars
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