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Much ado about Google Glass' first year: 90 Seconds on The Verge

things you can do with a tax refund save it go traveling or you can buy a computer to wear on your face we're not judging i'm ross miller and this is 90 seconds on the verge for one day only on tuesday april fifteenth google will let anyone in the US purchase a glass headset for fifteen hundred dollars plus tax you can choose from one of five colors and it will include free frames or sunglass shades it's been almost one year to the day since Google starts shifting its headset to the glass explorers and it's gotten better so it's the very beginning Google glass has been touted as a way to share your view with the world as well as a way to get information without pulling at your phone google has continued to update both the software and hardware and third-party developers have been contributing various apps simply put there's just more to do with the thing now Google itself even created a few mini games though admittedly you look really silly when you play them and let's not mince words here even one year later it still feels weird to wear the thing in public while celebrities athletes and fashion models have all been seen trying out glass most early adopters have been developers and tech enthusiasts and much of the coverage about glass has been about privacy concerns and public etiquette it's enough that Google has made its own list of do's and don'ts to help explorers avoid these faux paws and that's one of the reasons why Google isn't selling glass on mass yet it's not that there are more people to pay fifteen hundred dollars it's just not comfortable to think about people around us wearing a camera eye level but Google is banking on us as a culture kind of getting used to it eventually for more on Google glass check out the verge coming up we check out Facebook's filling it's right here tweener teeth and post everything you say straight to your wall turns out I say some weird things in my sleep
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