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New iPad Pro 9.7-inch hands-on

hello everybody I'm holding in my hands what looks just like an iPad air 2 but it is in fact the new iPad pro 9.7 it has all the new internals that don't have on much larger iPad pro but in a smaller body so we have four speakers we have the a 9 X processor actually we have some technology that isn't in the new iPad pro for example the screen has got this true tone screen that will read the ambient color in the room oh and adjust the color temperature of the screen to match so that you know in a yellow room your white should look more yellow because they're reflective like paper same basic idea here the other thing that is new that the iPad pro doesn't have is this right here it's the 12 megapixel camera the same one that you'll find in iphone success or the new iPhone 5 or iPhone se excuse me and just like the 6 and 6s there's a camera buff come on guys get it together since it's an iPad pro it also supports iPad pro style accessories so on the bottom here we have the smart connector which lets you connect it up to a keyboard and thus awkward setup somehow there we go we have a full size keyboard it has a few like standard Apple shortcuts so you can command tab which is kind of neat angry you know typing on it is fine most keyboards that are designed for the iPad air or in this case the iPad pro end up being okay for some people and a huge bother for others I'm like right in the middle you could get used to it the keys are well separated it feels pretty good not too clacking so it's a decent of keyboard and then of course you can also use the Apple pencil with this device so you are able to draw and draw some other stuff I'm not a very good drawing in any case the iPad pro I guess we'll call it the iPad pro 9.7 starts at $5.99 and it's going to be available on March 31st if you want to know more about this or about anything else that happened today at Apple check us out on there down
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